BRBA_DefDr Flashcards
New employees must be certified in defensive driving within this time
90 days from date of hire
a new hire must pass Defensive Driving with a minimum passing score of
Re-certification of Defensive Driving is required in these instances
every 3 years, after a vehicle accident, or as required by your system/division.
In city driving, how far ahead would a 12 to 15 second eye lead time have you scanning?
About 1 to 1½ blocks ahead
What is the 3x5 test for brakes
You pump the brake pedal 3 times and hold it for 5 seconds
What is meant by a 45-degree eye scan?
Scanning the area in front of your vehicle from sidewalk to sidewalk
When passing or changing lanes, what 3 things should you do to check the traffic coming up behind you?
Check your rear-view mirror, do a 45-degree scan using your side-view mirrors, then do a 90-degree head check
This is the formula used for calculating reaction time
Space + Visibility = Time
The 360-degree safety space cushion around your vehicle is called
Safety perimeter
What is the rule for determining the proper following distance?
The 3 to 4 second rule
For which brake type should you use a steady firm pressure when braking hard?
ABS brakes
When stopped at an intersection, you should be able to see this part of the vehicle in front of you
Rear tires
When the weather turns the road conditions slick, the appropriate precaution is to
Slow down and avoid braking in a turn or on a curve
What is the most important rule to remember concerning right-of-way?
Never assume or demand the right-of-way; always be prepared to stop, if necessary
What is the most basic rule concerning left turns?
When stopped, keep your front wheels straight and foot on brake
what is the single most effective means to reduce fatalities and serious injuries while driving
Wearing your seatbelt
Stop and pulling over, counting to 10, and thinking about something less stressful are some things you can do to deal with this
Frustration/ anger behind the wheel
Pay day, Social functions, and romance can positively affect this while driving
Your attitude
It is best to do this with your problems before driving
leave them at home
A vehicle driven with care may project this onto others
a positive attitude
In the event that you are currently driving when a conflict/illness surfaces you should
pull over to the side of the road to eliminate being a threat to others
There are four ways you can prevent an illness, list 2
healthy diet, exercising, getting enough rest, and following the advice of a physician.
to avoid Drowsiness you should avoid consuming this at night
This can be classified as an agitated state of aggressive driving
Road rage
Trying to intimidate or “better” another driver or driving in a selfish manner are examples of this
Aggressive driving
characteristics of the most likely road rage culprit
man age 35-50 driving blue BMW
what percentage of people carry a gun in the vehicle
what percentage of road rage offenders say swearing and yelling is how they express their anger
what percentage of men experienced road rage on daily basis
what percentage of women experienced road rage on daily basis
car colors for most common road rage drivers
red ,geen, black, blue, silver
car types for most common road rage drivers
BMW, subaru, land rover, audi, vauxhall
what is the number one offense that send drivers into road rage
distracted driving
the worst day / month for road rage
a tuesday in september
the least likely day/ month for road rage
a sunday in june
the worst time of day road rage is
*5:45 PM
Name 3 of the 6 signs of aggressive driving
Blocking intersections, Lane blocking, Ignoring traffic signals, not using turn signals, Speeding, Following too closely
Personal factors, Running late for an appointment, and slow drivers are all factors that can contribute to a driver doing this
Aggressive driving or driving aggressively
before driving this is just as important as doing a vehicle inspection.
Inspection of lights and reflectors consist of these 6 items
emergency lights, driving lights, headlights, turn signals, brake lights, reflectors
a grinding or whistling sound when turning your steering wheel is a sign of this
low power steering fluid
if your vehicle’s front end is noisy over rough roads or isn’t tracking straight you may have a problem with this
Avoid having loose items in the cab for these reasons
can be a distraction, could cause a crash, may add injuries in the event of a crash
when driving, if something becomes dislodged in the cab do not attempt to do this
reach for it
6 Components of Daily Inspection
fluids, brakes, tires, general housekeeping, driving aids, steering
The one PPE you should be wearing when checking under the hood of your vehicle
safety glasses
5 Fluids that should be checked during an inspection
coolant, oil, brake fluid, windshield washer, power steering fluid
the most important item for you to service on a vehicle
Engine Oil
if there is no line on the reservoir, you should see about this many inches of coolant in the reservoir
Removing the radiator cap on a hot engine may result in this
severe burns
the vehicle must be running when checking this fluid
a transmission with no fluid dipstick, is what type of transmission
sealed transmission
brake fluid reservoir should be close to this level at all times
Tire inflation should be checked with this tool
a tire gauge.
where do you find proper inflation limits for your vehicle’s tires
vehicle’s operator handbook
ues this coin to test your tire treads
Lugs and studs should be checked for
the 3 important items to check for tires
inflation, tread depth, lugs and studs
how do you perform the 3 x 5 test for brakes
pump the brake 3 times and hold for 5 seconds
if pressure remains low when performing the brake test, this could be the reason
low brake fluid
when performing a brake test, if the pressure builds with each pump, this could be the reason
air in the brake lines
when performing a brake test, if the pedal slowly loses pressure, this could be the reason
leaking or a malfunctioning master cylinder
it is good practice to test your brakes when
every morning
a horn is not to be used as a reflection of your what
replace wiper blades this often
every 6 months
In order to properly check the operability of your steering mechanism it should be done in these 2 instances
sitting still/parked and moving
Do this to the steering wheel when performing the steering test while parked
turn the wheel from stop to stop
5 Components for a interior Inspection
Cab, Fire extinguishers, First aid kits, Mirrors, Seat belts.
For people who generally WEAR their seat belts the two most frequently cited reasons for not having a seat belt on are
I was only going a short distance, I forgot to wear it
It is Comcast policy that seat belts be worn at least this often
Whenever the vehicle is in motion
in 2006 motor vehicle crash fatalities had this ranking
most crash deaths occur within this many miles of home
most crash deaths occur at this seed
40 mph
between 2006 and 2010 seat belt have have saved this many lives
in 2010 seat belt use averaged this percentage nationally compared to 69% in 1998
When a driver was not wearing a seatbelt, this percentage of children under 4 were also unrestrained
When a driver was wearing a seatbelt, this percentage of children under 4 were properly restrained
what is the proper seat belt placement
belt over shoulder, middle of chest, away from neck
what is the proper lap belt placement
belt across your hips, below your stomach
when wearing a seatbelt, never put the belt in these two positions relative to your body
behind your back or under an arm
states with primary safety belt laws have what percent of usage compared to the 75% in states with secondary enforcement
someone in America is injured in an automobile accident this often
Every 14 seconds
Seat belts are estimated to save how many lives a year
when used properly, seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers by
when used properly, seat belts reduce risk of moderate-to-critical injury for front seat passengers by
for light truck occupants, the effectiveness of seat belts to prevent injury or death impove by how much
Adjusting both side and rear-view mirrors and ensuring they are secure to the vehicle and are clean will do this
Maximize visibility, minimize blind spots
when adjusting your side mirrors, how far should you lean your head
4 in
Describe how a properly loaded Extension ladder should be positioned on a work van
The base down, feet to the rear, hooks turned inward in the storage position
ladders should not hang more than this many feet past the bumper
2 feet
These items should be secured on the outside of a vehicle equipped with an aerial lift
drill bit compartment doors, ladders, the aerial lift
When driving in this situation, ensure your low-beams are on and brake early before an intersection
Driving at Night
perform these 3 checks before changing lanes to check for traffic coming up behind you
rear and side view mirror check, 45 degree eye scan, 90 degree head check
This refers to the distance you should search ahead of your vehicle to be able to identify hazards with enough time to react before reaching them
12 to 15 second lead time
in city driving, the 12 to 15 Second rule will allow you to see this many blocks ahead
1 to 1.5 blocks
scanning the area in front of your vehicle from sidewalk to sidewalk is called
45 degree eye scan
On a highway, the 12 to 15 Second rule will allow you to see this far ahead
a quarter to a half mile
what portion of the windshield should you look through when driving
top 1/3 of the windshield
turn your head to this angle to check before changing lanes
This scanning pattern helps you keep track of the traffic behind and coming up beside you
Front-Rear/Front-Side Eye Scan
You should check your mirrors this often
every 5–8 seconds
check your instrument panel every
5 minutes
when driving add 2 seconds to the 3-4 second rule in these cases
night time, raining, unfamiliar vehicle, and towing a vehicle
a situation that occurs when one vehicle blocks the vision of the driver
Bill boarding
a group of vehicles bunched up and traveling together.
wolf pack
These two aspects affect how well your vehicle takes corners and curves and how quickly it can stop
The size and condition of the vehicle you’re driving
two items to check to help you change lanes more safely
Mirrors and Blind spots
The size of the blind spot in front of a vehicle
Up to 8ft
The size of the blind spot behind a vehicle
Up to 50ft
Side mirrors are this shape, so they naturally minimize blind spots
Convex (fish eye)
These drivers are statistically impacted by blind spots more
shorter drivers
Always verify what you are seeing in your side mirrors by performing this action before changing lanes
90-degree head check
When you’re in the vehicle being passed, do these four things to make sure the event proceeds safely:
monitor your mirrors, pay attention, don’t squeeze driver out, communicate your intention
Make it a habit to perform this brake test before you begin your day
3 by 5 brake test.
the time when maximum braking efficiency occurs
just before the wheels lock up
the time when loss of control occurs while braking
just after the brakes lock up
for which brake type should you pump the brakes
drum brakes
for which brake type should you use a modulated squeezing motion
Disc brake
for which brake type should you use a steady firm pressure when braking
ABS brakes
Anti-lock braking system
Anti-lock braking systems are controlled by this
if the vehicle weight doubles, the braking requirements increase by the amount
if the vehicle speed doubles, the braking requirements increase by the amount
if the vehicle speed and weight double the braking requirements increase by the amount
how much farther will a vehicle travel on icy/wet roads compared to normal conditions
10 - 15 times
If you’re approaching an intersection or cross street, or if you identify a potential or actual hazard in the distance you should
Cover the brake, Stay alert and be prepared to stop
type of intersection relies on the the drivers knowledge of traffic rules etiquette.
uncontrolled intersection
removing your foot from the accelerator pedal and hovering it over the brake is known as
covering the brake
type of intersection is used to control the flow of traffic with signs or signals
Controlled intersections
The name of the maneuver where you approach an intersection with your foot covering the brake
Rolling through the intersection
a green traffic signal that has been in its current state for a period of time
A stale green light
When approaching an intersection with a stale green light, this is the decision you need to make in the event it turns yellow
Stop or Go decision
when stopped behind a vehicle at intersection you should be able to see this on the vehicle in front of you
rear tires of the vehicle in front of you touching the ground
most important rule concerning right of way
Never assume or demand the right-of-way, be prepared to stop
scanning pattern performed while approaching or stopped at an intersection
Left, Front, Right, Front, Left
If you’re in a vehicle approaching a stopped car from the left, if there is any doubt whether they can see you or not
tap lightly on your horn to get eye contact.
two basic stopping positions
normal and staggered
when at stop line at the pedestrian crosswalk you should be behind at this distance
3 to 6 feet
the minimum distance that should be between you and the car in front of you when stopped
10 - 12 feet
wait this amount of time before you begin to move at a intersection when the light turns green
3 seconds
Avoid making these types of turns at an intersection as they are deemed the unsafest
left turns
When making a left turn that doesn’t have double turning lanes, you should enter this lane after crossing the intersection
Lane closest to the center line/median
When making a left turn at a double turn intersection, you should start making your turn before this point to leave enough room for turning oncoming traffic
Before you reach the center point of the intersection
When making a right turn on a red light at an intersection, this is the first thing you should do
Make a complete stop
Always be aware of this obstacle that may be present on the right side of your vehicle when turning right at a controlled-intersection
thin glaze of ice over the pavement and may only look wet or even dry
Black ice
what is 5 adverse weather conditions
rain, snow, fog, high wind and night
in this type of skid the vehicle will want to circle in a loop
rear wheel skid
in this type of skid the vehicle will skid in the direction it was traveling
front wheel skid
in this type of skid the vehicle tends to go in a straight line
all wheel skid
This type of skid is the hardest to control
rear wheel skid
what is the most dangerous time after a rainstorm
the first 30 minutes
when approaching headlights of oncoming vehicles look in this direction to avoid visual impairment
look down and to the right side
driving in dense fog conditions you should use what headlight beam
low beam
most vehicles can float in this amount of water
2 feet
this amount standing water can cause a driver to lose control
1 in
at a high rate of speed this amount water can push a car off the road.
6 in
to dry your brakes, perform this action
put your vehicle in low gear, drive slowly and lightly apply the brakes
a good indication of road conditions is to watch and see if ice builds on this
radio antenna
the temperature at ground level can be at the freezing point even if it is doing this outside
For a rolling vehicle on a dry, flat road, traction falls to this percentage
two factors that can affect your car’s probability of skidding.
Friction and traction
is the resisting force between two surfaces sliding against each other.
is the ability of two surfaces to grip each other.
once a vehicle has deviated this much off its original path, the chances of recovering from a skid is almost zero
17 to 20 degrees
For a tractor trailer, when the angle between the vehicle and the trailer reaches this amount the chances of recovering are slim to none
15 degrees
There are three factors that can contribute to skids:
Spin out, Hydroplaning, Driver over-correction
occurs when you enter a curve too fast for the conditions and the tires don’t have enough traction to overcome the centrifugal force that is pushing the vehicle
occurs when a wedge of water builds up in front the tire, causing the tires to lose contact with the road
Even when a skid is controllable most drivers, do this that can result in second skid that is faster and more violent than the first.
Driver over-correction
a situation where one or two wheels drop off the pavement onto the shoulder
Shoulder Drift
3 factors that determine your action and recovery from a shoulder drift
drop off amount, shoulder conditions, tire size/ type
The average reaction time of an individual recovering from shoulder drift is approximately
¾ of a second.
It takes the power steering system approximately long to change the directional flow direction
½ of a second
what are the 3 Ls when driving
(left signal, left mirror, left shoulder check)
what are the 3 ways of backing a vehicle
Driver-side backing, Straight backing, Blind-side backing
what are the 3 parking situations
Angled, Straight-In, Parallel
what kind of backing should be avoided if at all possible
Blind-side backing
This is the least desirable and most dangerous way to park
Angle Parking
this is the safest and most preferred way to park
pull-through a Straight-In parking spot
Avoid parking in these types of driveways whenever possible
Private driveways
When beginning to back your vehicle up, you should do this, even if you have a backup alarm
Sound the horn
On an uphill grade, turn the wheels
away from the curb
On a downhill grade, turn the wheels
toward the curb.
If there is no curb, turn the wheels this way
away from the road.
A service vehicle must carry at least this many cones
a lift truck must carry at least this many cones
name of the distance from the cone at the front of the vehicle to the first cone furthest from the rear of the vehicle.
Taper distance
This is the name of the distance between the cones in the taper
Cone separation
the first device that is placed well ahead of the work area and first cone
Initial warning device
there are 2 scenarios where you are not required to use safety cones
at home or getting gas
Accident types can be grouped into these 3 categories
Motor vehicle collision, Employee injury, General liability
For all incidents involving fatalities, hospitalization, ambulances or vehicles being towed, Supervisors must immediately report to these 2
Divisional Safety Director and report incident to UNICALL
UNICALL number
800 864 2255
If you notice fire or smoke from under the hood of your vehicle, you should slow down, pull off the road, turn the ignition off immediately and move at least this far away from the vehicle
100 feet
If you encounter an oncoming vehicle in your lane, you should never try to do this, but instead pull as far right as safely as you can
Pull into the lane the oncoming vehicle just left
if animals appear alongside the road you should do this, which will often freeze the animal and give you more time to slow down or adjust your path
Blow the horn in short bursts
What should you not do if the other driver blames you for the incident?
admit fault
You should only discuss the details of an incident with who
The police and your Supervisor/Manager
How long is an incident investigation report maintained on file
7 years
using your cones to funnel the traffic around you is called
an unplanned event that has the potential to produce personal injury and property damage
This reduces awareness, decision-making, or performance leading to an increased risk of crashes, near-crashes, or corrective actions
Distracted Driving
At 20 MPH, the vehicle will travel this far between event and reaction
27 feet
At 55 MPH, the vehicle will travel this far between event and reaction
60 feet
This driving maneuver should only be used in an emergency situation and is used to avoid incidents on very short notice
Evasive maneuver
Drivers make about this many decisions for every mile traveled
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Federal Highway Administration