Applied Clinical Ethics: sociology Flashcards
Describe the layers in Seedhouse’s ethical grid
L1 - Will intervention create + respect autonomy, all persons equally + serve needs first
L2 - Intervention is consistent with moral duties (keep promises, tell the truth, do most positive good, minimise harm)
L3 - Is the intervention going to provide benefit for the greatest number? Who will be the benefactors (whole groups or individuals)
L4 - Is the intervention likely to be affected by external considerations, resources, the law, disputed evidence or facts and degree of certainty of the evidence on which the action is taken?
What are the two characteristics of a virtuous doctor?
- Flexible
2. Compassionate
What is the ‘golden mean’
Temperance and practical wisdom in reaching a balance
What is a ‘virtuous doctor’
A doctor that decides which opportunities of good neighbourliness to respond to on the basis of need rather than favouring specific people (e.g. race or religion)
Describe the four areas of the ‘Four Quadrants’ approach to medical ethics
- Medical Indications (Beneficence and Nonmaleficience)
- Patient Preferences (respect for autonomy)
- Quality Of Life (Beneficence + Nonmaleficience)
- Contextual Features (Loyalty and Fairness)
Define the complexity theory
The requirement to understand why we need to consider the ‘connectedness’ of the world
Define coevolution
Adaptation or changes by one organism alters other organisms. Doctors and patients coevolve
Define Connectivity and Interdependence
Behaviour of one individual may affect others or wider system
Why is being ‘far from equilibrium’ important
For survival and flourishing, learning and innovation
What is path dependance
Where positive feedback loops magnify a change and increase returns (e.g. one disagreement leading to a complete breakdown in trust)
Define the Gestalt principle of ‘self-organisation, emergence and creation of new order’
Whole is more than the sum of parts, emergent properties arise from integration of elements in the system
What is deontology in the context of a doctor’s role
- Their duty
2. What does the GMc guideline tell you