81 Flashcards
wanting to annoy, upset, or hurt another person, especially in a small way, because you feel angry towards them:
a spiteful child
That was a spiteful thing to say!
Shove it
to refuse to do or accept something. For example, you might say “Shove it” if someone asks you to do something you don’t want to do
She is a peach
she is a very pleasant, kind, and delightful person, essentially giving her a positive compliment; like saying she is “sweet” or “lovely” as a peach is associated with sweetness and positive qualities
She can’t say enough about you
someone is constantly praising you or speaking very highly of you, to the point where it seems like they could go on and on about how great you are
Don’t let him take you for granted
you should not allow a man to treat you as if your presence or efforts are not appreciated
Take you for granted
「take something or somebody for granted」は、ものや人の存在や価値を当然のこととして思い、軽視するという意味の慣用句です。
Make him see you
actively take steps to ensure that a man fully recognizes your presence, value, and qualities, often
Messing around
to waste time, act foolishly, or do something in a careless way
Vibrant culture
community or organization that is full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. It can also refer to a workplace culture that is thriving and productive.
to steal things of small value:
He was caught pilfering (sweets) from the shop.
Offensive stereotypes
harmful generalizations that are often untrue and used to discriminate against people or groups
the part of the body upon which someone sits
he fell right on his keister in front of the whole crowd
I told him to take his stupid idea and shove it up his wazoo.
a railroad car with accommodations for the train crew, typically attached to the end of the train.
You got me
You understand me” or “You’ve got it” - it essentially indicates that the person you’re speaking to grasps what you’re saying or the point you’re trying to make; it can also be used playfully to acknowledge that someone has successfully tricked or surprised you
Good call
used for saying that you think something is a good idea:
“Everyone should share information, not keep it to themselves”. “Good call”.
to tell people too much personal information about yourself:
She has a tendency to overshare on Facebook.
Rooting for you
to show support for someone who is doing something difficult:
Good luck! We’re all rooting for you.
I appreciate your sentiment
someone who controls and looks after animals, especially horses or cows on a ranch (= a large farm in North or South America):
I’m working as a horse wrangler - I’ve been riding all my life.
I’m in good hands
I can take care of myself.
in the care of a person or people who are able to take care of someone or something well. It’s a great school where you know your kids are in good hands. I’m confident the shop will be in good hands with you in charge.
Sweep me off my wheel
to make someone suddenly and completely fall in love with you, often implying a strong romantic attraction or being completely captivated by someone; essentially, to be swept away by someone’s charm or appeal.
Bite me !
used to express defiance against or contempt for someone.
“it’s just my opinion; if you don’t like it, bite me!”
You suck
rude way of telling someone that you don’t like them or that they are not good at something. It’s generally considered impolite to use this phrase
strange or silly:
The idea is exciting for those who believe in it, wackadoodle for those who don’t.
Isn’t over yet
something is still ongoing and has not reached its conclusion, implying that there is still time for things to change or develop further; essentially, it signifies that the situation is not finished yet
Ramble on
to talk for a long time in a confused or aimless way. It can also mean to write in a similar manner. For example, you might describe someone as rambling on if they are talking in a boring way that is difficult to follow
Pipe up
to suddenly start to speak or make a noise:
In the silence that followed, a lone voice piped up from the back of the room.
Winter hardy
Winter hardy means something can survive cold weather, especially extreme cold. It’s often used to describe plants and shrubs
the ability to endure difficult conditions.
“I applaud you on your hardiness”
Jagged edge
an uneven or rough edge or surface with sharp points. For example, you might describe a saw blade, a leaf, or a wound as jagged
A cavity, space, or channel in the body. Examples include hollow spaces in the bones at the front of the skull, and channels for blood and lymph. Sinuses may also be found in the heart, brain, kidney, and other organs.
Make on through
to continue moving forward or progressing through a situation, often implying overcoming obstacles or challenges to reach a destination or goal; essentially, it signifies “keep going” or “push through
breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock.
an area of hard skin, especially on the feet or hands:
He had workman’s hands which were rough and covered with calluses.
Flop out
to fail or be unsuccessful. For example, you might describe a movie or show as a flop if it was not successful
Play dumb
to pretend you don’t know something, even though you do. People might play dumb to avoid responsibility, get out of a situation, or appear less threatening
Synonyms for “play dumb” include: feign ignorance, act naive, pretend not to know, and play innocent
Red herrings
Use false clues to mislead readers into thinking one thing will happen when something else does
注意を他へそらすもの; 人を惑わすような情報 ★【由来】 キツネ狩りの猟犬に他のにおいとかぎ分けさせる訓練に燻製ニシンを用いることから
Building suspense
creating a feeling of anticipation or nervousness by withholding information or raising questions
Side piece
a person who has a sexual relationship with someone who is already in a relationship. The term is usually used to describe a woman who has an ongoing sexual relationship with a man who has a wife or girlfriend.
The term “side piece” is used to describe a physical affair, not an emotional one. The person with the side piece does not intend to form a serious relationship with them.
Synonyms for “side piece”: lover, paramour, and sancho.
Spinning top
こま ♟️
go to law; be a party to a lawsuit.
“the plaintiff is prepared to litigate”
take (a claim or a dispute) to a court of law.
“even a claim which is litigated and defended successfully involves high legal costs”
to produce a new plant using a parent plant:
Most house plants can be propagated from stem cuttings.
a light spear thrown in a competitive sport or as a weapon.槍
Hold out hope
“Hold out hope” means to continue to hope for something, even when it seems unlikely or the situation is difficult, essentially refusing to give up on the possibility of a desired outcome; it implies maintaining optimism despite challenges
There you go
expressing confirmation, triumph, or resignation.
“sometimes it is embarrassing, but there you go”
Write in
to write a letter to a newspaper, television company, or other organization, to express an opinion or ask something:
[ + to infinitive ] People have written in to complain about the show.
In your back pocket
Ready if needed, in reserve, prepared, available for use whenever it might be advantageous
Wind back in the sails
to regain momentum or motivation after experiencing a setback
Mesoclimate is the climate of a specific area, such as a neighborhood, park, or farm. It’s influenced by the local geography, including elevation, slope, and distance from water. Mesoclimate can also be referred to as topoclimate because of its topographic influence.
morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful.
“disappointment was making her sulky” 膨れっ面
Stomach sleeper
someone who sleeps on their chest and stomach, also known as the prone position. It’s one of the least popular sleeping positions.
lying flat, especially face downward.
“I was lying prone on a foam mattress”
- likely to show a particular characteristic, usually a negative one, or to be affected by something bad, such as damage or an illness :
I’ve always been prone to headaches.
~しがちな、~の[する]傾向{けいこう}[くせ]がある◇特に悪いことについて; 〔病気{びょうき}などを〕患{わずら}いやすい;
Shove off
go away.
“shove off—you’re bothering the customers”
go away
push away from the shore in a boat.
“we shoved off into the sound toward the island
Sleep tight
sleep well (said to someone when parting from them at night).
““Goodnight, then. Sleep tight””
Pull string
use your influence over important people to get something or help someone else: I may be able to pull a few strings for you if you need the document urgently
Origin: allude to manipulating a marionette
ridiculous; implausible.
“a cockamamie theory”
make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
“500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology”
to use something in a way that helps you:
exploit resources We need to make sure that we exploit our resources as fully as possible.
situation in which people eat and drink more than they need to:
They treat Christmas as just another excuse for gluttony.
wide in range or effect.
“we cannot recommend any sweeping alterations”