77 Flashcards
Blow off steam
get rid of pent-up energy or strong emotion.
“I just needed to walk to blow off steam”
Rein in
to limit or control (something or someone
(of a room or building) spacious, well lit, and well ventilated.
“the conservatory is light and airy”
Plan B
an alternative strategy.
“it’s time I put plan B into action”
Plan A
one’s original plan or strategy.
“plan A having gone horribly wrong, Ferguson used the interval to change his formation”
My vote is
My choice is
Unheard of
that was never heard of; unknown
Take shape
to start to develop a more clear or certain form:
We watched the vase begin to take shape in the potter’s hands.
Our ideas are beginning to take shape.
a type of person or thing:
new breed A new breed of film-maker has taken over Hollywood.
Carve out a niche
to establish yourself doing a job or creating something in an unusual way that only you or that only a small number of people do:
The designer has carved out a niche for herself with her whimsical, fairytale designs.
Where the wind blow me
to move without planning or thinking. for example, Jack has a house in New York, but he said he would go where the wind blows. so that means he would move to a different state, to a different country, to a different part of the world. without any preparation
charm the pants off someone
to make someone like you very much, especially when that person meets you for the first time:
“How did your sister’s boyfriend get on with your mum?” “Oh, he charmed the pants off her.”
Pants off
used for emphasis after words like charm, scare, frighten, bore, and beat. He can charm the pants off anybody. She scared the pants off us when she phoned at 3 a.m.
Pop right over to
To come somewhere, usually a person’s home or residence, for a brief or casual visit.
Hey, if you’re free this Saturday, why don’t you pop over for a visit? I’d love to show you the new truck I bought.
Subway tile
gets its name from the look of the tiles in the New York City subway system, though those early tiles were actually made of white glass. Subway tile is by definition a rectangular, thick, low-fired, glazed ceramic tile
elegantly and stylishly fashionable.
Galley kitchen
long, narrow kitchen layout characterized by having two parallel walls of kitchen cabinets.
Get me off
Slang To cause someone to feel great pleasure or gratification; satisfy someone
Carrier driven
having a strong desire to achieve your goals and take responsibility for your career development. It can also mean having a clear vision for your future and a plan to achieve it
Needs adjustment
the ability to become more familiar with a new situation:
He has so far failed to make the adjustment from school to work.
Fulfill my dream
to do something that is expected, hoped for, or promised, or to cause it to happen: 夢の実現
Put on pants
Calm down , chill out
Turn the tables
reverse one’s position relative to someone else, especially by turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage.
Have a good head on the shoulder
have good judgment and be able to make good decisions: I think she has a very good head on her shoulders. She knows the facts and she doesn’t let the pressure get to her. We’re looking for someone who is smart and has a good head on their shoulders
Cup of Joe
“a cup of joe”
2.an ordinary man.
“an ordinary man.
“he’s just a hard-working, divorced average Joe.
a portable device producing a hot flame that is directed onto a surface, typically to solder metal.
You of all people!
used to show that you are especially surprised at a particular person’s behaviour because it does not seem typical of them:
I thought that you, of all people, would believe me 「you of all people」は、「他の誰でもないあなた」や「まさかあなたとは」というような意味で、ある人物が予想外の行動や態度をとった時に、驚きや不満を込めて使う表現です
to predict the likely behaviour or description of someone such as a customer or criminal, based on what information you have about them:
Sales data can be used to profile customers’ behaviour .
Bang up job
very good or excellent: She did a bang-up job
to be the main thought in someone’s mind, causing other things to be forgotten:
Economic concerns are preoccupying the voters in this election.
Who I am speaking to?
What is your name?
Sound regit to me.
Sounds reasonable and acceptable:
He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business expense.
Have something in mind
to have a plan or intention:
Did you have anything in mind for Helen’s present?
Tour around
to travel around a place, for example on vacation, or to perform, to advertise something, etc
Tool around
To drive or jaunt about, going from place to place without any specific direction or goal
In the thick of itj
be deeply involved in
“In the thick of it” means to be deeply involved in a particular activity or situation
Exhaust the air
the fan pushing air from the room to the outside
lie, sit, or stand in a relaxed or lazy way.
“several students were lounging about reading papers”
express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.
“she had rebuked him for drinking too much”
in some churches, an official, either male or female, who is below a priest in rank and who performs some of the duties of a priest
in the Christian Church) a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
“a parish church”
You are shallow
lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious. “shallow people” “his arguments seemed shallow and tedious” superficial. concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually.
It’s on you!
is responsible for
idiom mainly US informal. used when saying who is responsible for something: If he doesn’t like it, then it’s on him to change it. “It’s too much.” “That’s on you. I offered to help but you said no.”
using or consisting of facts:
You brought this on yourself
you’re experiencing the consequences of your actions and choices
A loose tongue invites trouble
Sight unseen
without seeing something first:
I never buy anything sight unseen.
Amazingly, he bought the apartment virtually sight unseen.
an extremely offensive word for a stupid person, or a person who behaves or moves in a strange or uncontrolled way.
Have something to offer
If you have something to offer, you have a quality or ability that makes you important, attractive, or useful.
In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.
Get cranky
easily annoyed, irritable, or testy.
My sister gets cranky when she doesn’t eat.
Deliver on
Keep promise
“The prime minister has quickly delivered on his campaign pledge.”
Wait until Everybody gets here
Wait until everybody comes
Screw it
mildly vulgar, slang, idiomatic) Expression of frustration or contempt.
This mathematical problem is really difficult. Oh, screw it! I can’t be bothered.
fuck it (vulgar)
fuck this (vulgar)
Turn over his grave
If you say that a dead person would turn or roll over in his or her grave, you mean that he or she would be very angry or upset about something:
She’d turn over in her grave if she knew what he was spending his inheritance on.
to defeat someone by winning a greater number of votes:
The Democrats were outvoted, as usual.
informal I suggested that we go out for a pizza, but I was outvoted (= most people did not want to).
Give it thought
to spend some time thinking about something carefully
Forge our own path
stepping into the unknown and taking risks
Spread her wings
to become more independent and confident : to try doing new things. College gave her a chance to spread her wings.
Stab you in the back
betray someone.
“it was very competitive, with everyone stabbing everyone else in the back”
Sweep off my feet
to make someone become suddenly and completely in love with you: The first time he met her, he was completely swept off his feet.Jan
a very energetic or enterprising person.
“when we first met, he was a pistol, full of ideals and a natural leader”
Nail down
identify something precisely.
“something seems unexpected—I can’t nail it down, but it makes me uneasy”
Give and take
mutual concessions and compromises.
“there has to be give and take on both sides”
person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
“the scourge of mass unemployment”
behind the barn
something is hidden or done in secret. It can also mean that something is done in an improper or unacceptable way
blood, sweat, and tears
extremely hard work, or the greatest effort possible, in order to achieve something:
This has been a tough time. We have all put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears.
Trigger finger
a finger used in pulling the trigger of a firearm
What is done is done
something is final and can’t be changed
Full fat coke
regular Coca-Cola, which contains a lot of sugar
Sack lunch
brown-bag lunch
Crush on (hobby)
Interested in
1.a friend who supports you
a secure position from which further progress may be made.
“the company is attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market”
Palatial home
A palatial house is very large and beautiful.
Smack dab
exactly; precisely.
“here I am in Bolivia, smack dab in the heart of South America”
Screw over
cheat, swindle, or exploit someone.
“I told the company that was trying to screw me over to get lost”
坐骨神経痛(ざこつしんけいつう、Sciatica、Sciatic Neuralgia)とは、 腰から足を下っていく痛みを特徴とする病状である。
at the top of your lungs
Very loudry
She shouted his name at the top of her lungs.
Do a number on him
Do a number on him” is an American slang idiom that means to hurt, injure, or embarrass him
someone who thinks that they are more important or cleverer than they really are:
He’s always boasting. He’s such a bighead!
Kick ass
very exciting or forceful:
They play kick-ass rock and roll.
Hear back
“Hear back” is an idiom that means to receive a reply from someone. For example, you might say “I’ll wait to hear back from you
Work (my) ass off
Work your ass off is an idiom that means to work very hard, especially to achieve a goal
Easy !
Calm down
I have been in your shoes
to be in the same situation as someone else, usually a difficult one
Bounce back
to be in the same situation as someone else, usually a difficult one
Steal a march on
you get an advantage over that person by acting before they do: Our rival company managed to steal a march on us by bringing out their software ahead of ours.
Origin: The idiom “steal a march” comes from medieval warfare, where it referred to a military tactic of secretly marching at night to surprise an enemy
Get dinged
to be struck or knocked against, or to cause minor surface damage to something
Burning the apron
metaphor for reducing the appearance of an apron belly, which is a condition where the abdominal skin stretches and fat hangs over the abdomen
Turn back on
ignore (someone) by turning away.
reject or abandon.
“she turned her back on her career to devote her life to animals”
(a usually religious ceremony with) a set of fixed words and actions:
funeral/marriage/fertility rites
Hot girl summer
carefree and confident attitude, especially during the summer
carefree and confident attitude embraced by women, encouraging them to have fun, be self-assured, and prioritize their own happiness during the summer season
Calm wave
state of peace, quiet, or relaxation. They
Unduly influence
the use of excessive persuasion or authority to manipulate
It’s a while different ballgame
“A whole new ball game” is an idiom that means a situation has changed completely, or is much more difficult than before. It can also mean that you don’t
a way of doing something in which the same actions are done in the same way every time:
Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.
Recharge myself
to rest and relax for a period of time to regain energy.
Polor opposite
Totally opposite
Warm and hearty
friendly, affectionate, and full of energy. For example, you might describe a welcome as hearty if it’s warm and friendly, or a meal as hearty if it’s nourishing and abundant
Terrified heights