71 Flashcards
unpleasant to look at; ugly.
“unsightly warts”
to become ill or start behaving badly again, after making an improvement:
She managed to stop using drugs for a month, but then relapsed. 再発する
Self exclusion
the act of asking for your own name to be added to a list of people who are not allowed to go to a place where gambling (= the activity of betting money on games, etc.) happens, because this activity is harmful for you
Land-based casino
a physical casino with a licence to provide roulette, poker, baccarat, punto banco, blackjack, and gambling on gaming machines
having a good basic knowledge of arithmetic; able to understand and work with numbers.
“teachers should ensure that their pupils are literate and numerate”
Drought of something
. 2. : a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired
Take a shot of
- To attempt or try something.
I don’t know that I’ll be able to do much better, but I’ll take a shot.
strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully:
The audience was very partisan, and refused to listen to her speech.
partisan politics
Mad dash
wild and uncontrolled rush. In his mad dash to the store, he forgot his wallet
the straw that broke the camel’s back
minor or routine action that causes an unpredictably large and sudden reaction due to the cumulative effect of previous small actions
Sped up
Speed up
an internet story, title, image, etc. that is intended to attract attention and encourage people to click on a link:
Most of these stories are obviously just clickbait.
クリックベイトとは? ウェブ上の広告や記事などに、ユーザーの興味を引いて閲覧者数を増やすため、煽情的なタイトルをつけること
put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
“they deferred the decision until February”
put off
to deceive someone, often as a part of a plan: trick someone into doing something Dean tricked the old lady into giving him eight hundred dollars.
doing something again and again, usually to improve it:
iterative processes
Hope for the best
hope that something will be successful or happen in the way you want, even if it seems unlikely:
I’ve repaired it as well as I can - we’ll just have to hope for the best.
mercy, grace
merced f (Latin spelling, Hebrew spelling מירסידﬞ, plural Mercedes) mercy, grace, benevolence.
to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive: With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.
I got to turn this around
Turn the table
sudden painful tightening in a muscle, often after a lot of exercise, that limits movement:
Several runners needed treatment for cramp (US cramps) and exhaustion.
have cramp I’ve got cramp in my foot.
the process of giving birth to children.
“women of childbearing age”
Mixed-income housing
Mixed-income housing may include housing that is priced based on the dominant housing market with only a few units priced for lower-income residents,
an expression of opinion, or the right to express your opinion:
There was only one dissenting voice during the discussion.代弁者
- to influence something or make it necessary:
The party’s change of policy has been dictated by its need to win back younger voters.
2.give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority:
The UN will dictate the terms of troop withdrawal from the region.
of food or wine) having a pleasingly rich, sweet taste.
“a luscious and fragrant dessert wine”
richly verdant or opulent.
“the luscious brush strokes and warm colors of these late masterpieces”
Positioning flight
positioning flight is a flight purchased for the sole purpose of getting to another airport to start your primary trip, whether it be to lessen the cost of a trip or to just get you where your preferred airline will be flying from
an occasion when someone in authority changes the borders of an area in order to increase the number of people within that area who will vote for a particular party or person:
The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.
My bet is
used to indicate one’s confidence in a particular outcome
I don’t know what their decision will be, but my bet is that they’ll approve the project.
leave (someone) in the lurch
to leave (someone) without help or protection when it is needed
His advisers left him in the lurch when he needed them the most.
For dear life
as if or in order to escape death.
“I clung to the tree for dear life”
overgrown with vegetation
Swoop in
an occasion when a place is suddenly attacked in order to surround or catch someone:
What are you up to?
what are you doing, what have you been doing
to show a large amount of energy, activity, speed, or success:
The economy is going like gangbusters.
very successful.
“the restaurant did gangbuster business”
Purpose built rentals
developments made with the intention of renting out the individual apartments instead of selling individual condo units
Full service carrier
Running mate
in the US, a political partner chosen for a politician who is trying to get elected:
If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.
plan to deceive someone, such as telling the police there is a bomb somewhere when there is not one, or a trick:
The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax.
hoax call He’d made a hoax call claiming to be the president.
a detachable lock hanging by a pivoted hook on the object fastened.
“a padlock on the garden gate”
to stick out from or through something:突起する
A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.
protruding ears/teeth
used to refer to tasks that need to be done as a regular part of your work but are not the main purpose of your work:
The teachers’ meeting deals mostly with housekeeping issues such as lunchtime supervision duties.
of low quality; with little or no value:
trashy programmes
making you feel that something bad or evil might happen:
The ruined house had a sinister appearance.
Lie around
of an object) be left carelessly out of place.
“there were pills and potions lying around in every corner of the house”
(of a person) pass the time lazily or aimlessly.
“you all just lay around all day on your backsides, didn’t you?”
Pay one’s respect
you go to see them or speak to them. You usually do this to be polite, and not necessarily because you want to do it. [formal] Carl had asked him to visit the hospital and to pay his respects to Francis
Funny mannerism
Turn out
結局~であることが分かる、~という状態で終わる、結局[結果的 に]~になる、~の結果になる、~ということが分かる[判明する]、結局~することが分かる
prove to be the case.
“the job turned out to be beyond his rather limited abilities”
Art deco
Art Deco is a style of decoration and architecture that was common in the 1920s and 30s. It uses simple, bold designs on materials such as plastic and glass.
Cherry on top
a desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already very good.
“the cherry on top is that they’re under $22 as wellさらに良いのは。。。
information in a newspaper article, blog, etc. that tells you what happens in a television programme, which may spoil your enjoyment of it if you have not already seen it:
“Spoiler, most of SO2 will disappear.”
予め言っとくと 種明かしをすると
If people or their beliefs are uncompromising, they are fixed and do not change, especially when faced with opposition:
The city council has taken an uncompromising stand against the proposals for the new building.
dress (someone) in a particular set of clothes.
“the dolls are elaborately costumed in fancy nineteenth-century dresses”
Best yet
idiom. used to say that good things have happened but that even better things will happen in the future. Life is good now, but the best is yet to come
Another level,
Next level
to do better than average. It’s a compliment that indicates that whatever or whomever is being praised is the best yet
Roots and wings
Giving children “roots” means to make sure they have friends and family. Giving children wings means to give them freedom
Good parents give their children roots and wings. Roots to know where their home is, and wings to fly and put into practice what they have
someone who competes with other people to try to win something:
contender for Now aged 42, he is no longer considered a serious contender for the title.ライバル
Get buff
stronger and more muscular by exercising and weight lifting.
to change an opinion that you had expressed before, or do something different from what you had said you would do:
As soon as I said I thought she was wrong, she started backpedalling.
Trade off
exchange something of value, especially as part of a compromise.
“the government traded off economic advantages for political gains”
See eye to eye
If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other:
don’t see eye to eye with My sisters don’t see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.
a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.
an unpleasant or despicable person.
“he lied to me, the bastard!”
characterized by violent behavior, especially of a criminal nature.
“thuggish organized crime gangs”
Platform shoes
Platform shoes are shoes, boots, or sandals with a thick sole, usually in the range of 5–10 cm (2–4 in).
Bottom up
starting at the lowest levels or from the smallest details of an organization, system, plan, etc.:
Raised bottom
All’s well that ends well
if something has a good result or finally succeeds, previous problems are not important:
Polish the resume
going through it and eliminating any elements that may not interest a hiring manager
Talking head
someone who appears on a television news or discussion show:
exciting and slightly shocking, especially because of relating to or suggesting sex:
type of question that describes something in a difficult and confusing way and has a clever or funny answer, often asked as a game
to attract somebody’s attention
used to attract somebody’s attention, especially when they are some distance away.
Tell me about it
used to say that one understands what someone is talking about because one has had the same or a similar experience. “Something is wrong with that computer.” “Yeah, tell me about it. I can never get it to work properly
have (got) a lot of nerve
- To have a great amount of courage, resolve, or integrity.
Wow, she has a lot of nerve to stand up to the boss like that!
Go for the gold
To attempt to achieve the maximum reward or result in an endeavor
an object or mechanical device used for stirring something.
the ash (= powder) and rough, hard pieces that remain after coal has been burned
Portland cementの原料
Hard to abate industry
an industry finds it difficult to lower its greenhouse gas emissions
To that end
For that reason, with that goal
(formal, conjunctive, idiomatic) For that reason, with that goal, intending to produce that result.そのために
Out of commission
not in service; not in working order.
“my car is out of commission until a new clutch arrives”
Hail Mary
desperate attempt to score late in the game. 一か八かの神頼み的なロングパス」を意味する表現なのです
Extent of it.…nobody knows
the degree or limit of something; how great or severe something
Made my day
to cause someone’s day to be pleasant or happy. Thanks for the compliment. You’ve really made my day! It
We have two ears and one mouth
we can listen twice as much as we speak.
Made deadlines for
three times as much or as many.
“the tip was at least treble what she would normally have given”
drag on
to last for a long time, usually longer than it should or longer than people expected:
The case has dragged on for years.
Push through
get a proposed measure completed or accepted quickly.
“the government is trying to push through a package of measures to combat organized crime”
Turn on a dime
to change direction almost instantly
To turn on a dime is to change direction almost instantly. Your neighbor’s huge SUV may be powerful, but it can’t turn on a dime like your tiny Smart car
Against the clock
If you do something against the clock, you do it as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time.
Va Va boom
the quality of being exciting, vigorous, or sexually attractive.
“she’s lost none of her va-va-voom since giving birth to her daughter”
sexually attractive.
“her va-va-voom figure”
become accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions.
“it will take a few days to get acclimated to the altitude”
Feel cornered
forced into an awkward, embarrassing, or inescapable position.
Big walker
歩くのが好きな人、 よく歩く人
make or become dry through intense heat.
“a piece of grassland parched by the sun”
(of an enclosed space) cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool air.
“anyone would get pneumonia living in the drafty old house”
Cherry bomb
small round firecracker with a protruding fuse, resembling a cherry and stem.
1.period of time passing between two things happening: interval
a time lapse/a lapse of time
- temporary failure:
a lapse of concentration
Thumb war
game played by two players in which the thumbs are used to simulate fighting
of or relating to dogs:
The city’s canine population (= the number of dogs in the city) has grown dramatically over recent years.