61 Flashcards
Whittle down
to gradually reduce the size of something or the number of people in a group:
We had 80 applicants for the job, but we’ve whittled them down to six.
not friendly or willing to take part in things:
She seemed rather aloof when in fact she was just shy.
Intuitive nudge
stimulate (interest or curiosity).
“you have piqued my curiosity about the man”
Learning curve
the rate of a person’s progress in gaining experience or new skills.
“the latest software packages have a steep learning curve”
Comb through sth
to search something very carefully in order to find something:
Investigators combed through the wreckage.
Shoo out
said to animals or to people to make them go away quickly: “Shoo! Get out of here!” …
You just can’t fight demographics
popular saying in economics
method of measuring something, or the results obtained from this.
“the report provides various metrics at the class and method level”
rest (squarely) on (someone’s) shoulders
To be or become the sole responsibility of someone.
I never intended for the company’s well-being to rest on your shoulders, but you’re the only one who can take over for me while I’m ill.
With my father gone, putting food on the table for the family rests now squarely on my shoulders.
stylish, original, and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you:
The orchestra played with great panache.
panache 【名】 威勢の良さ、堂々とした様子◇不可算 〔帽子やかぶとの〕羽根飾り
Glass is half full
A person views the situation optimistically or hopefully. For example, Betty was not upset by the last-minute change, since it gave her extra time—she always sees the glass as half full.
working in the most active and difficult parts of a job or business:
The boss understands the difficulties we face here in the trenches.
He’s a salesman with 30 years of in-the-trenches experience. トレンチ 第一線. =frontline
causing strong feelings of happy excitement and elation
: causing strong feelings of happy excitement and elation : thrilling. an exhilarating experience
analyze (something) in too much detail.
“his movies have been overanalyzed”
米俗〉《バスケ》スリーポイントシュート◆単数形 trifectaは、「三つの偉業」という一般的 な意味で使われることもある。 特に、a trifecta of three pointersは「3本の(連続)スリーポイントシュート=合計9点」という意味。
an expression of grief, pity, or concern.
“alas, my funds have some limitations”
Holy cow!
surprising, shocking
mainly US informal. /ˌhəʊ.li ˈkaʊ/ us. /ˌhoʊ.li ˈkaʊ/ used to show that you think something is surprising, shocking, or impressive: Holy cow!
State of Good Repair
means a condition in which physical assets, both individually and as a system, are performing at a level at least equal to that called for in their as-built or as-modified design specification
disappointed and unhappy because of discovering the truth about something or someone that you liked or respected:
He’s become a disillusioned man.
disillusioned with All the other teachers are thoroughly disillusioned with their colleague.
the condition of living without unnecessary things and without comfort, with limited money or goods, or a practice, habit, or experience that is typical of this:
The wartime austerity of my early years prepared me for later hardships.
The austerities of life in a small rural community were not what I was used to. 名】 厳格さ、質素(な生活)、緊縮、緊縮経済[財政]◇
- used informally and often ironically to add emphasis to a statement. all his plays have such ridiculous plots – talk about good drama! 噂の
a person who officially deals with the business matters of companies who cannot pay their debts:
The company went bankrupt and was put into the hands of the receivers.
every obstacle, every wave, every problem
far from over.
there is still much more to be done or resolved before something is completed. It is often a response to a situation that is still in progress and apparently certain, but not “done and dusted” or completed.
done and dusted
to be complete and finished:
By now the deal was done and dusted.
Come undone
Come undone” is a phrase that typically means to lose control or composure, or to experience a breakdown or unraveling of a situation
Go over with
consider, examine, or check something.
“I want to go over these plans with you again”
“How has that gone over with customers?”
the general situation in which particular events happen: 物事の背景
Their love affair began against a backdrop of war.
to plan a difficult activity, often a crime, in detail and make certain that it happens successfully:
He’s believed to have masterminded the attacks. 立案者、立役者
credited with
to consider that someone has a particular quality:
She is credited with making the business a success
larger than life
If someone is larger than life, that person attracts a lot of attention because they are more exciting or interesting than most people:
Most characters in his movies are somewhat larger than life.
larger-than-life · 〔普通{ふつう}より〕大きくて目立{めだ}つ · 〔見かけが〕力強{ちからづよ}い、堂々{どうどう}とした
/ a rich, fashionable person who travels a lot.
over his head
too difficult or strange for you to understand:
go over your head I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over my head.
to go onto a ship:
We embarked at Liverpool for New York.
Opposite disembark
pay someone some money before the regular time:
[ + two objects ] Could you advance me £500 until Tuesday?
to cause great damage to something:
The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war.
What it takes to do
the skills and personality needed. She has (got) what it takes to do the job.
Serious money
a very large amount of money
talk with someone in a lively and friendly way, typically in order to impress or manipulate them.
“it’s a good time to put yourself forward, to network and to schmooze”
Balk at
to be unwilling to do something or to allow something to happen:
I balked at the prospect of spending four hours on a train with him.
The first case of its kind
first of its kind 《the ~》今までに類を見ない
something that is the original of its type or the first of a group or series of things. For example, “The novel was the first of its kind in the science fiction genre.”.
there is nobody or nothing else like them.
Make whole
To restore (someone) to a sound, healthy, or otherwise favorable condition.
Belching truck,
forceful expulsion of smoke from a vehicle’s exhaust.
Sunshine list
A sunshine list is a listing of salary, benefit and severance information
Turn up nose
to refuse to accept something because you feel that it is not good enough for you: She turned up her nose at the job because she didn’t think it had enough status
to bring animals or plants under human control in order to provide food, power, or company:
Dogs were probably the first animals to be domesticated.
Foxy aroma
complex term to describe the unique, earthy, and sweet muskiness present in most V. labrusca and derived hybrid grapes
フォクシー・フレイバーとは、ラブルスカ種(Vitis labrusca 系の交配品種)に存在する、「グレープジュース」のような甘い特徴的な香りを指して使われている用語です。
breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock.
“try propagating your own houseplants from cuttings”
spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.
“the French propagated the idea that the English were violent and gluttonous drunkard
Volatile acidity is a measure of the low molecular weight (or steam distillable) fatty acids in wine and is generally perceived as the odour of vinegar. Winemakers are usually most concerned with acetic acid, which accounts for more than 93% of steam distillable acids in wine
range of objects, ideas, or opinions:
There’s agreement across the political spectrum.
the improvement of the mind and understanding, especially by learning:
I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
Lateral thinking
way of solving a problem by thinking about it in a different and original way and not using traditional or expected methods
person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usually fervently pursued interest or activity : devotee. 熱狂的なファン、熱烈な愛好
“luxurious in lifestyle yet humble in character,” influenced by and often interchanged with the slang bougie
Fit right in
someone or something that easily becomes part of a new situation or environment. Example: The new student at school quickly fit right in and already had a group of friends after only a few days
device that is used to make light less direct or to spread heat across an area or surface
a container used for spraying a liquid (= releasing it in very small drops)
awkward; clumsy. - 不器用な;おっちょこちょいな
We’re on a roll
having great success
phrase. If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue. [informal] I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn’t see anything going wrong. See full dictionary entry for roll.
shorthand for coleslaw, a side dish or salad that always includes cabbage and sometimes other shredded vegetables. Some slaw is dressed with vinaigrette and other types have a creamy or mayonnaise-based dressing.
Vision loss
person’s eyesight is not corrected to a “normal” level
the area at the back of the eye that receives light and sends pictures of what the eye sees to the brainレティナ
tectonic plate
massive slab of solid rock made up of Earth’s lithosphere (crust and upper mantle).
tectonic 【形】 構造の、建築の 地質構造の、地殻変動の[による]
to remove dirt from something by rubbing it hard with something rough:
You’ll have to scour out those old cooking pots before you use them.スカワー
a very small living thing, especially one that causes disease, that can only be seen with a microscope
a coarse-grained metamorphic rock which consists of layers of different minerals and can be split into thin irregular plates.
rep noun (REPUTATION) abbreviated of reputation
technique for attempting to acquire sensitive data, such as bank account numbers, through a fraudulent solicitation in email or on a web site, in which the perpetrator masquerades as a legitimate business or reputable person.
Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air can pass through, especially slowly:
porous soil with good drainage
porous brick walls
drop ceiling
吊天井 dropped ceiling is a secondary ceiling, hung below the main (structural) ceiling. It may also be referred to as a drop ceiling
praised often in a way that is considered to be more than acceptable or reasonable:
His (much) vaunted new plan has been shown to have serious weaknesses.
Play on it
If you play on/upon someone’s feelings, you encourage and make unfair use of these feelings in order to give yourself an advantage:
I hate marketing strategies that play on people’s fears and prejudices.
particular way of considering something:
Her attitude lends a fresh perspective to the subject.視点価値観
Tap out
- : out of money : broke. 2. : spent, exhausted. tapped out after months on the road.
Give you a credit
人)を正しく評価してやる、(人)に掛け売りをする、(人)に信用で貸す・He won’t give you credit. : 彼はあなたを正しく評価しない[褒めたりしない]だろう。
Cultural appropriation
inappropriate or unacknowledged adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity
the action of taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission.
“the appropriation of parish funds”
a sum of money or total of assets devoted to a special purpose.
“success in obtaining appropriations for projects”
chivalrous man is polite, honest, fair, and kind towards women:
He was polite and chivalrous and never cursed in front of her.
All along
all the time; from the beginning.
walk quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet.
“Liz tiptoed out of the room”
carefully avoid discussing or dealing with (a difficult or sensitive subject).
“he admits he has never been one to tiptoe around controversial issues”
a baseball player who hits the ball very hard 強打者、スラッガー
someone, especially a young boy, who tries very hard at something
bevy 【名】 〔ヒバリやウズラなどの〕群れ、一群 〔女性などの〕集まり、一団
the most successful and powerful male
the most successful and powerful male in any group. a strong and successful man who likes to be in charge of others.5 days ago
Live on the edge
“live on the edge” is an idiomatic expression that means to engage in risky or daring activities, often seeking excitement and thrill
a narrow road or path.
Push back
disagree with or oppose an action or proposal.
“it’s important to push back and say that I’m the one who needs to manage the process
Don’t go all out!
Don’t put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing:
The team went all out for the win.
relating to owning something, or relating to or like an owner:
I just assumed he owned the place - he had a proprietary air about him.
Proprietary goods are made and sent out by a particular company whose name is on the product:
proprietary medicines
Inclement weather is unpleasant, especially with cold wind and rain.
moisten by sprinkling with water, especially in brewing.
“the grains are sparged”
whet someone’s appetite
to increase someone’s interest in and wish for something, usually by giving them a small experience of it:
I’ve read an excerpt of the book on the Web and it’s whetted my appetite.
Hard to beat
to take some considerable effort to match or surpass. His wonderful performance will be hard/tough to beat.Feb
打ち負かすのが難しい = 最高だ!
foot soldiers
crime ring
A criminal organization can also be referred to as an outfit, a gang, crime family, mafia, mob, (crime) ring, or syndicate
dented Loblaw’s profit margin
have an adverse effect on; diminish.
“this neither deterred him nor dented his enthusiasm”
to stop something from happening or someone from doing something:
Our holiday plans were thwarted by the airline pilots’ strike