65 Flashcards
Shelving system
flexible display system which can be moved and adjusted to accommodate different product dimensions.
make someone feel unpleasantly shocked or disgusted:
We were revolted by the dirt and mess in her house.
Wet behind the ears
lacking experience; immature.
“he’s a nice young fellow but a bit wet behind the ears”
The idiom wet behind the ears is a reference to a newborn baby, still wet with amniotic fluid
easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of:
She’s really squeamish and can’t stand the sight of blood.
change of direction:
do an about-face I had to do an about-face and turn right instead of left.
make an about-face The plane made an about-face and headed back to the airport.
Wrap up
to complete something successfully:
That just about wraps it up for today.
easily annoyed and complaining:
You’re very crabby today. What’s bothering you?
costing a lot of money:
It was a little spendy for a burger, but it was absolutely delicious.
Election campaigns have got bigger and spendier in recent years.
opposed to change or new ideas:
The business is rapidly losing money because of their backward-looking ideas. 旧弊な(⇔forward-looking)
the most common large tuna, which occurs worldwide in warm seas. It is probably the largest bony fish, and is very important as a food and game fish.
to remove unwanted things from the bottom of a river, lake, etc. using a boat or special device:
They have to dredge the canal regularly to keep it open.
Chow down
eat a large amount of it quickly and with enthusiasm. [mainly US, informal] Shane was chowing down on a mammoth hamburger.
Vibrant red
of color) bright and striking.
small area surrounded by a fence, especially one in which animals are kept:
a sheep/pig pen
raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected).
“their house got busted”
逮捕された 〈米話〉一文なしの、破産した【発音】bʌ́stəd
done, made, or happening only once and not repeated.
“one-off tax deductible donations to charity”
dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.
“the statistics that he quotes with monotonous regularity” 一本調子
Sped by
To pass so quickly
Stark contrast
two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious
Communal living
Communal living refers to a group of people living together in a commune
not having enough space or time:
a cramped room/house
Travel (credit card point) Hacking
strategically using credit card points or miles, or those earned with airline and hotel programs, to score discounted (or free) travel and other perks
the activity of getting into someone else’s computer system without permission in order to find out information or do something illegal:
showing or describing the total destruction and end of the world, or extremely bad future events:
apocalyptic vision apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation
apocalyptic warnings about our destruction of the environment
very large city, often the most important city in a large area or country:
Peeking out
to stick out slightly and be partly seen:
I could just see her petticoat peeking out from under her skirt.ちょっと顔を覗かせてる
Tally up
the game’s over I’ll tally up. Calculations & calculating.Jun
to match or agree with something else:
The numbers on your spreadsheet don’t tally with ours.
At stake
to be won or lost; at risk.
“people’s lives could be at stake”
Cannot be undone
not able to be saved, improved, or corrected.
“so many irredeemable mistakes have been made”
Ratchet up
increase, or make something increase, repeatedly and by small amounts.
to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness : pamper. accused the court of coddling criminals. colleges that coddle their athletes. coddler.Jun
liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.
“the political situation was becoming more volatile”
thick, yellowish liquid that forms in and comes from an infected cut or injury in the body:
a pus-filled wound
quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy:
He’s definitely lost his mojo.モジョ
a magic charm, talisman, or spell.
“someone must have their mojo working over at the record company”
type of slow, sad music, originally from the southern US, in which the singer typically sings about their difficult life or bad luck in love:
Billie Holiday was famous for singing the blues.
showing or mentioning sexual activity in a way that offends many people:
a blue joke
a blue movie/film
His humour is a bit too blue for my tastes.
feeling or showing sadness:
He’s been a bit blue since she left him.
soldier of middle rank:
Sergeant Lewis/Tom Lewis
to go directly and quickly towards someone or something:
At parties he always makes a beeline for the prettiest woman in the room.
I made a beeline for ….
friendly and pleasant:
congenial company/surroundings
sexually assault or abuse (a person, especially a child).
“he was charged with molesting and taking obscene photographs of a ten-year-old boy”
Now we are talking
I enthusiastically agree with what you have said”
indicate an improvement in a situation. It means that things have gotten better or more interesting.
perfect in appearance:
Almost every hill is crowned with a picture-perfect village.
On my terms
If you do something on your terms, you do it under conditions that you decide because you are in a position of power
a group of people who perform music together, or a collection of things intended to be used together:
a woodwind ensemble
I admired her ensemble of coat, hat, and shoes.
Done deal
something that has been done and that cannot be changed. It’s a done deal.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”.
Ignore bad behavior by pretending not to see it.
to treat others in a manner that shows you consider yourself to be better or more important than they are:
She’s angry, smart, and not about to be patronized.
to be a regular customer of a shop or restaurant, etc.:
The restaurant was patronized by many artists and writers during the 1920s.
the quality of being good and deserving praise:
an entertaining film with little artistic merit
Her ideas have merit.
to move something, especially a liquid, with great force:
The sea was churned up by heavy winds.
Invert sugar
Invert sugar is a liquid sweetener made from table sugar (sucrose) and water. It’s formed when the bonds between the sugars in sucrose are broken, resulting in a thick, sweet syrup comprised of 50% fructose and 50% glucose
having two parts that match exactly, either when one half is like an image of the other half in a mirror, or when one part can take the place of another if it is turned 90° or 180°:
Common skin moles are round and symmetrical.
an obvious difference between two or more things:
to compare two people or things in order to show the differences between them:
Sweet tooth
a strong liking for sweet foods:
I have a sweet tooth - I can’t say no to cookies.
very famous and admired or spoken about:
He became editor of the legendary Irish journal “The Bell”.
Fielding calls and emails
to answer and monitor them, usually at a time when a number of phone calls on a particular subject are expected
No different than -
Same as -
Integral part of -
very important or necessary. If you are an integral part of the team, it means that the team cannot function without you.
Accept with delight
Delight in stg, to get a lot of pleasure from something, especially something unpleasant:
Underlying philosophy
the foundation of an ideology, or the foundation of a set of beliefs.
What (Kakeibo) is all about
is all about (timing): the most important aspect of (comedy) is (timing)
“I hope y’all are doing okay”
Feeding off
to gain strength, energy, or support from (something) She fed off the crowd’s enthusiasm
Into thin air
used to refer to someone or something disappearing suddenly and completely:
disappear into thin air We couldn’t find the boy. He seemed to have disappeared into thin air.
a daring, adventurous, and sometimes reckless person, especially in business.
“a shrewd and buccaneering businessman” ブッカネア
think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.
“she began to mull over the various possibilities
made with water, yeast and - you guessed it - honey
Mead is arguably one of the oldest alcoholic beverages around, dating back thousands of years. It’s honey wine
do you understand it?
to catch someone or take something suddenly:
The thief was nabbed as he left the store.
Much less
used to introduce something as being even less likely or suitable than something else already mentioned.
“what woman would consider a date with him, much less a marriage?”
All the more
even more than before:
Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined. 逆に更に
grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.
“wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake”
If a landlord decides they need their property back from renters, a cash-for-keys agreement is one way to incentivize tenants to agree to move out. This agreement typically involves the signing of a consent form (ideally drafted by a legal professional), an N11 form, and money from the landlord to help tenants cover the costs of moving out and finding a new place to live.
peace out
a casual way to say goodbye. The phrase shares a message of leaving in a warm and non-hostile way, often paired with a “V” sign made with two fingers or an informal fist bump.
the action or practice of showing off.
“he spoiled his World Cup debut with rather too much showboating”
twiddle your thumbs
to do nothing for a period of time, usually while you are waiting for something to happen:
I arrived early for the meeting so I was twiddling my thumbs for half an hour.
used for emphasis.
“a dirty great slab of stone”
Quick and dirty
produced or done quickly and therefore not perfect:
The original solution was admittedly quick and dirty.
Fret over
consumes your thoughts. If you tell your mother to not fret about you while you’re at a sleepover camp, you’re telling her to not worry about you too much.
put something in(to) perspective
compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged:
Total investments for this year reached $53 million, and, to put this into perspective, investments this year were double those made in 2013.
No easy feat
something is very difficult to achieve
Getting the team to work together in harmony is no easy feat.
an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength.
“the new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering”
a strong underground prison cell, especially in a castle.
underground cell
the ball is in someone’s court
it is his or her responsibility to take the next action or decision in a situation. The ball’s now in your court–you have to decide what you’re going to do.
Big fat zero
Noun. big fat zero. (slang) Nothing at all.
Cut and dried
completely settled or decided.
“the championship is not as cut and dried as everyone thinks”
Straw man
an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.
What to know about ‘spaving’“GMA” looks at the trend of spending more to save more, such as buying extra items just to get free shipping and more.
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Don’t waste a great deal of time or effort in creating something that already exists.
“he spoke with the fervor of discovery, unaware that he was reinventing the wheel”
present or deal with (something) in a vague, noncommittal, or inadequate way, especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead.
“a temptation to fudge the issue and nudge grades up”
the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
“he was found guilty of forgery”
a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
“the axiom that supply equals demand”
accepted truth
general truth
a poem that has 14 lines and a particular pattern of rhyme
“My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.”
bragging rights
the opportunity to speak proudly because you have done something impressive:
Procrustean bed
A Procrustean bed is an arbitrary standard to which exact conformity is forced. In Edgar Allan Poe’s influential crime story “The Purloined Letter” (1844), the private detective Dupin uses the metaphor of a Procrustean bed to describe the Parisian police’s overly rigid method of looking for clues
Don’t make yourself Procrustean bed!
represent (something) in graphic form.
“the experiment is diagramed on page fourteen
been there, done that
used to express past experience of or familiarity with something, especially something now regarded as boring or unwelcome.
“I’ve been there, done that, got the video and the T-shirt”
inability to make a decision quickly.
“I’ve been racked with indecision over what to do next”
nothing could be further from the truth
used to say that something is absolutely not true
I know you think I don’t care, but nothing could be further from the truth.
treating all people or things as if they are the same, without considering individual differences
“a fixed Procrustean rule”