64 Flashcards
attractive in a confident, exciting, and stylish way:
a dashing young soldier
Haute cuisine
style of cooking characterised by meticulous preparation, elaborate presentation, and the use of high quality ingredients.
Cut back on
reduce the amount or quantity of something, especially expenditure.
“they’ve cut back on costs”
a period during which a couple develop a romantic relationship, especially with a view to marriage.
“he married his wife after a whirlwind courtship”
Whomp whomp
used to comment on something bad or disappointing that has happened or is happening, usually in a humorous way:
He interjected “womp womp” - which is supposed to imitate a sad trombone sound.
Stick up against
compare with another thing of a similar type:
stack up against The new model of this car just doesn’t stack up against previous models (= is not as good as previous models).
to move without stopping from one topic, song, etc., to another.
Segway, on the other hand
to put something into action, especially to make something law:
A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.
Elbow room
adequate space to move or work in.
“the car has elbow room for four adults”
feast your eyes on something/someone
to look at someone or something with great enjoyment:
We walked through the valley, feasting our eyes on the beauty all around us.
keep something to oneself
refuse to disclose or share something.
“he was determined to keep the information to himself”
the way in which a plan or idea is explained:
broad brushstrokes She described the project in very broad brushstrokes.筆捌き
get one’s hands on
find or get something.
“I haven’t gotten my hands on a copy yet”
having a very pleasant taste and making you want to eat more: These peanuts are very moreish, aren’t they?
to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit:
The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.
The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.
Grim reaper
The Grim Reaper is a fictional skeleton wearing a black robe and wielding a scythe, generally portrayed as the embodiment of death.
Slated to
to be expected to happen in the future or to be expected to be or do something in the future:
[ + to infinitive ] Jeff is slated to be the next captain of the team.
The meeting is slated for (= the chosen day is) next Thursday.
expected. scheduled. anticipated.
a utensil consisting of a wire or plastic mesh held in a frame, used for straining solids from liquids, for separating coarser from finer particles, or for reducing soft solids to a pulp.
“puree the potatoes through a sieve”
Perk it up
make something more interesting, more attractive, etc. synonym liven up.
a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring.
Carpe diem
a Latin expression meaning “seize the day”, used for saying that people should enjoy the present rather than worrying about the future:
I may as well have dessert - carpe diem, right?
the carpe diem spirit that prevails during wartime
Seize the day
to do the things one wants to do when there is the chance instead of waiting for a later time.
Hot property
“hot property” is one that many people want to buy. It is highly desirable
of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige.
“menial factory jobs”
Good catch
An error that someone caught but which would have been easy to miss. Often said as an exclamation.
Apparently, the profit margin was written as 4.78% when it should have said 4.87%. That was a good catch, Gabriella
A person who is an excellent or ideal romantic partner.
I know a guy who I think is a good catch for you. He’s kind, intelligent, and attractive.
of a substance or object) giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid.
“she dropped on to the yielding cushions”
Treasurer Trove
valuable collection : treasure. also : haul, collection
発見{はっけん}された秘宝{ひほう}. 貴重{きちょう}な発見物{はっけん ぶつ}. 〈比喩〉宝{たから}の山、宝庫{ほう
used to emphasize what is being said, or to express anger:
That is fricking delicious.
used for emphasis or to express annoyance.
“it’s fricking ridiculous”
Juice up
Spice up
If you juice up a place or event, you do something to make it more lively or exciting.
to move your hand or head in a way that tells someone to come nearer:
The customs official beckoned the woman to his counter.
“Hey you!” she called, beckoning me over with her finger.
He beckoned to me, as if he wanted to speak to me.
Push in a dream
your desire to move forward in life
the situation in which people are forced to leave the place where they normally live:
The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.
the weight of liquid that is forced out of position by an object that is floating on or in it
Anosmia is the partial or full loss of smell. Anosmia can be a temporary or permanent conditionアノスミア
Have a bearing
to have an effect or influence on something, or not have any effect or influence
Exercise has a direct bearing on how healthy you are.
Who cares !
used to stress that something is not important. He can’t carry a tune, but who cares? He’s having fun and that’s what matters.Apr
Typicity means something that can separate, characterize a detail,
characteristic. distinctiveness.
the complexity of characteristics that individualizes, particularizes the wine.
Shelf talker
piece of printed paper or an electronic screen fixed to a shelf in a store, to bring attention to goods on that shelf:
The promotional material includes a set of posters and shelf talkers.
Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.
Semantics is the study of meaning in language. It can be applied to entire texts or to single words. For example, “destination” and “last stop” technically mean the same thing, but students of semantics analyze their subtle shades of meaning.
Out of sight out of mind
you soon forget people or things that are no longer visible or present.
“he’ll be locked away for the rest of his life—out of sight, out of mind”
outhouse is a small structure, separate from a main building, which covers a toilet
Shy away from
avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about: I’ve never shied away from hard work
of hair, threads, smoke, etc.) fine; feathery.
“the sky was blue with a few wispy clouds”
Put off
cause someone to lose interest or enthusiasm.
“she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off”
the ability that some people claim to have to move objects, or to make them change shape, using the power of the mind, not physical power:テルキネシス
final proposition, condition, or demand. especially : one whose rejection will end negotiations and cause a resort to force or other direct action.
Sleep apnea
when you stop breathing while asleep or have almost no airflow. It combines the Greek
The degradation of mental faculties, intelligence, common sense, or moral character
to experience great difficulties or be completely unable to decide what to do or say next:
He lost the next page of his speech and floundered around/about for a few seconds.
Although his business was a success, his marriage was floundering.
Give me a break
stop criticizing or annoying someone, or behaving in an unpleasant way: Give her a break - she’s only a child and she didn’t mean any harm. Oh, give me a break - I’m doing my best here!
An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat: pungent
Clouds of acrid smoke issued from the building.
relating to a nerve that supplies the face, eyes, nose, mouth, and jaw:
the trigeminal nerve
Wick it up
to absorb liquid from something and remove it:
These special fabrics wick moisture from athletes’ skin to keep them comfortable.
Box ticking
the fact of doing something just because there is a rule that says that you must do it:
A lot of what the care home inspectors do is simply box ticking.
Risk assessments are an essential part of ensuring health and safety. They are not just a box-ticking exercise.
Well defined
having clearly distinguishable limits, boundaries, or features. a well-defined scar. 2. : clearly stated or described.
Up in arms
Angry, rebellious
Angry, rebellious, as in The town was up in arms over the state’s plan to allow commercial flights at the air base .
Tip toe
walk quietly and carefully with one’s heels raised and one’s weight on the balls of the feet.
“Liz tiptoed out of the room”
carefully avoid discussing or dealing with (a difficult or sensitive subject).
“he admits he has never been one to tiptoe around controversial issues”
Pace yourself
to do something at a speed that is steady and that allows you to continue without becoming too tired. If you don’t pace yourself, you’ll wear yourself out. He quickly learned he would need to pace himself so he could get all of his work done.
Navigate through
to move or progress through something in a logical sequence: We’re navigating through a maze of environmental legislation
to cover something with a light powder:
dust something with something Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar.
Juice jacking
Juice jacking is a cyberattack where a public USB charging port is used to steal data or install malware on a device. It allows hackers to get users’ passwords, credit card information, addresses, names, and other data they might store or access on their device. Attackers can also install malware to track keystrokes, show ads, or add your device to a botnet.
Leaps and bounds
with startlingly rapid progress.
“productivity improved in leaps and bounds”
Dog eat dog world
dog eat dog worldの意味や使い方 訳語 食うか食われるかの世界;弱肉強食の世界The phrase is a metaphor, referring to ruthless competition
・”Ann is pretty good, huh?” “I would say ‘pretty good’ is an understatement. She’s amazing. She’s a genius.” :
Jazz up
make something more interesting, lively, or exciting.
“jazz up an all-white kitchen with red tiles”
destined to fail or have bad luck.
“an ill-fated expedition”
rags to riches
used to describe a person’s rise from a state of extreme poverty to one of great wealth.
“it was the old rags-to-riches fantasy”
roll of the dice
a risky attempt to do or achieve something.
“the merger was their last roll of the dice, and it failed miserably”
expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry, or the wearing of them.
“behind the bling: are diamonds worth it?”
That gold chain is a little too bling for my taste.
an offensive word for a very unpleasant or stupid person
‘C words’
A foodie is a person who has an ardent or refined interest in food, and who eats food not only out of hunger but also as a hobby.
having no equal; better or greater than any other:
We have an unparalleled record of solid growth.比類なき
Salt of the earth
very good, honest, and reasonable, and not thinking you are special in any way:
They were such a lovely couple. They really were the salt of the earth.
He was the sort of person referred to as salt of the earth: very friendly and straightforward.
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount: “You are the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13)
Kindered spirits
a person who has the same opinions, feelings, and interests as you:
We recognized each other as kindred spirits as soon as we met.
kindred spirits. 気の合う者同士{もの どうし}◇共通{きょうつう}の興味{きょうみ}、価値観{かちかん}、感情{かんじょう}、考え方などを持つ
experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone:
a jarring cry/chord
jarring colours
a jarring experience
Reel off
to say a long list of things quickly and without stopping:
The old man reeled off the names of his 22 grandchildren.
belonging to a low social class:
He used to make fun of what he called her “plebeian origins”.
He retained a plebeian taste in food and drink.
tall and awkward:
a gawky teenager
deserved because of what you have done or experienced:
[ before noun ] Liz won’t be at work next week - she’s having a well-earned rest.
Ad nauseam
referring to something that has been done or repeated so often that it has become annoying or tiresome.
“the inherent risks of nuclear power have been debated ad nauseam”
Cede. (government ceded)
allow someone else to have or own something, especially unwillingly or because you are forced to do so:
Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.
the art or practice of magic.
“Merlin used his powers of wizardry for good”
a type of loan, often used by companies to raise money, that is paid back over a long period of time and at a fixed rate of interest
having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything:
I was feeling tired and lethargic.
tick down to midnight 〔時刻が〕刻々と午前零時に近づく
Nicks and scratches
small cut in a surface or an edge: The car was covered with nicks and scratches.
reject or void, especially by legal procedure.
“his conviction was quashed on appeal”
prevent from growing or developing properly.
“some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant’s growth”
an exciting action, usually in a film, that is dangerous or appears dangerous and usually needs to be done by someone skilled:
spectacular stunt It’s a typical action movie with plenty of spectacular stunts.
Crowd pleaser
person or thing with great popular appeal.
“once again, the group has produced an album which is bound to be a crowd-pleaser”
Screw up
Burn up with sth
If you burn up with an emotion, you feel that emotion so strongly that you cannot act in a reasonable way:
He was burned up with jealousy and suspicion.
not willing to spend or give much money; miserly.
“tightfisted to the point of miserliness” ケチな
of or on the right side or the right hand.
energetic or fast:
a zippy car
a zippy performance
だるい of, relating to, or characterized by laziness or lack of energy : feeling or affected by lethargy : sluggish
an indicator or predictor of something.
“college campuses are often the bellwether of change”
Perk up
become or make more cheerful, lively, or interesting.
“she’d been depressed, but she seemed to perk up last week”
money, goods, or other benefit to which one is entitled as an employee or as a shareholder of a company.
“many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks”
an advantage or benefit following from a job or situation.
“they were busy discovering the perks of town life”
to support a person or activity financially:
a joint project bankrolled by the US space agency
Bad blood
Bad blood is a feeling of ill will, anger, or hostility between people