63 Flashcards
in one’s back pocket
Ready if needed, in reserve, prepared, available for use whenever it might be advantageous
make one’s way
travel or proceed in a particular direction or to a particular place.
“I made my way to the hotel”
Bird in the hand
A benefit available now is more valuable than some possibly larger future benefit. For example, Bob thinks he might do better in a bigger firm, but his wife insists he should stay, saying a bird in the hand.
In the palm of ones hands
control over
phrase. If you have someone or something in the palm of your hand, you have control over them. Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand
scraped by
to manage to live when you do not have enough money and other necessary things: He lost his job, so the family had to scrape by on one small salary.
cut through something
you quickly understand it or deal with it so that it does not cause problems for you:
She always manages to cut through the complex theory and get at the facts.
Moral compass
a natural feeling that makes people know what is right and wrong and how they should behave: 分別
Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral compass.
to get much more attention than something or someone, or to take control of a situation instead of someone else, because of being very strong, powerful, or important:
Digital effects have bigfooted the world of movies.
Venture off
To venture off means to leave the established area, road or track and to go adventuring into little known or unknown territory
the lower or bottom side of something:
Mites feed on the underside of leaves.
Not down with
you don’t want to do something or you don’t agree with something. It can have a negative feeling or a disapproving feeling. I want to go walk in the part tonight. I’m not down with that.
Press charges
to complain officially about someone in a law court:
press charges against The family have decided not to press charges against him.
abbreviation for laughing my ass off: used, for example on social media and in text messages, when you think something is funny or you intend it as a joke:
I look even worse than you do lmao.
LMAO at all the comments.
I was LMAO reading about that poor man’s fingers.
lmao」とは、laughing my ass offの省略形で直訳すると尻が取れそうなほど笑うとなるが意訳すると「大爆笑」や「腹の底から笑う」を表すスラング
Pmd you
Private messages you
Put me down
move or swing back and forth at a regular speed.
“a pendulum oscillates about its lowest point”
swing from side to side
unwilling to talk or be sociable; sulky; morose
stupid and without considering how other people might feel:
a crass remark
crass behaviour/ignorance
a crass error of judgment
He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes.
not needing or without oxygen:
Some bacteria can only live in anaerobic conditions.
having a very harmful effect or influence:
The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.
An acquired taste
something that you dislike at first, but that you start to like after you have tried it a few times:
Olives are an acquired taste.
I’m not warmed
Not yet warmed up
wear your heart on your sleeve
openly show your feelings or emotions rather than keeping them hidden.
the less important part of a group or activity:
Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed forces.
the outer edge of an area:
Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site.
Come down to sth
that is the thing that influences it most:
it all comes down to What it all comes down to is your incredible insecurity.
placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
“she’s very persnickety about her food”
To make several quick explosive sounds:
The car sputtered once or twice and then stopped.
Witnesses reported hearing engines sputtering before the plane crashed.
to say something in a series of quick explosive sounds, especially when you are shocked or angry:
“This is New York!” sputters an exasperated Ray.
Granny smith
an apple with a green skin, hard flesh, and a sharp taste, that can be eaten uncooked or cooked:
She took a bite of her Granny Smith and munched thoughtfully.
Granny Smiths are my favourite apple.
Turnaround time
the amount of time it takes to complete a process. One of the most common phrases used for turnaround time is downtime. An easy way to think of turnaround time is the time from the moment a request is made or a process is started to the time when the request is fulfilled or the process is complete.
Early bird
a person who gets up or arrives early, or who does something before other people do :
She isn’t an early bird by nature, but she’s been up before dawn every day for the past month.
Spot on
exactly correct or accurate. [British, informal] Schools were told their exam information had to be spot-on and accurate. Synonyms: accurate
a ball-like mixture of food and saliva that forms in the mouth during the process of chewing (which is largely an adaptation for plant-eating mammals).[1] It has the same color as the food being eaten, and the saliva gives it an alkaline pH.
2 (特にかみこなされた食物の)やわらかな丸いかたまり
a native Acadia
a native or inhabitant of Acadia.
a French-speaking descendant of the early French settlers in Acadia.
a group, area, or mass of something that is separate and different from what surrounds it:
Among the staff there are some pockets of resistance to the planned changes (= some small groups of them are opposed).
The pilot said that we were going to encounter a pocket of turbulence (= an area of violently moving air).
Lambswool duster
attracts dust without needing to use any chemicals. Perfect for an eco-friendly home, the
Electrostatic cloth
ESD clothing is specifically designed to prevent static charges passing from a person, or their clothing, into the surrounding environment
a scraping implement with a rubber-edged blade set on a handle, typically used for cleaning windows.
“Window scrubber and sqeegee”
My days are numbered
used to say that someone or something will die, fail, or end soon. The doctors have told me that my days are numbered.
owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service.
“I don’t like to be beholden to anybody”
the act of selling something, especially a business or part of a business, or of no longer investing money in something:
The corporation announced plans to consider the divestiture of non-core businesses and reduce corporate staff.
Heavy hitter
an important or powerful person.
“its membership includes many heavy hitters in the insurance industry”
making you remember a particular person, event, or thing:
That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.
Glide over
move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly. swans gliding over the lake.
fall by the wayside
fail to persist in an endeavor or undertaking.
“many readers will fall by the wayside as the terminology becomes more complicated”
If someone falls by the wayside, they fail to finish an activity, and if something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it, making it, or using it:
So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?
Geek out of
to behave in a very enthusiastic way about something that you are interested in and know a lot about but that other people might find boring: Dougie and I were geeking out over recording software. Excited, interested and enthusiastic
Weight it out
measure a certain weight of it in order to make sure that you have the correct amount. I agreed to help him weigh it out
sequestered place is peaceful because it is far away from people:
I found a sequestered spot in the park and lay down with my book.
Fast and furious
used to describe something that is full of speed and excitement:
It’s not a relaxing movie - it’s pretty fast and furious.
The insects were coming for us fast and furious.
FOMO(フォーモ)」とは「Fear of Missing Out」の略語で、「見逃したり取り残されたりすることへの不安
abbreviation for “fear of missing out”: a worried feeling that you may miss exciting events that other people are going to, especially caused by things you see on social media: Don’t get FOMO.6 days ago
small, thin line of cloud/smoke/steam:
A blue wisp of cigarette smoke curled in the air.
used to emphasize a cost that is so high as to prevent something being done or bought.
“most of the products are priced prohibitively”
下品な、卑劣な、卑しいresembling or suggestive of earth or soil.
“an earthy smell”
rigid casing that encloses and protects a piece of moving or delicate equipment.
covering 機械装置などを包み、保護する箱形
extremely small; tiny.
“a minuscule fragment of DNA”
suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
“I was distressed at the news of his death”
Boos and jeers
a way of laughing and shouting insults at someone to show a lack of respect: The news that the performance was being cancelled was greeted by boos and jeers from the audience. More examples.Ap
refuse to accept a helpful suggestion or offer from someone, often by answering in an unfriendly way:
She rebuffed all suggestions that she should resign.
Three-ring circus
a circus that has three separate areas where performances occur at the same time
US, informal : a place with a lot of busy and confusing activity
Hung the moon
extremely wonderful, or amazing, or good.
unusual objects, often ones that have come from a far country:
Collectors of 18th-century exotica are our main customers.
Assiduously (to limit media access)
with great care and perseverance.
“leaders worked assiduously to hammer out an action plan”
a group of people who have a lot of contact with each other but limited contact with people outside the group, for example as a way to avoid spreading disease:
The plan was based on the principle of keeping school classes apart in separate bubbles. バブル◆《1》泡の内部のように、外部と遮断された状態・区域・領域。《2》外部で起こっていることに気付いていない、あるいは、外部から影響を受けない状態(にある人々の集団)。
DOMO means “very”. It’s especially helpful when stressing appreciation or making an apology. When you buy something at a store, store clerk would say “DOMO ARIGATOU”, meaning thank you “very much
to faint; lose consciousness
to faint; lose consciousness. to enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy: The teenagers swooned at the sight of the singing star.
to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something:
exonerate someone from something The report exonerated the crew from all responsibili
clear exculpate formal
not the sharpest knife in the drawer
lacking intelligence; stupid.
“she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she isn’t dishonest”
Hoo boy
used to express excitement, worry, disappointment, etc. or to emphasize something:
“Hoo boy,” he said, taking it all in. “This is a different world.”
Hoo boy, this could be awkward.
in a stupid way:
Dim-wittedly, they insist that she was shot by mistake.
He’s accompanied by his increasingly annoying but dimwittedly loyal friend.
a person whose behaviour is strange and different from that of most people
crazy informalnutter UK informal
Girls night out
an evening spent outside of the home by a group of women
something that is a result of events in the past:
the bitter legacy of a civil war 受け継いだもの,遺物.
Weigh out
measure an amount of something:
Will you weigh out two kilograms of flour for me please?
Graphic tees
t-shirts containing images. The images typically found on a graphic tee range from company logos and bands to licensed characters and random art.
Head to head
conversation, confrontation, or contest between two parties.
“yet another head-to-head about the threatened railroad”
to give a judgment about what is likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation:
He is in a good position to prognosticate on the future of commerce.
to think carefully and for a long period about something:
She ruminated for weeks about whether to tell him or not.
of particular types of animal) to bring up food from the stomach and chew it again反芻する
sound made to get someone’s attention, especially without other people noticing:
Psst, what’s the time?
grossly offensive to the senses; disgustingly loathsome; noisome: a foul smell. containing or characterized by offensive or noisome matter: foul air; foul stagnant water.
put something in a place where it is unlikely to be found:
He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroin secreted in his clothing.
Semitic languages are a group of languages that include Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic:
Aramaic is one of the oldest languages in the Semitic group.
This mixing of a Semitic and an Altaic language has greatly increased the problem for the researcher.
rough around the edge
In need of refinement; unsophisticated. While rough around the edges, the church is really a wonderful place to be.
Just the thought
what you have just said is only a suggestion and you have not thought about it very much It was just a thought, Duncan. I didn’t mean any offence.
excessively sweet, rich, or sentimental, especially to a disgusting or sickening degree.
“a romantic, rather cloying story”
This is a wonderful wine - honeyed and rich without being remotely cloying.
The room was filled with the cloying scent of lilies.
Couldn’t be more different
An ironic phrase meaning how something is completely different to another entity.
offer a deceptively or unrealistically low estimate, bid, etc. to.
“are you being lowballed by someone who hopes to make money on extras later?”
to become gradually narrower at one end, or to make something do this:
The cave tapered to a narrow passageway.
Taper your brows slightly at the end.
The table was mounted on slender, tapering legs.
made so that you are able to see if anything has been changed, opened, removed, or damaged:
tamper-proof containers/locks/packaging Drug makers are encouraged to use tamper-proof packaging for their products.
Plastic liner
means an approved plastic bag for the storage, depositing, collection and disposal of waste ゴミまたはゴミ箱に線を満たすために用いられるビニール袋(a plastic bag used to line a trash or garbage bin). 「bin liner
reduction in speed or rate.
“speed brakes enable the aircraft to carry out rapid deceleration”
Jet setting
rich, fashionable people who travel around the world enjoying themselves
Cafe society
The collective term for the rich and famous subset of society who frequent fashionable restaurants and nightclubs.
Chalk and cheese
are very different from each other
When you say that two people are like ‘chalk and cheese’, you are suggesting that the two are very different from each other; they have nothing in common. The expression, which has the same meaning as ‘apples and oranges’, can be used with things as well. No one is really sure about the origin of this idiom
of a living being) unable to produce young, or (of land) unable to produce plants or crops:
Mules are usually sterile.
One of the side effects of the drug could be to make men sterile.
completely clean and free from dirt and bacteria:
The operation must be carried out under sterile conditions.
Speak for itself
be self-evident, be self-explanatory, need no explanation, go without saying, be evident, be
a sound as of quick light steps or taps.
“the pitter-patter of tiny feet”
Dish out
put food onto a plate or plates before a meal.
“he begins dishing out bowls of strawberry ice cream”
Put sth on the line
to risk something:
Firefighters put their lives on the line every working day.
without something making it difficult for you to do something:
People can decide how to care for their children, unencumbered by interference from the state.
Get skunked
being shut out or to be overwhelmingly defeated, as in, “They got skunked 19-1 in yesterday’s game