76 Flashcards
Match up the list
correspond or be the same.
“their stories did not match up”
mixture of fat (especially butter) and flour used in making sauces.
a feeling of regard or fondness.
“she’d taken an instant liking to Arnie’s new girlfriend”
bang for the buck
value in return for your money:
They’re very careful when they spend money, and they’re going to insist on getting the most bang for their buck.
Big head
a conceited or arrogant person.
excessively proud of oneself; vain.
“Fred’s so conceited he’d never believe anyone would refuse him”
Full of yourself
Freak of nature
a person or animal that is born or grows with abnormal physical features.
Full of yourself
very self-satisfied and with an exaggerated sense of self-worth.
“he’d always been very full of himself”
soft and pulpy.
“mushy vegetables”
an adult with childish tastes.
Big perk
Big advantage
nervous and easily upset.
“a high-strung racing thoroughbred”
Huge undertaking
Big job, task, or piece of work that someone has decided or agreed to do
Free up money
to make something available to be used:
I need to free up some time this weekend to finish the report.
Boots on the ground
soldiers, police, etc. who are physically present somewhere in a military or police operation:
Get under way
to begin to happen:
The Democratic convention gets underway tomorrow in Chicago
broaden one’s horizons
expand one’s range of interests, activities, and knowledge.
“they want to broaden their horizons with a change of scenery and culture”
Run its course
develop and finish naturally:
The doctor’s advice is to let the fever run its course.
imagine as a future possibility; visualize.
“she envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home”
Out of another century
Past over 100 years
Roll their eyes
to move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed or bored after someone has done or said something
small village, usually without a church
Get behind
to fail to do as much work or pay as much money as you should by a particular time:
I don’t see any crazy for that
It might explain the price
not having enough or the usual number of staff or crew.
“the kitchen was a bit short-handed”
a snowball’s chance in hell
no chance at all.
“the plan has a snowball’s chance in hell of being accepted”
showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
“she tells me I’m fat and is always making derogatory remarks”
The ship has sailed
opportunity has already passed and is no longer possible.
surgery a person may choose to have if they do not want to father any more children. It’s lasting (permanent) male birth control.
Couple costume
Outfit matching
make someone go somewhere they do not want to go:
Take my word for it
to believe that what someone says is true:
He said he’d give me a job and I just took him at his word.
If he says there’s $500 in the envelope, then I’ll take his word for it.
something that is important enough to you to prevent you from agreeing to something, buying something, etc.:
難点 引っかかるんだよ
the state of having a healthy mind and not being mentally ill
You get what you pay for it
The price of something usually equals its quality (especially cheap things are often of low quality).
Uphill battle
something that is very difficult to do and needs a lot of effort and determination
Come down to
If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most:
Red flag
a flag used as a sign of danger or to tell someone in a race to stop:
You’re not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying.
The official waves a red flag if it’s a false start.
White flag
a white flag or cloth used as a symbol of surrender, truce, or a desire to parley.
“the soldier was holding the white flag above his head”
used to admit that someone has made a good point against you in an argument or discussion:
“You say we should support British industries, but you always drink French wines.” “Touché.”
Get it down
Get used to
act of reducing a dead body to ashes by fire, especially as a funeral rite
Ass kissing
the use of flattery or other obsequious behavior in order to gain favor.
“a master of ass-kissing and flattery”
a person who likes to talk about how important they are
boaster, braggart, bragger, line-shooter, vaunter
On the clock
working” or “getting paid.”
Show up empty handed
Put a strain on
cause problems for someone or to make a situation difficult:
having or marked by an eager and often selfish desire especially for material possessions
very young children tend to be grabby and often refuse to share
of bodies) to move easily and quickly across a surface while twisting or curving:
She watched the snake slither away.
a pale-colored, nocturnal, burrowing rattlesnake that moves sideways over sand by throwing its body into S-shaped curves. It is found in the deserts of North America.
make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger:
The university’s exchange scheme has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.
down the road
In the future
Get rid of her
Dispose her
Seems fake
Lots of character
qualities that are interesting and unusual
Go along with it
support an idea, or to agree with someone’s opinion:
Kate’s already agreed, but it’s going to be harder persuading Mike to go along with it.
Work my way into
move oneself into or out of a particular position slowly or with difficulty.
I worked my way to the center of the crowd.
They started working their way cautiously down the side of the mountain.
Let out
Rent out
Reel him in
Control him
call a spade a spade
To speak directly and bluntly; to avoid euphemism: “The prosecutor said, ‘Let’s call a spade a spade. You didn’t borrow the money, you stole it.
What does the future hold (for us)?
What awaits (us) in the future?
Spear 鏃 矢尻
extremely loving and loyal:
Been through
enduring hardship or undergoing stress
He is a little intense
having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious.
“an intense young woman, passionate about her art”
Free as a bird
completely free, with no worries or troubles. I have been island-hopping in the Pacific for the past two and a half years, free as a bird
person’s buttocks.
extremely poor in quality.
“the first 85 minutes of the game were crap”
rude word for solid waste, or an occasion when an animal or person produces solid waste
Head out
to leave, to depart (for), to go (to) verb. When will you be heading out? At what time are you leaving?
Run with it
to accept something, start to use it, and develop it further: The Japanese took that technology and ran with it
have (something) (all) to oneself
used to say that one is the only one who is using something or who is in a place
I finally had the computer all to myself.
We had the whole house to ourselves.
We are not alone
We are not by ourselves
Outlive me
used to say that one is the only one who is using something or who is in a place
I finally had the computer all to myself.
We had the whole house to ourselves.
Crunch the number
to do mathematical work involving large amounts of information or numbers: Start by crunching the numbers to find out exactly how many projects you need to complete to meet your financial goals.
Stroke the cat
move one’s hand with gentle pressure over (a surface, especially hair, fur, or skin), typically repeatedly; caress.
Fine China
Fine china is a slang which means for some people hot or beautiful or prestigious. Something hard to find.
to make an explosive sound by forcing air quickly up or down the nose:
He did an impression of a horse snorting.
On the table
If a plan or suggestion has been put/laid on the table, it has been made available for people to hear, read, or discuss.
Heads will roll
something that is said to mean that people will be punished for something bad that has happened
people will be dismissed or forced to resign.
“heads will have to roll at board level”
If two people canoodle, they kiss and hold each other in a sexual way.
Read the room
understand or be sensitive to the mood or feelings of a group of people that one is addressing or engaging with.
“there are certain situations where you really need to pause and read the room”
one of the parts that a poem or song is divided into:
Each verse was sung as a solo and then everyone joined in on the chorus.
Settle in
to become familiar with somewhere new, such as a new house, job, or school, and to feel comfortable and happy there: Once we’ve settled in, we’ll have you over for dinner.
Pan out
to develop in a particular way or in a successful way:
“We’ll have to see how things pan out.”
have a view of from above.
“the chateau overlooks fields of corn and olive trees”
利他主義(りたしゅぎ、英: altruism)とは、自己の利益よりも、他者の利益を優先する考え方。
the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.
“some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism”
not mixed or diluted with any different or extra elements; complete and absolute.
“pure, unadulterated jealousy”
Talk her out of it
to persuade someone not to do something: [ + -ing verb ] Her parents tried to talk her out of getting engaged
soft sounds like those made by moving cloth, paper, or leaves:
We heard the rustle of her dress.
You’re in for a treat
the world is your oyster
you can do anything you wish or go anywhere you want in your life because you have the ability to do so
real or imaginary germ or disease, especially one that is infectious:
Let your hair down
to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself:
Oh let your hair down for once!
used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something.
“I cried like a frigging baby”
very good, cool, or exciting
something or someone that spoils people’s feelings of excitement, enjoyment, or pleasure:
Hearing how fattening this delicious food is would be a total buzzkill.
Blow ones mind
affect someone very strongly.
“the sound of a twelve-string guitar just blew my mind”