25 Flashcards
Risk averse
disinclined or reluctant to take risks:
“risk-averse investors”
Do over
an instance or chance of doing something for a second or further time, after an unsuccessful or unsatisfactory first attempt:やり直す
taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely:
“gourmets will want to savor our game specialties”
(savor of)
have a suggestion or trace of (something, especially something bad):
“their genuflections savored of superstition and popery”
suggest · smack of · [more]
Landmark decision
Huge decision
oppose or resist (something that seems oppressive or inevitable):
“the shares bucked the market trend”
resist · oppose · [more]
burn a hole in (one’s) pocket
they want to spend it as soon as possible Typically used in reference to money, suggesting that the person with the money feels the need to spend it quickly.
My allowance is burning a hole in my pocket! I can’t wait until school is over so I can go buy some baseball cards!
Let me turn for -
Let go from the job
Not the least of which (was that you can fail at what you don’t want)
one of the more important of which
Slippery slope
an idea or course of action which will lead to something unacceptable, wrong, or disastrous:
“he is on the slippery slope toward a life of crime”比喩としてはドミノ式に進む「危険な先行き」を表します
Fragmented business
Fragile business
Lest assured
To be certain or confident
reduction of a wild animal population by selective slaughter:
“kangaroo culling”
the action of sending an inferior or surplus farm animal to be slaughtered:
“local areas affected by livestock culling”
offsetting an effect by countering it with something of equal force:
“the dominance of the party was mediated by a number of countervailing factors”相殺
Breaking ground
To start a construction project
Defuse hecklers
reduce the danger or tension of a person who interrupts a performer or public speaker with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse: 野次屋を宥めるやっつける
Staying in good graces
To remain in one’s favor; to continue enjoying one’s approval or regard. John’s been in my good graces ever since he helped get me out of debt.気に入られる様にしておく
Bite you in the ass
rude slang To inflict punishment or misfortune on one for one’s poor judgment or misdeed(s). Typically the punishment or misfortune is not exacted by a person, but as a general consequence for the misbehavior itself.
Your poor treatment of your employees might come back to bite you in the ass some day.
I got too greedy with my gambling, and now it has bitten me in the ass.
Go through
undergo a difficult period or experience:
“the country is going through a period of economic instability”
undergo · experience · face · suffer · be subjected to · [more]
Pinch off
To sever or detach something
At bay
in the position of being unable to move closer while attacking or trying to approach someone —used with keep or hold 追い詰める
The soldiers kept the attackers at bay.
—often used figuratively
The doctors have been able to keep her illness at bay for several months.
free and loose in form or manner:勝手気まま 自由奔放
the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged:
“the courts required a convicted offender to make financial reparation to his victim”
amends · restitution · [more]
Bob and weave
In boxing, bobbing and weaving is a defensive technique that moves the head both beneath and laterally of an incoming punch. As the opponent’s punch arrives, the fighter bends the legs quickly and simultaneously shifts the body either slightly right or left. ひょいと)上下に動く; (ひょいと)現われる
Point taken
used to tell someone that one understands what he or she is saying or suggesting
“You have to help them.” “Point taken. I’ll do what I can.”
On the horizon
just imminent or becoming apparent:
“trouble could be on the horizon”
synonyms: 差し迫って
imminent · impending · close · near · approaching · coming · forthcoming · [more]
a play or novel containing elements of both comedy and tragedy.
tragicomedy as a genre.
comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness:
“she sought solace in her religion”
comfort · consolation · cheer · support · relief
On the double
at running speed; very fast:
“he disappeared on the double”
very quickly · as fast as one’s legs can carry one · at a run · at a gallop · hotfoot · fast · [more]
Sign off
the conclusion of a letter, broadcast, or other message:締めくくる
“that was their daily sign-off on the TV show”
the blood, as being necessary to life.
the indispensable factor or influence that gives something its strength and vitality:
“my family was the lifeblood of the church”
life force · life · [more]
The rest
That was close!
もうちょっとだったね (危なかったね)
depressing or worrying to consider:
“the grim news of the murder”
dreadful · dire · ghastly · horrible
the action of endowing something or someone:
“he tried to promote the endowment of a Chair of Psychiatry”
funding · financing · subsidizing · [more]
an income or form of property given or bequeathed to someone.
bequest · bequeathal · legacy · inheritance ·
Shit on him
- rude slang To harshly or excessively criticize someone or something.
I know you’re stressed about the wedding, but can you please stop shitting on me? I didn’t intentionally bring the wrong box of decorations! - rude slang To mistreat someone in a very cruel or unfair manner.
Between losing my job and girlfriend, it just feels like life has been shitting on me lately.
Piss in one’s pants
- To laugh in a hysterical or uncontrollable manner (i.e., to the point where one might actually urinate in one’s pants).
Wow, that stand-up comedy was great! She had the audience pissing their pants! - To be absolutely petrified with terror; to be scared out of one’s wits.
I was pissing my pants when that huge burly guy started threatening me and my girlfriend.
Foot the bill
pay the bill for something, typically when the amount is considered large or unreasonable:
“the couple were left to foot the bill after their claim was declined by their travel insurers”
pay · pay up · pay out · pay the bill · settle up · bail someone out
Back burner
postpone consideration of or action on: 後回し 二の次
“a planned test of the new ale has been back-burnered”
barely sufficient or adequate:
“companies with scant regard for the safety of future generations”
little · little or no · [more]
exciting; appealing:
“I’ve climbed most of the really sexy west coast mountains”
exciting · stimulating · interesting · appealing · intriguing · fashionable · trendy
Knock on effect
a process, action, or event) that causes other things to happen The drought is likely to have a knock-on effect throughout the whole economy
Top of the line
of the best quality or among the most expensive of its kind available:
“top-of-the-line smartphones can replace a laptop” · [more]
finest · greatest · top · foremost · leading · preeminent · premier · prime · first · [more]
cast aspersions
: to say harsh critical things about someone or someone’s character
He tried to discuss his political opponents respectfully, without casting aspersions.
intensely irritated and frustrated:
“an exasperated expression” · [more]
Be off the table
To be withdrawn or no longer available, as for consideration, acceptance, discussion, etc.
I wouldn’t wait too long to accept the job offer—it might be off the table before you know it.
Before we begin this debate, let me clarify that you are both to focus solely on the question of the economy; all other topics are off the table.
working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company:
“a freelance journalist”
hired · paid · [more]
intense or violent pain and struggle, especially accompanying birth, death, or great change:
“he convulsed in his death throes”
agony · pain · paroxysm · pangs · suffering · torture · torment · anguish · distress · [more]
catch the brunt
worst part of an unpleasant or problematic situation. When our system crashed, the call center employees took the brunt of our customers’ anger. Brunt: worst part
I hope the new manager would take the brunt of the job. : 新しいマネージャーがその仕事のつらい部分を引き受けてくれるといいのですが。
reining in
To limit or control
one-two punch
- In boxing, two quick hits to one’s opponent in rapid succession.
The boxer’s one-two punch was feared by his opponents in the ring. - Two negative events that happen at the same time or in rapid succession.
My electricity being shut off the same day I lost my job was a terrible one-two punch.
back-of-the-napkin idea
spur of the moment flash of inspiration that may be triggered by a conversation that is taking place, or by something that is happening in the immediate area. Ideas of this type are usually rudimentary in nature, and form the basis for a detailed approach at a later date.
Play out in the marketplace
develop in a particular way:
“the position of the sub-tropical jet stream across North America will determine how winter plays out”
turn out · work out · conclude · end (up) · result · come out · fall out · develop · evolve
happen; take place:
“this scenario plays out all across the country”
happen · occur · take place · come about · [more
to experience something, usually something unpleasant, as a result of actions you have taken:
to incur debts/fines/bills
“I will pay any expenses incurred”
suffer · sustain · experience · bring upon oneself · expose oneself to
a : referring to the topics of the day or place : of local or temporary interest
a topical novel
topical references
b : of, relating to, or arranged by topics
set down in topical form
Slew of
a large number
a slew of books
extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world:
“her ethereal beauty” · [more]
delicate · exquisite · [more]
heavenly or spiritual:
“ethereal, otherworldly visions”
celestial · [more]
We are in it.
Hard truth
A truth that is difficult to accept
Catch on
Reap the benefit
To enjoy the rewards resulting from something. You’ll always reap the benefits of hard work—don’t ever forget that.
Get things done (get it done)
be accomplished 物事をなし遂げる
略称 GTD(ジー・ティー・ディー)は、個人用のワークフローの管理手法である。デビッド・アレン(David Allen)が同名の書籍『仕事を成し遂げる技術
Pin down
force someone to be specific and make their intentions clear.
make someone commit themselves · constrain · force · [more]
restrict the actions or movement of an enemy by firing at them.
define something precisely:
“the government’s ideology is bafflingly difficult to pin down”
define · put one’s finger on · put into words
Try dressing your age
Fashion is cyclical
Fashion has recurrent:
“the cyclical nature of the cement industry”
recurrent · recurring · happening at regular intervals · regular · repeated · repetitive · periodic · seasonal · circular
Find happy medium
Find a satisfactory compromise:
“we must strive to strike a happy medium between bland meal budgeting and over-the-top culinary creations” · [more]
middle way · middle course · middle ground · middle · mean · median · mid point · [more]
Your taste got into the mess in the first place
Your taste To become involved in a troublesome situation.
something that has no value or that does not work:
Are there any more batteries? This one’s a dud. 使えね〜
Area, major passage of the body
remote from direct dealing with problems : theoretical rather than practical
armchair strategists
2 : sharing vicariously in another’s experiences
an armchair traveler
experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person: 他人の経験を)想像して感じる,他人の身[気持ち]になって経験する
“I could glean vicarious pleasure from the struggles of my imaginary film friends”
indirect · secondhand · secondary · derivative · [more]
acting or done for another:
“a vicarious atonement”
of or pertaining to the performance by one organ of the functions normally discharged by another.
thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered:
“their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable”
self-centered · [more]
an egocentric person.
I’m off
You’re leaving
A lick of
Small quantity of something
a large basket with a lid used for laundry:
“a laundry hamper”
a basket with a carrying handle and a hinged lid, used for food, cutlery, and plates on a picnic:
“a picnic hamper”
basket · [more
especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection:
“this argument is clearly untenable”
indefensible · undefendable · unarguable · insupportable · refutable · unsustainable · [more]
having a hole or empty space inside:
“each fiber has a hollow core”
empty · not solid · [more]
without significance:
“the result was a hollow victory”
meaningless · empty · [more]
complete transformation or remodeling of something, especially a person’s hairstyle, makeup, or clothes:イメチェン
“win one of our special pampering makeovers”
improvement · betterment · amelioration · refinement · rectification · correction
awkward in movement or in handling things:
“the cold made his fingers clumsy”
形. 〔人や動作{どうさ}が〕不器用{ぶきよう}な、ぎこちない・Some foreigners are clumsy with chopsticks.
awkward · uncoordinated · ungainly · graceless · [more]
done awkwardly or without skill or elegance:
“a clumsy attempt to park” · [more]
awkward · uncoordinated · ungainly · [more]
difficult to handle or use; unwieldy:
“the legal procedure is far too clumsy” · [more]
unwieldy · unmanageable · cumbersome · [more]
lacking social skills and graces:
“his choice of words was clumsy”
gauche · awkward · graceless · unpolished · [more]
make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is:
“the problem was either trivialized or ignored by teachers”
treat as unimportant · minimize · play down · underplay · make light of · treat lightly
stop or cause to stop making progress:
“his career had stalled, hers taken off” · [more]
obstruct · impede · [more]
put or keep (an animal) in a stall, especially in order to fatten it:
“the horses were stalled at Upper Bolney Farm”
Back on its feet
Standing again
Area, an area of knowledge or subject of discussion or thought:
“third-year courses typically cover less ground and go into more depth” · [more]
De ja vu
a feeling of having already experienced the present situation: 前に経験した
“a feeling of déjà vu” · [more]
tedious familiarity: 偉く退屈なもの
“to list the opponents of his policies is to invite boredom and a sense of déjà vu”
a method of measuring something, or the results obtained from this:
“the report provides various metrics at the class and method level”
集団の 個別の反対
a small increase:
“an uptick in foreign tourism” · [more]
splendid and expensive-looking:
“the banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal”
lavish · luxurious · deluxe · opulent · magnificent · resplendent · gorgeous · splendid · [more]
Catch some Z’s
To get some sleep
Conspiracy theory
theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators
the conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy’s assassination 陰謀論
Freak me out
- verb, slang To suddenly express anger or excitement in a very visible way.
Mom will freak out when she finds out we broke her vase!
I totally freaked out when I heard we’d won tickets to the concert.
drop saliva uncontrollably from the mouth:
“We drooled at the platters of sushi and sashimi.”
salivate · dribble · slaver · slobber · drivel · water at the mouth · slabber
Foul mouthed
using or characterized by a great deal of bad language:
“a foul-mouthed cop”
vulgar · crude · coarse · obscene · rude · smutty · dirty · filthy · indecent · [more]
regard in a particular light or with a particular attitude.
“farmers are viewing the rise in rabbit numbers with concern”
a person who interrupts a performer or public speaker with derisive or aggressive comments or abuse.
“he was adept at dealing with hecklers”
person who sells cheese, butter, and other dairy products.
A monger is a person who sells or trades something, or someone who spreads something negative.