67 Flashcards
SFなどに描{えが}かれる〕変幻自在{へんげん じざい}な[変身能力{へんしん のうりょく}を持つ・姿{すがた}を自在{じざい}に変えることができる
Quid pro quo
something for something
Quid pro quo describes an agreement between two or more parties in which there is a reciprocal exchange of goods or services. The phrase is Latin for “something for something.” Courts may render a business contract void if it appears unfair or one-sided, and so a quid pro quo consideration is often warranted
a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone who has been taken prisoner, or sometimes for an animal:
having or showing bad judgment; misguided.
“this approach is both wrongheaded and naive”
commonly accepted or supposed
The putative leader of the terrorist cell was arrested yesterday.
discussions between people in order to reach agreement on something such as prices, wages, working conditions, etc.:
an agreement between two or more parties as to what each party will do for the other.
a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected.
“the secondhand table was a real bargain”
… and more
Haul up
force someone to go somewhere or see someone in order to be punished or to answer questions about their behaviour:
He was hauled up in court/in front of a judge.
to bring before a superior for judgment or reprimand; call to account. b. to come to a halt; stop
Face off
to meet an opposing person, group, or sports team to argue or compete :
what we’re after
What we are looking for
Descend on
to visit somebody/something in large numbers, sometimes unexpectedly
a scene of uproar and confusion.
“there was bedlam in the courtroom”
noisy fight or disturbance : row, commotion.
Cranked out
- extremely crunk; very crazy and drunk. see shawnna and sofi. when shawnna and sofi hit da party its gonna get crunked out!
a set of rooms for living in, typically on two stories of a larger building and with its own entrance from outside.
run down
down at heel
Lagging indicator
observable or measurable factor that changes sometime after the economic, financial, or business variable with which it is correlated changes. Lagging indicators confirm trends and changes in trends
景気の動きを示す各種の経済指標のうち,総体としての景気変動に遅れて変化するとみなされる経済指標。 景気の転換点や局面の確認に利用される。
There been a lack of
Walkable neighbourhood
Walkability accessibility of amenities by foot
change the route of someone or something:
Traffic is being rerouted due to construction.
やり方を変える 別の方法を考える
to (cause someone or something to) move backwards and forwards or from side to side in a regular way:
He picked up the baby and gently rocked her to sleep. ロッキングチェアー
Hit the gas
push down on the accelerator in a vehicle in a sudden and forceful way
specific law or regulation passed by a city council or other local legislative body
jittery as a june bug
someone who is feeling nervous or uneasy
For example, “The morning of the big exam, I was jittery as a june bug, pacing back and forth in my bedroom.”.
June bug
a large brown scarab beetle that appears in late spring and early summer.黄金虫🪲
remove (an item. 脱ぐ
Hubba bubba
slang interjection that is used to express excitement or approval, especially of a person’s physical appearance. Hubba hubba is most closely associated with its use to indicate sexual attraction.
an occasion when someone interrupts someone else, or the interruptions themselves: 不意にさしはさむこと、不意の発声、不意にはさまれた言葉、間投詞
mirth and merriment
愉快 楽しさ
Mirth is a formal or literary term meaning fun and enjoyment as shown by laughter.
conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to monitor or record someone’s conversations.
“their offices, homes, and telephones were bugged”
fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute.
“the county is falling short of its quota of blood donations”
(in movies or television) a romantic comedy.
“if you’ve ever seen a romcom before you might be able to guess where this is going”
frown in an angry or bad-tempered way.
“she scowled at him defiantly”
Double over
to suddenly bend forward and down, usually because of pain or laughter:
A sudden, sharp pain made him double over.
Under microscope
: in a state of being watched very closely
Go further out
used to indicate a greater degree of distance, either literally or figuratively. For example, you might say, “We explored further out into the woods and were rewarded with a beautiful view
Jackson Pollock
abstract expressionist movement, Pollock was widely noticed for his “drip technique” of pouring or splashing liquid household paint onto a horizontal surface
the structure formed by the uprights and handrail at the side of a staircase.
“he vaulted the banister”
Dollar for dollar
price or value of one thing is proportionately related to the price
Let go
to stop holding something:
Hold on tight and don’t let go!
Get over it
accept something that happened in the past and move on. Example of use: Danny—”I’m really bummed that I lost the game last night” Rosa— “You need to get over it and focus on winning today’s game.”
full of affection or fondness.
“during his visit, Mark became increasingly attached to Tara”
Corny joke
Better late than never
Better late than never
empty shell
何かが本質的な要素や内容を失って空虚になった状態 ポカッと穴が空いた様な
Pins and needles
不安・心配などで)びくびくしている be on pins and needles:そわそわしている,びくびくしている
tingling sensation in a limb recovering from numbness.
That ship has sailed
used in reference to an opportunity that has passed or a situation that can no longer be changed.
“we’re good friends but I don’t think we’ll ever be anything more to each other—that ship has sailed
select carefully with a particular purpose in mind.
“the board’s executive director handpicked the review panel to ensure the vote”
bite off more than one can chew
take on a commitment one cannot fulfill.
“serves him right for biting off more than he could chew”
Fluke of fate
twist of fate. a piece of good fortune. heads or tails. hit or miss. stroke of luck. まぐれ
especially of an animal) to make a series of small, weak sounds expressing pain or unhappiness:
A half-starved dog lay in the corner, whimpering pathetically.
stalking horse bid
an offer to buy a bankrupt firm or its assets that is arranged ahead of an auction and typically sets a floor price for the assets.
strike repeatedly with the fists.
“Bob did not fight back for the fifteen minutes that the half-dozen men pummeled him
Fly in the face of
completely oppose what seems sensible or normal:
This is an argument that seems to fly in the face of common sense.
fly in the face of Aとは。意味や和訳。A(権威・慣習・忠告・危険)を無視して行動する,Aに公然と反抗する - 80万項目以上収録、例文
a burden or impediment.
“the horse raised its hind leg as if to rid itself of an encumbrance”
mortgage or other charge on property or assets.
“details of encumbrances on property”担保
Constant grind
something that occurs so frequently that it has become mundane and monotonous
an argument, idea, or theme used to create a contrast with the main element.
“I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgment”
absence makes the heart grow fonder
you feel more affection for those you love when parted from them.
Verbal Judo
The gentile art of persuasion that redirects others behavior with words and generates voluntary compliance. • To listen and speak more. effectively, to engage.
have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another.
“the study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class”
Could not be easier
e a situation that is very simple and straightforward
Laser focus
giving a lot of attention to one
Tangible Experience
something real and not imaginary; something that can be shown, touched, or experienced. Tangible experiences are often so common that we either take them for granted or ignore them.
Feel the heat
To encounter an uncomfortable situation.
Muffin top
fat flesh that shows over the top of someone’s trousers, especially because these are too tight
think deeply about something that makes one unhappy.
“he brooded over his need to find a wife”
worry about
Move on
start doing something new or making progress.
“I’ve been in this job long enough—it’s time I moved on
Bite your tongue
to keep quiet, particularly in. the event someone is saying something rude or unpleasant. Example of use: “I know you want to yell at him, but you’ll just have to bite your tongue.”
Swallow your pride
to decide to do something although it will make you feel embarrassed or ashamed: He was forced to swallow his pride and ask if he could have his old job back. Ashamed and embarrassed. abash.
Hand in your notice
you tell your employer that you intend to leave your job soon within a set period of time. [business] He handed in his notice at the bank and ruined his promising career.
Slide rules
a person or thing cited as a notorious and outstanding example or embodiment of something.
“his name became a byword for luxury”
perfect example of
one of a set of separate parts that, when combined, form a complete whole:
Busting your balls
To exert oneself to the utmost degree; to put forth the maximum amount of effort or strain. “Balls” is slang for the testicles, so the phrase in every meaning is usually (but not solely) said of or by a man. I’ve been breaking my balls trying to get the new software ready by the release date
to fill something or someone with a particular feeling, quality, or idea:
His poetry is imbued with deep, religious feeling.
inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).
ABV fermentation
Anything but vinifera
excessively complicated, and typically involving a great deal of administrative detail.
“Byzantine insurance regulations”
a slap on the wrist
a mild reprimand or punishment.
something special or unusual, especially something unusually bad:
We had one doozy of a contest. 良くない👎
to obtain an advantage over someone by using your intelligence and often by using a trick; to outwit:
You think you can outsmart me?
Expand the horizon
to increase the range of one’s knowledge, understanding, or experience.
Railroad-Style Apartment
floor-through apartment, is an apartment with a series of rooms connecting to each other in a line.[1]
Blown away
you are very impressed by
Chime in
to interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said:
“It’s very difficult,” I said. “Impossible,” she chimed in.
chime in」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - (歌などに)合わせる、加わる、(…と)調和する、一致する、話の途中に割り込む、同意する
Put into words
to express (a thought or feeling) in words. She finds it hard to put her feelings into words.Jun
Jump off the page
to be very noticeable, interesting, exciting, etc. The characters are so real that they jump/leap off the page
If someone jumps off the page, he or she stands out or is extraordinarily intelligent or talented
Lock in
to get and keep an advantage such as a low price:
“People are jumping to purchase homes and lock in affordable mortgage rates before they increase.”
something that is highly desirable but difficult to find or obtain.
“an album like this is something of a unicorn”
make (attitudes or behavior) part of one’s nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.
“people learn gender stereotypes and internalize them”
1.A caustic chemical burns or destroys things, especially anything made of living cells:
a caustic substance
2. A caustic remark or way of speaking is hurtful, critical, or intentionally unkind:
caustic comments
nothing less than
used to emphasize how extreme something is.
“it was nothing less than sexual harassment”
take the high road
to follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct and which is least likely to harm or upset other people. US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.
1.food or drink) deliclicious.
2.extremely beautiful or attractive.
“the delectable Ms. Davis”
feeling that one has seen or heard something before. Etymology. French, literally, “already seen”
steeped into
they are completely surrounded by or involved in it, or know a lot about it: The college is steeped in history/tradition
“steeped into the daily rhythms of life”