13 Flashcards
an organ in the human or animal body which secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings.
a structure resembling this, especially a lymph node.
“symptoms include swollen glands”
a minute opening in a surface, especially the skin or integument of an organism, through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles can pass.
fatty lubricant matter secreted by sebaceous glands of the skin.
Give the chill
have a powerful impact on someone; impress; generate an emotion (positive, but also negative)
“This violin music gives me the chills” or “Being all alone in that old house after dark…it gave me the chills
Getting things done (GTD)
Time management
Getting Things Done (GTD) is a personal productivity system developed by David Allen and published in a book of the same name.[1] GTD is described as a time management system
not allowed or not acceptable:
Shorts are no go here – you have to wear long pants and shoes.
Surrounded by lands
Unintended unfortune
Make a fuss
become angry and complain.
“I thought Mum might make a fuss but she was in a good mood”
No relation with religion
not connected with religious or spiritual matters.
“secular buildings”
Excessive use
make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive.
“some people are daunted by technology”
By and large
involving direct involvement or intervention.
“increasingly, CEOs are taking a hands-on approach to information security”
involving or offering active participation rather than theory.
“hands-on practice to gain experience”
of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name.
“the donor’s wish to remain anonymous”
Catch glimpse
see something for a brief time.
the strong and unreasonable belief that your own country or race is the best or most important:
The war stimulated an intense national chauvinism.
(also male chauvinism)
the belief that women are naturally less important, intelligent, or able than men
Male chauvinism
male prejudice against women; the belief that men are superior in terms of ability, intelligence, etc.
“a bastion of male chauvinism”
Sharp or acidity taste
Sick and tired of it
annoyed about or bored with (someone or something) and unwilling to put up with them any longer.
“I am sick and tired of all the criticism”
a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point. 《数学》接線の
a completely different line of thought or action.
“he quickly went off on a tangent about wrestling”
speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
““You, a scientist?” he scoffed”
Pales in comparison
to seem less important, good, serious, etc., when compared with (something else)
I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours
be nothing in comparison
hold a candle
not compared
nothing compared
nothing in comparison
Throw myself to the deep end
you give them a difficult job to do, or a serious problem to deal with, before they have the knowledge or experience for it.
a one-off cost/payment
something that happens or that is made or done only once
The bank’s checks indicated the error was a one-off.
conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.
“the good name of such a decent and innocent person”
Double standard
rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups.
“the prolonged consideration of the issue represented a double standard”
Double up
(体を)折り曲げる、前かがみになる、かがみこむ 倍増する
assign to a particular category or class, especially in a manner that is too rigid or exclusive.
“a tendency to pigeonhole him as a photographer and neglect his work in sculpture and painting” カテゴリに入れる 型にはめる
one of a set of small boxes, open at the front, in which letters and messages are left for different people:
Leave the report in my pigeonhole when you’ve read it. MAILBOX
a mark made by a paintbrush drawn across a surface.
cheerful and lively.
“she certainly looked less than her usual perky self”
Wish me luck
to say that one hopes someone will have success I wish you (the best of) luck in your new job. I have a job interview this morning. Wish me luck!
of two people) behave in an amorous way; kiss and cuddle.
“I saw them spooning on the beach”
すり寄り、1人が他人の背中に面している位置に横たわる(snuggle and lie in a position where one person faces the back of the others)
lump of excrement.
a person regarded as obnoxious or contemptible. くそ 〈卑俗〉くそ野郎、げす
Before too long
exact opposite of “a long time in the future” そう遠くない将来{しょうらい}に、間もなく(して)、しばらくもたたないうちに、じきに、程{ほど}なく、いつか[いずれ] …
not done or finished.
“he had left his homework undone”
having nuances
having or characterized by subtle and often appealingly complex qualities, aspects, or distinctions (as in character or tone)
subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
“the nuances of facial expression and body language”
expressing or involving prolonged thought.
“she regarded me with a contemplative eye” 瞑想的な、静観的な
having the shape of a cone. 円錐(えんすい)(体
coming or happening later than should have been the case.
“a belated apology”- coming later than expected
Gasping for air
Agonal breathing is when someone who is not getting enough oxygen is gasping for air.
Punch up, Spice up
make something more lively or interesting.
“he needed to punch up his meandering presentation”
procedure in which liquid or gas is injected into the rectum, typically to expel its contents, but also to introduce drugs or permit X-ray imaging. かん腸
light axe used as a tool or weapon by North American Indians.
sending out light; shining or glowing brightly.
“a bird with radiant green and red plumage”
radiant 【形】 晴れやかな、キラキラ輝く 光を放つ、さんぜんとした
Whip up
deliberately excite someone into having a strong feeling or reaction.
“Dad had managed to whip himself up into a fantastic rage”
replace or repair machinery, equipment, and fittings in (a ship, building, etc.).
“a lucrative contract to refit a submarine fleet”
Take a toll
to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something : to cause harm or damage If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll.
Mazel tov
Bat mitzvah
a religious initiation ceremony for a Jewish girl aged twelve years and one day, regarded as the age of religious maturity.
a girl undergoing the bat mitzvah ceremony.
a group of people leading the way in new developments or ideas.
“the experimental spirit of the modernist vanguard”
a position at the forefront of new developments or ideas.
“the prototype was in the vanguard of technical development”
Attribute to
regard something as being caused by (someone or something). 〜の結果こうなった
“he attributed the firm’s successn to the efforts of the managing director”
a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.
“flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of our army”
large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees. スズメバチ🐝
of or during the day., daily
Catch (see) you on the flip side
Good bye
to discourage consumers from buying (a particular product), either because it is faulty or because it could jeopardize the seller’s reputation
Skid row
a run-down part of a town frequented by vagrants, alcoholics, and drug addicts.
contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true).
“this explanation sounds perversely counterintuitive”
Hold back
hesitate to act or speak.
“he held back, remembering the mistake he had made before”
Best of both worlds
the benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time.
“I had the best of both worlds, since I worked as an ordinary member of the crew but fed with the officers”
Are drown to
Attracted by
Tumultuous history
making a loud, confused noise; uproarious.
“tumultuous applause”
Stamp out
suppress or put an end to something by taking decisive action.
“urgent action is required to stamp out corruption”
(of someone’s face or skin) very pale and unhealthy looking:
Fill me in
Tell the details
Get off on
Go for
There’s no point that
Freak me out
suddenly feel extremely surprised, upset, angry, or confused.
Unexpected events
Just for the heck of it
For no particular purpose
Gain momentum
Become popular
House building and land for business
at someone’s beck and call
always having to be ready to obey someone’s orders immediately.
“enjoy having servants at your beck and call”
Stink eye
Express annoyance
Compare ~を…に〕なぞらえる、例える
point out the resemblance of someone or something to.
“racism is likened to a contagious disease”
Free trade
Treat different
view or treat (a person or group of people) as intrinsically different from and alien to oneself.
“a critique of the ways in which the elderly are othered by society”
lacking up-to-date knowledge or information.
“he seems out of touch with recent economic thinking”
a watery fluid that collects in or drips from the nose or eyes ルーム
カタル性分泌物、粘膜からの(水性)分泌物 《医》カタル(catarrh)、感冒【発音】rúːm【カナ】ルーム
Marshy land
Don’t let the grass grow under your feet
an admonition not to hesitate, to take action immediately, to get busy, to act quickly, to be proactive. Someone who doesn’t let the grass grow under his feet is on the move, he grabs opportunity as it comes and uses it to his advantage.
To the deep end
a situation in which a person must face a difficult problem or undertaking with little or no preparation or prior experience.
“they’re thrown in the deep end and have to develop skills quickly”
Food insecurity
the condition of not having access to sufficient food, or food of an adequate quality, to meet one’s basic needs.
“more than 800 million people live every day with hunger or food insecurity as their constant companion”
base an argument, theory, or undertaking on.
“the reforms were premised on our findings
express disapproval
disparage or belittle (something).
“he deprecates the value of children’s television”
Cold cut
Cold cuts are thin slices of cooked meat which are served cold. The main course includes cold cuts such as chicken, roast beef, and salami.
Hands off
allows other people to make decisions about how things should be done and avoids becoming directly involved:
Paul has a hands-off style of management.
the use of something in order to get an advantage from it: さくしゅ