17 Flashcards
a person who blusters and boasts in an unpleasant way.
“local blowhard politicians”
Prompt you
Inspire you
促すもの; 助言; プロンプト《システムがユーザーに入力を促す記号;
Have butterflies in your stomach
you are anxious and have a nervous feeling in your stomach.
Undermine yourself
to make someone less confident
measure the dimensions of (an object) with a gauge.
At baseline
a minimum or starting point used for comparisons
off to a great start
With flying colors
with distinction.見事に
“Sylvia had passed her exams with flying colors”
only just; almost not.
“she nodded, barely able to speak”
Catch sound
The sound of a word, phrase, etc., which captures or engages attention.
showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
“she’s compassionate and empathetic towards her daughter”
Get the word out
: to let people know
The police put/got the word out that they were looking for him.
Hey, the game is canceled due to the rain—get the word out.
The goal of this program is to get the word out about the dangers of opioids.
Well said
その通り!spoken used to say that you agree with what someone has just said, or that you admire them for saying it
Make a judgment call
a subjective decision, ruling, or opinion
The rules aren’t clear in this case, so officials are required to make a judgment call.
something that causes pain or suffering.
“a crippling affliction of the nervous system”
abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous.
“we feel our public representatives have deserted us”
relating to a fetus.
“nutrients essential for normal fetal growth”
I’m pretty low maintenance
I require very little time, money, or effort to look after them
Surprise me
Something you say when you aren’t sure of what to type, usually with hilarious and bogus results.
Hmm… I’m not sure of what to type… Guess I’ll just type “in surprise me!”
a way of looking and behaving:
The boss has a calm, reassuring demeanor.
a garment similar to leggings, worn to cover or protect the ankle and lower leg.
“gaiters to keep snow out of your boots”
We need to drive that zero
We need to control or emit to zero
ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish.
“the opulent comfort of a limousine”
Pro bono
especially with reference to legal work for a client with a low income) without charge.
“the attorneys are representing him pro bono”
Sing scale
Sing a set of musical notes with low and high pitches 音階
In turn
one after the other in an agreed order:
Each of us takes a break in turn.
make or repair (an object) in an improvised or inventive way, making use of whatever items are at hand.
“he MacGyvered a makeshift jack with a log”
a barred frame for cooking over a fire 金網
b : a frame or bed of iron bars to hold a stove or furnace fire
Snug for inside
Save the day
find or provide a solution to a difficulty or disaster.
Dig in (your room)
Make sure to cover the hole
It’s go time
Go out
of a fire or light) be extinguished.
“a few minutes later the lights went out”
Dash cam
a camera that is attached to a car’s dashboard (= the part that contains some of the controls used for driving and the devices for measuring speed and distance) in order to record what is happening on the road that the car is driving along:
Dash cams can record your journey and provide invaluable evidence in any driving incidents.
a person or organization responsible for making certain that companies obey particular standards and do not act illegally: 監視人、監視員
The Countryside Commission was set up as the government’s official watchdog on conservation.
likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly and without a good reason:
She’s so fickle - she’s never been interested in the same man for more than a week!
The world of popular music is notoriously fickle.
Kicking the tires
to try something or examine it carefully before you buy it:
Come and kick the tires on this latest version of the software.
Keep my edge
Keep in good condition
Visa waver
to lose strength, determination, or purpose, especially temporarily:
I’m afraid my concentration began to waver as lunch approached.
心が揺れ動く 躊躇う
Waiver - an agreement that you do not have to pay or obey something:
We had to sign a waiver, giving up any rights to the land in the future.
Travel without visa
ボサボサ モサモサした
eccentric or strange, typically because highly unorthodox.
“a cranky scheme to pipe ground-level ozone into the stratosphere”
Hook- up
meeting people for the purpose of having sex, generally not having any sort of relationship afterwards
to meet or begin to work with another person or other people:
hook up with He hooked up with the other members of the band in Amsterdam.
Shake up
To forcefully or drastically reorganize or rearrange something, as a group or organization.
I’m all for it
Completely in favor of something or someone, as in I’m all for eating before we leave, or The players are all for the new soccer coach.
Make it count
to make something have as useful and positive an effect as possible. You only get one chance, so you have to make it count.
quick and light in movement or action; agile.
quick and exact either in movement or thoughts:
nimble fingers/feet
His nimble mind calculated the answer before I could key the numbers into my computer.
ファネルとは、顧客が商品を認知してから購入に至るまでの行動ステップを図式化したものを指します。「ファネル(funnel)」は、英語で「漏斗(じょうご)」を指す言葉で、広く集客した顧客がフェーズが進むつれて少数化する構造が漏斗に似ていることから、このように呼ばれています。ファネル分析によって各フェーズにいる顧客の人数が明らかになるため、商品認知から購買に至るまでのプロセスにおいて、どのフェーズに課題を抱えているかを明確にできるメリットがあります。 例えば、「受注が減っている」という課題があったとします。
Divvy (up)
divide up and share.
“they divvied up the proceeds”
an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger and sometimes violence:骨肉の争い
family feud The family feud has been ongoing since the death of their mother.
feud between a ten-year-old feud between the two countries
“Celebrity feud”
long-necked onion with a small bulb, in particular a green onion.
Succumb to
fail to resist pressure, temptation
I’m afraid I succumbed to temptation and had a piece of cheesecake.
“he has become the latest to succumb to the strain”
be/fall under someone’s influence/spell
to be affected by someone in a strong and often negative way:
She fell under his spell when he was her tutor at university.
Head start
an advantage granted or gained at the beginning of something. 幸先の良いスタート
“our fine traditions give us a head start on the competition”
confirm or settle (a contract or bargain).
“to clinch a business deal”
mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of readings.
“the depth gauge is calibrated in centimeters” 目盛る、目もる
Classify, Compute
Toggle switch
an electric switch operated by means of a projecting lever that is moved up and down.
Rest assured
to be certain that something will happen
affectedly elegant in gait, manner, or speech 気取った
A mincing walk uses small, delicate steps in a way that does not look natural:
She took short, mincing steps.
unpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch. Moist
“his skin felt cold and clammy”
Used when someone’s mistakes or flaws are acknowledged, as a reminder that everyone makes mistakes and has flaws.
Stealth move
careful and circumspect in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.
“we made some discreet inquiries”
piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
“paneled walls hung with old tapestries”
strongly disliking or opposed to:
Few people are averse to the idea of a free holiday.
I’m not averse to (= I like) the occasional glass of champagne myself.
You da man!
you’re the man! American English spoken used to praise someone for having done something well
make legally null and void; invalidate.
“it is at the discretion of the court to nullify the decision”
Excellent, of the highest quality or degree.
“a superlative piece of skill”
And stuff
a person who resells shares or tickets at a large or quick profit.
Rant and rave
shout and complain angrily and at length.
“stop ranting and raving for a minute and start being honest with yourself”
an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.
“a propensity for violence”
In hindsight
Considering or analyzing the past with consideration of the knowledge that one has now.
understanding of something only after it has happened.
tending to sink or bulge downward under weight or pressure.
“the saggy mattress groaned under my weight”
hanging down loosely; drooping.
“a facelift can reduce saggy skin and wrinkles”
If something is ill-suited to a particular purpose, it is not right or appropriate for that purpose. If someone is ill-suited to a particular job, they are not right or appropriate for that job.
with speed and efficiency.
“the directors will move expeditiously to reach a conclusion”
someone or something that gives support when needed:
She was my anchor when things were difficult for me.
This treaty has been called the anchor (= strongest part) of their foreign policy.
Heavy lifting
burdensome or laborious duty
Not to my knowledge
I don’t know
having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited:
a heady wine/perfume
heady days In the heady days of their youth, they thought anything was possible.
Cough up
give something reluctantly, especially money or information that is due or required.
“he coughed up the monthly subscription fee to continue with the service”
Shell out
a bad mood
a bad mood, especially one in which a person will not do as they are asked and is unpleasant to other people:
Don’t go in unless you have to - she’s in a (real) strop.
He’s impossible to talk to when he’s having one of his strops.
When she didn’t get what she wanted she threw a strop.
Pivotal role
is very important
central and important:
a pivotal figure/role/idea
“the alliance that played a pivotal role in the revolution”
Paint a picture
to describe or show something in a particular way:
The statistics do not paint an optimistic picture.
Leak the bucket
to describe or show something in a particular way:
The statistics do not paint an optimistic picture.
Wage war on
/ to fight a war or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something: wage war on Doesn’t the president need Congress’ permission to wage war on another country? They’ve been waging a long campaign to change the law. Fighting.
determination and persistence, especially in spite of difficulties; perseverance: Call it stubbornness or stick-to-it-iveness, but she eventually won support for the proposal.
Be prompt with
- : being ready and quick to act as occasion demands. 2. : performed readily or immediately.3
Phi Beta Kappa
an honorary society of college and university undergraduates and some graduates to which members are elected on the basis of high academic achievement.
a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
plural noun: Phi Beta Kappas
《the ~》ファイ・ベータ・カッパ(の会員)、全米優等学生友愛会{ぜんべい ゆうとう がくせい ゆうあいかい}(の会員)◆選抜された学業優秀 な大学生から成る1776年創設 の組織で、会員資格 は終身有効
Grandiose promises
larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or great:
grandiose schemes/designs/ideas for making money
「grandiose」の意味・翻訳・日本語 - 気取った、偉そうな、大げさな、
You get what you pay for
used to say that a thing that can be bought for a very low price probably isn’t very good
“That cheap camera I bought is broken already.” “Well, you get what you pay for
slicky ass
slick ass 〈卑〉〔とびきりの〕知ったかぶり、うぬぼれ屋 -
to destroy something completely so that nothing is left:
a city annihilated by an atomic bomb
If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future:
The economic outlook is bleak.