56 Flashcards
in order to enjoy yourself:
I tend not to socialize with my colleagues.
打ち解けて付き合う、仲良く交際する socialize とは、友人や同僚などと楽しむために一緒に過ごす、つまり、打ち解けて付き合う、という意味
woman’s handbag:
I need a new pocketbook to go with these shoes.
Stocking stuffer
a small present suitable for putting in a Christmas stocking.
the main principles on which something is based:
Some people believe that the family is the bedrock of society.
Far out
Send it back to you
something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life:
Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted.
a parapet at the top of a wall, especially of a fort or castle, that has regularly spaced squared openings for shooting through.万里の長城の様な壁
Scores of
a large number or amount of people or things — usually + of. We have received scores of suggestions.
Stone cladding is a refined or thin layer of natural/artificial stone, which is applied to an interior (or exterior) wall, to give the effect that it is made entirely of stone
Saddened to learn that 〜
cause to feel sorrow; make unhappy.
“he was greatly saddened by the death of his only son”
Follow through
to do what needs to be done to complete something:
He didn’t follow through with his promise to help.
Jet off
To depart hurriedly
(intransitive) To go by airplane to a destination. (intransitive) To depart hurriedly. quotations
Sitting idle
To be idle is to be inactive or not working at a job
to take equipment or weapons out of use:
The government has decided to decommission two battleships.
It would cost $300 million to decommission the nuclear installation.
Right in the ballpark
fairly accurate
Definition of ‘in the ballpark’
1. fairly accurate. 2. fairly close to what is required.
ballpark figure
An acceptable, roughly accurate approximation, as in I know you can’t tell me the exact cost; just give me a ballpark figure
: continuing in a strong and steady way : constant, steadfast. her unwavering faith/support. an unwavering commitment to justice
relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.
“after a few days of seismic activity the volcanic eruption started”
If it wasn’t for 〜 it would not be make this happen
〜が無かったら 達成出来なかったろう、起きなかっただろう
when it comes to the crunch
when a situation reaches a very important or difficult point and you must make a decision on how to progress
If it comes to the crunch, I’ll resign over this.
That’s not the case
a small mark or flaw which spoils the appearance of something.
“the merest blemish on a Rolls Royce might render it unsalable”
Out of the landfills
Casting Call
A casting call is an invitation extended to actors and performers to audition for various roles in a film
Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells
worthless or undeserving.
“it’s not an entirely meritless idea”
(of a case, claim, etc.) lacking some or all of the legal or substantive elements required to have a prospect of success.
“we believe that the claims are meritless and will vigorously defend against them”
the act of making a person go somewhere with you, especially using threats or violence:
There has been a series of abductions of young children from schools in the area.
He was charged with abduction.
Hall in the wall
a small dingy place, especially a bar or restaurant. 隠れ家的
It’s just a hole in the wall but the food is good.
Played out in the broad daylight
Take place in the daytime
Push the criminals around
I have an idea
you think that it may be the case, although you are not certain.
Whip ath/someone into shape
to take action to get something or someone into the good condition that you would like:
to whip the economy into shape
A better teacher would have whipped him into shape.
A drop in the bucket
a very small amount compared with what is needed or expected.
“the $550 million is likely to be a drop in the bucket”
Call off
staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly:
a steadfast friend/ally
steadfast loyalty
Weigh in
to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way:
Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.
flows out in large amounts:
The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust, and gases into the air.
Crumpled up
to crush a piece of paper until all of it is folded:
Sylvie crumpled up the letter and threw it in the bin.
someone whose job is to discover information about crimes and find out who is responsible for them
The bigger picture
the most important facts
a person who is very much loved or liked:
Oh darling, I love you.
Here’s your change, darling.
Lovely one
On the mark
correct; accurate.
“his forecast for the weekend is right on the mark”
Piece of puzzle
part of the solution to a question or problem. Researchers are close to finding a solution, but they haven’t found the final pieces of the puzzle. 解決策
Blessed with
to have something that you feel is special or lucky:
I was blessed with good health.
Come through
If an emotion comes through, other people can notice it:
His nervousness came through when he spoke.
to succeed in a difficult situation:
He’s a great leader who always comes through under pressure.
Investors had faith we would come through for them in the long run.
a trick or situation that deceives you or involves you in some problem that you do not know about:
The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.罠
noisy and out of control
Rambunctious means “noisy and out of control,” like a rambunctious child who is so hard to handle that no babysitter has ever come back a second time. People who are rambunctious, pronounced “ram-BUNK-shus,” can be fun ランバンクシャス
Ham it up
to act or behave in an exaggerated or playful way
She likes to ham it up for the camera
great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain:
to surround a place, especially with an army, to prevent people or supplies getting in or out:
The town had been besieged for two months but still resisted the aggressors.
a large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city
to move a short distance, especially when you are in a sitting or crouching (= low, with bent knees) position:
Can you scooch over and make room?
something that is very important or successful:
His new movie will be the Hollywood biggie this summer.
Finishing touch
a final detail or action completing and enhancing a piece of work.
“now they’re putting the finishing touches to a new album”
A half-assed idea or plan is stupid or has not been considered carefully enough:
It’s another one of her half-assed ideas for getting rich. 中途半端な
to surprise or confuse someone so much that they are unable to think what to say or do next:
I didn’t know what to say - I was completely floored.
used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be shown to be true:
He is arguably the world’s best football player. 〔見解・意見などが〕ほぼ間違いなく、議論の余地はあるかもしれない
Stay civil
Civil” can mean “polite.” “Stay civil” means “stay polite.” It would be typically be used in a group discussion where people were starting to use angry language.
to go further than what is considered acceptable or correct:
The bad language in that show overstepped the limits/boundaries of what should be allowed on television.
Come forward
to offer to give help or information:
No witnesses to the accident have come forward yet, despite the police appeal.
Scale back
Scale down
to reduce something in size, amount, or production:
Sid will have to scale back his plans.
I have to confess
To be honest 正直言うと
Feeling the crunch
the critical moment or situation
Hurts the bottom line
an action has had an adverse effect on a company’s financial performance. For example, “The rise in operating costs has hurt their bottom line.”.
Look at the main street business
Great turnout
the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an election:
Good weather on polling day should ensure a good turnout.
Wash off this weekend
to come off the surface of something when water is used:
I don’t know if this paint will wash off.
Stick your hands and pull out sth
to get things, especially money or food, by asking for them instead of buying them or working for them:
Peter never buys anything - he just scrounges (off his friends).
食物)を見まわして集めるか、捜す(collect or look around for (food)); 2. 物乞い、または甘えることで得る、または得ようとする
Free up (more cash to spend)
to make something available to be used:
I need to free up some time this weekend to finish the report.
Good cause
Good cause is a legal term denoting adequate or substantial grounds or reason to take a certain action,
正当な理由; 十分な理由 、大義名分
South of the border
Mexico and the other countries south of the US border with Mexico
Make it’s way into (the supply chain)
to travel or move to a place:
We slowly made our way down the river.
We are going to draw on
an act of selecting names randomly, typically by extracting them from a bag or other container, to match competitors in a game or tournament.
“the draw has been made for this year’s tournament”
Winding down
to end gradually or in stages, or to cause something to do this:
The government intends to wind the scheme down in the spring.
Unfortunately, the party was just winding down as we got there.
Totally ball of wax
“It’s a whole new ball of wax.” 「全然別の話し」
someone who competes in a contest:
In tonight’s quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.
Two weeks’ surge
sudden and great increase of two weeks holiday;
An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.
There has been a surge in house prices recently.
I was blown away
to surprise or please someone very much:
The ending will blow you away.
I’ll give a full credit
Change the tune
change (one’s) tune
To change one’s attitude, opinion, manner, or stance on something, typically in a way that is more positive or agreeable.
Hold all the aces
to be in a strong position when you are competing with someone else because you have all the advantages:
In a situation like this, it’s the big companies who hold all the aces.
sick of it
To express that you are tired of something; to express you don’t like something anymore.
Explanation: This is commonly used when something happens so often that you are tired of it. “I’m not sure about you, but I’m sick of it!” “I don’t know why she’s acting that way, but I’m sick of it.”
easily bent; flexible.
“quality leather is pliable and will not crack”
Take a shortcut
quicker way of doing something: The kids take a shortcut through the parking lot to get to school.
Give me the green light
Get chilled
relaxed, not getting worried or angry about anything: Me
Round sth out
to complete something:
More research is needed to round out the article.
a particular way of performing a song, piece of music, or poem:
She ended the concert with a powerful rendition of “I Will Always Love You”.
having or showing a strong desire for something.
“Joe was as thirsty for scandal as anyone else”
Ever since
throughout the period since.
“she had lived alone ever since her husband died”
Bits and pieces
an assortment of small items.
“weird bits and pieces of paraphernalia”
be too intense for; overwhelm.
“they were overpowered by the fumes”
If something such as a house or car is roomy, it has a lot of space inside it. 広々
spacious approving
of a place) lacking fresh air or ventilation.
“a stuffy, overcrowded office”
Strike the notes
to behave appropriately
See full dictionary entry for note
Put in the mouth
to suggest that someone said or meant something that he or she did not actually say or mean.
Good call
used to express approval of a person’s decision or suggestion.
“So you asked her to leave? Good call”
Delhi belly
diarrhea experienced by travelers in a foreign country, who are not accustomed to the local food and water.