58 Flashcards
when it rains it pours
misfortunes or difficult situations tend to follow each other in rapid succession or to arrive all at the same time.
= It never rains but it pours
Sibling rivalry
the jealousy, competition and fighting between brothers and sisters. It is a concern for almost all parents of two or more kids.
making someone or something physically weak:
a debilitating condition/disease
not a (living) soul
No one
By the time I arrived there wasn’t a soul there.
- to show an emotion or quality, or (of an emotion or quality) to be shown or felt:
He was radiating joy and happiness. - to produce heat and/or light, or (of heat or light) to be produced:
an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence:
armed insurrection
Go nowhere
to not have any success or achieve anything:
I’m trying to persuade her to come, but I’m getting nowhere.
Moving right along
Sliver of Sunshine
something that is small, but brings a little bit of joy or hope.
Respiratory tract
the passage formed by the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs, through which air passes during breathing.
“respiratory tract infections”
空気が体に入って出て行く通路。 言い換え. airway. 気道
Pay it forward
an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying the kindness to others rather than paying it back to the original benefactor
Pull a stant
to do something silly and dangerous:
What did you want to pull a stupid stunt like that for?
Hold up
to remain strong or successful:
Will his alibi hold up (= continue to seem true) in court?
Ratchet up
to increase, or make something increase, repeatedly and by small amounts
weak and without energy, strength, or power:
He was a feeble, helpless old man
There is more to this story
it means that some parts of the story have been left out.
〜is our priority
Late husband
Dead husband
someone dead, especially someone who has died recently
I was really praying that
When someone is hoping very much that something will happen
Handle the heat
Endure severe censure or criticism
Be in line for
candidate for
“Could Ontario be in line for a major investment for a major EV —”
Stop, control, Palarize
full of excitement or activity.
“the Latvian capital combines winter charm with buzzing nightlife”
Spin-off business
In a “spin-off,” a parent company distributes shares of a subsidiary to the parent company’s shareholders so that the subsidiary becomes a separate, independent company
prong 【名】 〔洋食器のフォークのように〕先端のとがった細長い物◇可算 〈比喩〉枝分かれしたもの
attracting a great deal of attention; elaborately or ostentatiously impressive.
“I don’t care for splashy Hollywood parties”
Just ahead
You use just to say that something happened a very short time ago, or is starting to happen at the present time.
covered with fur.
“furry creatures in fields”
false, not real, or not legal:
On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.
Darkest before the dawn
things always seem the worst right before they improve.
of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change:
Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
“It’s been a whirlwind”
happening or developing very quickly:
a whirlwind tour
Turn in
to take a criminal to the police, or to go to them yourself to admit a crime:
The hit-and-run driver turned himself in to the police the day after the accident. 自首する
give something to someone in authority.
“no questions were asked of people who turned in the guns”
hand in/over
give in
a brief, strong rush of wind.
Long overdue
too long awaited; needed or expected for some time:
Improvements in our highway system are long overdue.
break or cause to break.
“the stone has fractured”
organic light-emitting diode
発光ダイオードの一種で、発光材料に有機化合物を用いるもの。 有機ELと呼ばれる現象を応用した発光素子の一種である。
Take a dive
of prices, hopes, fortunes, etc.) fall suddenly.
“profits could take a dive as easily as they could soar”
Clap back
to quickly answer or criticize someone who has criticized, insulted, or annoyed you:
If you say something negative to me, you know, I clap back. I stand up for myself.
to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you:
Boys will be boys
used to indicate that it is not surprising or unusual when men or boys behave in energetic, rough, or improper ways
Soft-headed wacko
lacking wisdom or intelligence.
Of . an eccentric, strange, or odd person.
sexual feelings directed toward children.
The meaning of top of mind is something that takes priority or that is foremost in one’s thoughts. Top-of-mind awareness (TOMA) is a key concept used in market research.
a person who is sexually attracted to children; a pedophile.
But regardless
in spite of difficulty
straight; rectangular; upright.
In the boonies
an area that is not close to any towns or cities : boondocks. The school is way out in the boonies
a remote or rural area
Boonie, a diminutive of boondocks, a U.S. expression for a remote or rural area. Boonie hat, a wide-brim hat commonly used by military forces. Boonie pepper, alternative name for bird’s eye chili.
Get behind
to fail to make enough progress
get behind (with something)
to fail to make enough progress or to produce something at the right time I’m getting behind with my work. He got behind with his car payments.
to propel suddenly or speedily
: to transport instantaneously
Face down
to defeat someone or something that is opposing you by being brave and strong: 力でねじ伏せる
He admired the President’s ability to face down critics.
Take the pulse of
Try to determine the intentions or sentiments of a person or group, as in These exit polls allegedly take the pulse of the voters, but I don’t believe they’re very meaningful
表現パターンtake [feel] the pulse of
表現パターンtake [feel
Chisel out
cut or shape (something) with a chisel.ノミで削る
“carefully chisel out a groove for the hinge”
unlucky accident.
“although there were a few minor mishaps, none of the pancakes stuck to the ceiling”
Plea factory
a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.
“the absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice”
Lose (shattered) faith in humanity
《lose (one’s) faith in humanity》人間性{にんげん せい}というものを信用{しんよう}できなくなる
Going cold
to become unproductive or ineffective; be unable to score
Not going over well
the idea was not received well by its intended audience.
Go over well
to be favorably received
Went just too far
not attractive or interesting
a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.地形
“they were delayed by rough terrain”
Bandwagon jumper
they become involved in an activity or movement because it is fashionable or likely to succeed and not because they are really interested in it.
Won’t come with a shock
Won’t associate with a shock
a country, organization, or person with a lot of influence, power, or energy:
Germany is an economic powerhouse.
Take the rein
to take control of something
to take control of something, especially an organization or a country
not frightened of or not trying to avoid something dangerous or unpleasant:
It is a brave and unflinching account of prison life.
cocktail (= mixed drink) that does not contain any alcohol:
They offer mocktails using fresh fruit juices.
Lighten the wallet
- To spend a large amount of money. (When speaking of one’s own actions.)
My sister loves to shop. She’s always out looking for new ways to lighten her wallet.
Take the cake
to be especially annoying, surprising, etc. or to be the worst or best of its kind:
And you say she’s opening your letters now? Oh, that takes the cake!
All of the reviews were bad, but hers took the cake.
take the cake は、そのまま訳すと「ケーキを取る」などとなりますが、これはこの語源が、一説では、黒人のダンスコンテストで一番になったら、ケーキを貰えるというところから来ているかららしいです。
a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity:
He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.
. “She served a stint in the army, followed by a stint in an office setting, before settling on a career as a lounge singer.”
to stop doing something, especially something that someone else does not want you to do:
Touch starvation
Touch starvation refers to a sense of longing for physical contact
Sure-fire (way to—)
Certain to succeed
Take a hit
to be affected badly by something. And it’s very, very common to say that someone’s reputation took a hit when that person’s reputation is damaged
Someone who is unassuming is quiet and shows no wish for attention or admiration:
He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.
bashfulcoy (MODEST)
Green, leafy
Nothing to lose
Give it a try
Stay afloat
they have just enough money to pay their debts and continue operating.
Have been around
have a lot of varied experience and understanding of the world.
“look, I’ve been around, I know what happens with kids like you”
dull and uninspired.
“some of the material is rather stodgy and top-heavy with facts”
For this reason; on this account; therefore. Obsolete spelling of herefor.
furrow 【名】 〔鋤で耕した〕畝間、畝と畝の間、あぜ溝 溝状の筋 〔額などの〕深いしわ
a grayish-beige color flecked with brown.
“an oatmeal jacket”
Peach fuzz
Not worth the hype
Not worth the hype: It’s basically saying that there’s a lot of excitement or hype around something, and you just don’t get it. 派手な売り込み(宣伝)があったがその価値は無い。
ma·chete mə-ˈshet-ē -ˈchet-ē; mə-ˈshet. : a large heavy knife used especially for cutting sugarcane and underbrush and as a weapon.
Poetic justice
a punishment or a reward that you feel is just, esp. when it is unexpected or unusual
feel or express strong disapproval of (something).
“we deplore this act of violence”
relating to ships, sailing, or sailors:
nautical equipment
You’re looking very nautical in your navy blue sweater.
Spinal tap
test used to diagnose certain health conditions. It’s performed in your lower back, in the lumbar region. During a lumbar puncture, a needle is inserted into the space between two lumbar bones (vertebrae) to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid.
脳脊髄液を採るために、あるいは薬物を投与するために脊柱の下部に脊椎穿刺針呼ばれる細い針をさす方法。「lumbar puncture(腰椎穿刺)
to use a law in order to achieve something, or to mention something in order to explain something or to support your opinion or action:
Police can invoke the law to regulate access to these places.
Leave out
to not include someone or something:
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you’re on a low-fat diet.
most noticeable or important.
“it succinctly covered all the salient points of the case”
important セーリエント
a maker or repairer of casks and barrels.