69 Flashcards
speech, it can be used to show that two or more parties are talking about basically the same thing but not in same exact terms, or not quite agreeing on the specifics どっちでもいいじゃん、そんなこと。」 「そんなのどうでもいいでしょ。」 なんて言いたいときに、どちらも使われる表現です
Peel the onion
metaphor and means exploring a problem one layer (step) at a time, to thoroughly understand what’s causing the trouble. I’ve also heard, “Peel an onion. There’s lots of layers.” which means a person or situation is more complicated than it appears to be.Jun
Circle back
to return to a conversation or discussion at a later time.” Another phrase you can use in place of circle back is let’s revisit this. Let’s revisit this tomorrow after the meeting.
Burn the candle at both ends
you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done
Put you on a quick hold
what is your take on it?
Ask your opinion
Going forward
to continue doing something : to proceed.Jul
Get glanular
highly detailed; having many small and distinct parts: data analysis on a granular level.
Hammer things out
to discuss something in detail in order to come to an agreement
to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or discussion:
Sharpen the pencil
You need to sharpen your pencil. The context for this phrase is almost exclusively negotiations. It’s normally used as a way of saying that the cost of something needs to be reduced.
Hope is not a strategy
Hope can provide motivation and inspiration, but it is not a plan for success
Square the circle
If you try to square the circle, you try to do something that is very difficult or impossible.
construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometric solution).
do something that is considered to be impossible.
Loop someone in
include someone in a conversation discussion etc. Additional Information.
Dry powder
the reserves of liquid assets that a company or an individual holds, primarily to cover future obligations, undertake new ventures,
Need to marinate on that
urge people to think carefully about a subject by telling them to “marinate and meditate” on it
Put a pin it
to remember an idea or thought that has just been mentioned, especially because it will be useful later, often used to tell someone to do this: I’ve got to take this call - put a pin in that thought
Circle the wagon
join together in order to protect yourselves against attack, criticism, or danger ワゴン🚐を集めて備えよう
“EOD” stands for “ end of day.” Often used in business settings,
Level setting
the process of ensuring that everyone involved in a conversation or project has a common understanding of the key facts, goals, and objectives
send an electronic message to (someone).
“he just pinged me, pointing to a breaking news story”
Tell me something good
This can be a greeting. Like, if I see a good friend of mine I will greet them by “What’s up?! Tell me something good!” It can also mean like what it literally say. Tell me some good news, what’s going on good today.
you have a bandwidth
the ability or time to deal with a situation, especially one that involves a large amount of information or a number of problems
Moving the needle forward
Moving the needle means changing a situation to a noticeable degree, and typically implies a positive change
to explain or examine something in order to make its meaning clearer:
He read the agreed statement to the group and then began to unpack it for them.
of hardware or software) vital to the functioning of an organization.
Gather the troops
to have a pep talk with soldiers to boost their morale (mood) up so that they will fight again
soldiers or armed forces.
“UN peacekeeping troops”
Stave off
to STOP something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily:
We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.
Garden pruner
a worker who thins out and trims trees and shrubs. “untouched by the pruner’s axe” synonyms: trimmer.
adapt for use in a different purpose.
“they’ve taken a product that was originally designed for a CD-ROM and repurposed it for the Microsoft Network”
Fluorescent tube
Which he is after
Which he is looking for
glassware or utensils used in preparing and serving alcoholic beverages
So be it
used to say that it is necessary to accept the situation as it exists:
If she wants to spend all her money on clothes, so be it!
too big for ones boots
behaving as if you are more important than you really are:
He’s been getting a bit too big for his boots since he got that promotion.
He didn’t take it kindly
knock someone off ones pedestal
to show people that someone is not as perfect as they seem to be:
This recent scandal has really knocked the president off his pedestal.
How the contract is set up
At least for now
typically used to convey that a particular situation is temporary. For example, “This solution may not be perfect, but it should work at least for now.”少なくとも今の時点では
Pick up pointers
acquiring knowledge or skills from someone or something. For example: “During the tutorial, I picked up a few pointers that I think will help me do better on my next assignment.”
realm of possibility
If you say that something is not beyond the realms of possibility, you mean that it is possible. A fall of 50 per cent or more on prices is not beyond the realms of possibility. This is a target which is surely within the realm of possibility. 可能性の範囲 できる範囲で
I got a family visiting
drown out something
of a sound) to be loud enough to block the sound of something else:
The sound of the telephone was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner.