55 Flashcards
a machine in an amusement park that people travel in or are moved around by for entertainment:遊園地の乗り物
We went on all the rides.
My favourite ride is the Ferris wheel.
Do I have your think
Wiggle myself in the line
verb [ I ]
UK /skwɜːm/ US /skwɝːm/
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to move from side to side in an awkward way, sometimes because of nervousness, embarrassment, or pain:
Nobody spoke for at least five minutes and Rachel squirmed in her chair with embarrassment.
The fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still.
Code word
a word or sign with a special meaning, or a word used to keep something secret:
“Long” and “frank” are all diplomatic code words for continuing disagreement.
unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.
“we will not tolerate this biased media coverage”
Switch gear
to suddenly change what you are doing esp. the way you think about a particular activity:
First they threatened us, then they switched gears and started acting nice.
Tummy is rambling
Rambling- too long and confused:
a long rambling speech
No exception
without exception
phrase of exception
with no one or nothing excluded.
“almost without exception, all the residents are opposed to this vandalism”
Gender neutral
relating to words that do not show gender, and especially not male or female:
gender-neutral words such as “person”
Use gender-neutral pronouns like “they” when possible.
Our office guidelines require the use of gender-neutral language in all company policies.
At this point
at this point: in this moment, right now, at the stage we are at now idiom. I needed to take a break at this point in the race. It was at that exact moment, right in the middle of the race.
Be drawn to
to be drawn closer to someone: to become fonder of someone, to develop stronger feelings for someone
having or producing happy and enjoyable feelings suitable for a festival or other special occasion:
a festive mood/occasion
The hall looked very festive with its Christmas tree.
in a way that shows that people or parts are united and working together:
This is about working together cohesively, not about being competitive. 組織などが〕団結した、まとまりのある
a decorative strip of fabric or cord, typically used for holding an open curtain back from the window
Death wish
a desire for death:
He takes so many chances that you’d think he had a death wish.
a situation in which a company’s shares stop being traded on a stock market:
Illegal dealing in the company’s shares led to its de-listing from the main market.
patterns or pictures that consist of stitches sewn directly onto cloth:
Let me show you Pat’s embroideries.
Chug along
to keep going or keep doing what you were doing.
This possibility has kept the stock rally chugging along
characterized by drinking large quantities of alcohol.
“a boozy lunch”
By a whisker
by a very small amount
by a very small amount: Last time she raced against the Brazilian, she won by a whisker. Closeness in distance and time. a hair’s breadth idiom.
Make into a circus
make (something) into a circus
To cause something to devolve into chaos, especially in public.
Back of napkin
make (something) into a circus
To cause something to devolve into chaos, especially in public.
for all tastes
something has something for everyone. Example: The new restaurant has a wide selection of dishes for all tastes.
Just a hair higher
is “by a hair” or “by a whisker.” By a whisker at Cambridge Dictionary means “by a very small amount.” So if you missed by a hair or by a whisker, you missed by a very small amount.
Vibrant community
a healthy, supportive, resource-rich environment that inclusively taps human, economic, and natural capital to thrive and grow together. Communities are vibrant when fourteen interrelated elements of health and well-being (shown below) are contributing and robust.
rush forward in attack.
“the plan is to charge headlong at the enemy”
rush aggressively toward (someone or something) in attack.
“I don’t advise anyone to charge that barricade”
open fire on
fall on
set upon
swoop on
descend on
fly at
make an onslaught on
make a raid on
take by storm
attempt to capture
lay into
tear into
move quickly and with impetus.
“Henry charged up the staircase”
Price in
To include (the costs of a possible future event, especially a negative one) in an estimation of the total value of something. The recent interest rate change was anticipated and has been priced in to the value of the stock by the market. price in は(市場などが)「~を織り込む」
Are in on
involved in (something)
They were all in on the scheme. I let them in on our little secret.
a state in which a person is almost unconscious and their thoughts are not clear: He was lying under the table in a drunken stupor
Department of Education.
2. erectile dysfunction.
In store for
planned or likely to happen:
We have a big surprise in store for you.
Hit pause on
To pause (an activity); stop, terminate. We need to hit pause on this project for now, and switch gears to the next thing.
give (someone) the shirt off one’s back
: to do anything to help (someone)
She’d give me the shirt off her back if I ever needed help.
strongly prejudiced against women.
“deeply ingrained misogynistic attitudes”
Sheer luck
kind of luck that was highly improbable, but happened anyway
of a material) able to soak up liquid easily.吸水性ある
“drain on absorbent paper towels”
connected with the physical senses of touch, smell, taste, hearing, and sight
Die down
becomes quieter or less obvious:
It was several minutes before the applause died down.
objects kept or collected because of their historical interest, especially those associated with memorable people or events.記念品
“World Series memorabilia”
Dare I say
use ‘ dare I say it’ when you know that what you are going to say will disappoint or annoy someone.
dare I say it」は「あえて言わせてもらうと」という決まり文句です。 相手にとって受け入れがたいことを話す時に使われることが多いです
having no equal; better or greater than any other:
They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.
Foster a sense of belonging
. A community group is supposed to be engaging and fostering a sense of belonging .
used to describe a situation in which something is or has to be exactly right:
ゴルディロックスの原理(Goldilocks principle)とは、過度すぎず不足すぎない、一定の範囲内の「中間のほどよい状態」を意味する概念のこと。
イギリスの童謡『3匹の熊(Goldilocks and the Three Bears)』にて、小さな女の子ゴルディロックスが熊の家に入り、テーブルの上の3つのお粥のうち、「熱すぎる」のも「冷たすぎる」のも避け、「ちょうどいい温かさ」のお粥を全部飲んだことに由来する。
bellwether 【名】 〔羊の群れを先導する〕鈴付き羊 〔業界などの〕先導者、先導
the leading sheep of a flock, with a bell on its neck.
an indicator or predictor of something.
“college campuses are often the bellwether of change”
Take a breeze
To take the breeze” is an idiom meaning “to get some fresh air, to go outside.” I have never heard it used with the indefinite article
Side profile
outline from the side
Pop of colour
A pop of colour is an area of a bright colour which contrasts strongly with the colours around it. A pop of electric blue will brighten up your winter wardrobe. 目立つ色🩷
Runny and gooey
Having an overly soft liquid consistency. とろとろ
a new plan or process, New idea
(to achieve something or solve a problem:
peace initiative The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.)
Walk back stg
to change an opinion that you had expressed before or admit that a statement you made was wrong:
~に〕歩いて[徒歩で]戻る[引き返す] 〔言ったことを〕撤回する
He has since walked back his opposition to the bill.
With massive video evidence, he walked back his claim that he was spat on.
Rally behind us
to come together or bring people together in order to help or support somebody/something. rally around/behind somebody/something
The cabinet rallied behind the Prime Minister.
the beginning of an organization or official activity: 発端
◆toqueは帽子。 blancは白。 コックの帽子が長いのは、コックが自分の間食を帽子の中に隠すのに大きい方が良かったため(の説もある)
a tall white hat with folds in the top part, worn by chefs (= professional cooks)
piece of string in the centre of a candle, or a similar part of a light, that supplies fuel to a flame 蝋燭の芯
Liver spot
small, dark area on the skin, especially of people older than around fifty:
He has receding white hair, a walrus mustache and liver spots on his hands.
Liver spots are harmless and don’t need treatment.
肝斑. a type of skin disease that causes brown spots on the skin. 皮膚に茶色の斑点を生じさせる、皮膚病の一種。
Plenty of buzz on media
Buzz you in
to allow someone to enter a place by pressing a button that opens a door and makes a buzzing sound:
buzz someone in Press the intercom and I’ll buzz you in.
We were buzzed into the lobby.
Pack into
Cut it up
to cut something into pieces
acting in a way that does not cause offence:
Ask him nicely - be diplomatic.
not perfect, or containing mistakes:
Diamonds are still valuable, even when they are flawed.
Distracted driver
someone who is trying to do something else, for example use a mobile phone, at the same time as driving:
Each year, an estimated 284,000 distracted drivers are involved in serious crashes.
guard down
to relax and stop being careful and alert.
Escape resession
to cause something to be respected and considered important
Be fearless, change is good
Do not be afraid of change
Follow suit
to do the same thing:
When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually follow suit.
discipline · 〔人に〕自制心{じせい しん}を持たせる、〔人が〕自己管理{じこ かんり}できるようにする◇
the ability to control yourself or other people, even in difficult situations:
Maintaining classroom discipline (= control of the students) is the first task of every teacher.
without any order:
She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer.
a person who publicly disagrees with and criticizes their government:
political dissidents
When children are naughty, or their behaviour is naughty, they behave badly or do not do what they are told to do:
Now that’s naughty - don’t throw food on the floor!
Our boss treats us all like naughty children.
Might otherwise
in different circumstances. might otherwise have left. The test helps identify problems that might have otherwise gone unnoticed. 3. : in other respects. もしそうじゃなければ
Dip into
to read small parts of a book or magazine:
It’s the kind of book you can just dip into.
Miss the boat
Trickle down
used to refer to a situation in which something that starts in the high parts of a system spreads to the whole of the system:
The supposed trickle-down effect of lower taxes for the rich has not yet resulted in greater prosperity for society as a whole.
Proof of the pudding
said to mean that you can only judge the quality of something after you have tried, used, or experienced it
the quality of being easily damaged or broken:
A deficiency of copper can cause increased bone fragility.
The fragility of donor hearts, livers and other organs means they are usually transported by air.
Lip service
to say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it:
She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she’s only paid lip service to the idea.
Put a dumper on sth
to make something less active or less enjoyable:
Both the kids were sick while we were in Boston, so that put a damper on things.
Dumper - a dump truck.
・Being jobless puts [casts, throws] a damper on future plans. : 失業は将来の計画に水を差す。
Shame on you
you should feel ashamed of what you have done:
I can’t believe you lied to her - shame on you!
should feel sorry for
idiom. used to say that someone should feel sorry for doing something wrong. Shame on you for being so rude.
. a person who moves to a smaller property, typically after he or she retires.
someone who leaves a job that is well paid and difficult in order to do something that gives them more time and satisfaction but less money:
He’s no ordinary downshifter trading high earnings for rural tranquillity.
The true downshifter - whether he becomes a plumber, a potter, or unspecified “freelance consultant” - does not want any job that takes him back to a 70-hour week.
in less than no time
very quickly or soon.
Door crusher (sale)
door crasher is a low-priced item of limited quantity typically offered on special, early-opening hours to attract buyers into a retail …
an artificial slope:
I pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and into the supermarket.
Not ‘lump’
Plow through
to go through a substance or an area of something with difficulty: We plowed through the mud. to finish reading, eating, or dealing with something with difficulty: I have an enormous pile of papers to plow through.
to put something in a box:
[ M ] Someone from the nursing home must have boxed up his clothes.
What led to 〜
you are asking about a past xxx and the causes leading up to it. 何がそうさせたのか?
Knocked out power
Knocked out power to hundred of homes. 停電させた
Go off
If a gun goes off, it fires:
His gun went off accidentally.
If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working:
The lights went off in several villages because of the storm.
Amp someone up
to get someone excited:
She amped up the crowd.
Shepard someone through
to make a group of people move to where you want them to go, especially in a kind, helpful, and careful way:
He shepherded the old people towards the dining room.
Board up
to cover a door or window with wooden boards:
Stores are boarding up their windows in case rioting breaks out.
working secretly using a false appearance in order to get information for the police or government:
an undercover police operation
an undercover detective
Fed up with
very tired of (something) : angry about (something that has continued for a long time) I’m fed up with all these delays.
Give yourself (time) 〜
Take your time
Blast of snow
Strong snow,
hit something with a similar, very strong force:
permission, a law, etc. is no longer in effect:
The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area.
Put the boot in by 〜
to make a bad situation worse, by criticizing or being unkind:
After he lost his job, his wife put the boot in by announcing she was leaving him.泣き面に蜂
year in and year out
every year, especially in a way that seems boring:
We go to Mike’s parents every summer - it’s the same thing year in and year out