75 Flashcards
Miss out on
to fail to include someone or something that should be included:
You’ve missed out your address on the form.
be hard on someone
to criticize someone severely, or to treat someone unfairly:
Don’t be too hard on him - he’s new to the job.
déjà vu.
the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now:
feeling of déjà vu When I met her, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu.
Easily form
willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion:
She might be more amenable to the idea if you explained how much money it would save.
⇆ uncooperative
idle rhetoric
empty rhetoric or insincere or exaggerated talk , empty words
Talk with little meaning, a message that seems to contain meaningful content but does not
Road pricing
the practice of charging motorists to use busy roads at certain times, especially to relieve congestion in urban areas.
distant unhappy memories
Nostalgia: sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
“I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days in college”
of foods containing fat or oil) smelling or tasting unpleasant as a result of being old and stale.
“rancid meat”
The word Fusel [ˈfuːzl̩] is German for “bad liquor”. Whether fusel alcohol contributes to hangover symptoms is a matter of scientific debate
break a leg!
Good luck
Bring it in for a hug!
The meaning here is “Come closer so we can hug!” That’s a pretty common usage in the US nowadays.
Bug out
(of the eyes) open wide or bulge outward.
“he did a double take and his eyes bugged out
Plaid shirt
any fabric woven of differently colored yarns in a crossbarred pattern.
entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
“the power delegated to him must never be misused”
It’s another rotten day!
wretchedly bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory; miserable day
Uphold the verdict
to state that a decision which has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct
confirm or support (something which has been questioned
Antonym of “uphold”
Crime ring
A criminal organization can also be referred to as an outfit, a gang, crime family, mafia, mob,
Blunt ended
The end part (of a body, of a leaf, of a petal, etc.) that has a dull or rounded edge. 先の丸い
movement up and down.
“she could only manage a slight bob of her head
the action of dividing into degrees or other proportionate divisions on a graduated scale.
a lens that is convex on one side and concave on the other.
“a meniscus lens”
Pick up steam
to become more popular. The idea began to pick up steam around the turn of the century
Jot down
to write something quickly on a piece of paper so that you remember it
put it more bluntly
in a very direct way, without trying to be polite or kind. To put it bluntly, I want a divorce.
Better the devil you know
you would prefer to have contact with or do business with a person you already know, even though you don’t like them, than with a person you don’t know
Opportunity cost
Opportunity cost represents the potential benefits that a business, an investor, or an individual consumer misses out on when choosing one alternative over another.
make an exact copy of; reproduce.
“it might be impractical to replicate Eastern culture in the west”
Put the clock back
to make things the same as they were at an earlier time:
The court’s decision on this case will put the clock back 50 years.
Tuck away
put something in a private, safe place:
Grandma always kept a little of money tucked away in case of an emergency.
Warm Glow Giving
economic theory describing the emotional reward of giving to others. According to the original warm-glow model developed by James Andreoni (1989, 1990),[1][2] people experience a sense of joy and satisfaction for “doing their part” to help others
of a person, event, or behavior) noisy, energetic, and cheerful; rowdy.
“the boisterous conviviality associated with taverns of that period”
Get the wrong end of the stick
to not understand a situation correctly: Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got the wrong end of the stick. Misunderstanding.
Well grounded
having a good training in or knowledge of a subject.
“boys who are well grounded in traditional academic subjects”
Go bust
to become bankrupt
Rising star
person who is quickly becoming popular, successful, etc. a politician who is a rising star in the Republican/Democratic Party.
like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.
“a pungent, cheesy sauce”
cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic.
“cheesy motel rooms”
extremely small; tiny.
“a minuscule fragment of DNA”
make or become gelatinous.
“water gelatinizes the granules”
Perfect storm
a particularly bad or critical state of affairs, arising from a number of negative and unpredictable factors.
“the past two years have been a perfect storm for the travel industry”
a V-shaped cut in a hard surface:
The stick has two notches, one at each end.
a deep, narrow mountain pass
Head back to
at all (used for emphasis).
“I have no doubt whatsoever”
a young pigeon eaten as food
an object shaped like a round ball:
Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere.
Every dollar count
Money is a reward you receive for the service you render, and the more value you offer, the greater will be your reward
Rustle up
produce something quickly when it is needed.
“see if you can rustle up a cup of coffee for Paula and me, please”
Heart sink
to feel disappointed or to lose hope: My heart sank when I realized we couldn’t afford the new house. Disappointing yourself and others. abjectly.
Sign in the dotted line
in full acceptance of a written statement or agreement. Please sign on the dotted line.
butt heads
engage in conflict or be in strong disagreement.
“the residents continue to butt heads with the mall developers”
Cheap and cheerful
simple and inexpensive.
Pipe up
say something suddenly.
“when she does pipe up, it’s definitely worth listening to”
Tough cookie
person who is able to deal with difficult situations and not be easily defeated, frightened, or upset:
He said his wife is a tough cookie, a breast cancer survivor who battled the disease for nearly ten years.
Alprazolam is most commonly prescribed in the management of anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). アルプロザラム
Juliette balcony
a balcony consisting of a balustrade connection to the building facade without a deck to walk on
relating to the countryside; rural.
made in a plain and simple fashion.
“rustic pottery”
to carefully consider, especially by comparing facts or possibilities, in order to make a decision:
Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to start.
books and writings published on a particular subject.
“the literature on environmental epidemiology”文献
lasting for a very short time.
“fashions are ephemeral”
transient. エフェメラル
Home turf
One’s familiar surroundings or habitat.
Touch up
make small improvements
Make every step count
When you Move More every day, you can reach some pretty big goals over time
Hoi polloi
“Many” in Greek
Take all credit
“Take all the credit” = receive all praise and compliments for the work complet.
It means to accept praise and compliments from completing a task
“So many people were involved in this, I can’t take all of the credit.”
a disorderly crowd; a mob.
“he was met by a rabble of noisy, angry youths”
warts and all
including features or qualities that are not appealing or attractive.
“Philip must learn to accept me, warts and all”
Swing in
Swing out
“Swing in a different place”
participate or become involved in.
“organizations engage in a variety of activities”
participate in
take part in
ーに参加する 関わる
Cross off
to remove someone or something, such as a name, from a list by drawing a line through it:
Did you cross her name off the guest list?
No less
used to show the importance of someone or something:
Who should arrive at the party but the prime minister, no less!
Blow me away
1.Killing me
2. surprise or please someone very much:
The ending will blow you away.
Venture out
to leave a safe place and go somewhere that may involve risks: If the snow stops I might venture out
Crush up
press or grind something with great force until it is reduced to something smaller.
Memory foam
a polyurethane material that is sensitive to pressure and temperature, used especially in mattresses, where it molds to the shape of an individual’s body
Take home message
the main message or piece of information that you learn from something:
The take-home message from/of this research is that even small amounts of regular exercise make a huge difference to health.
make a continuous deep, resonant sound.
“thunder rumbled, lightning flickered”
hit the ball out of the park
to do something extremely well:
The two chefs hit the ball out of the park with this entrée.
a very helpful or valuable event, person, or thing.
“this highway is a godsend to the local community”
Whole spectrum
Many kinds of
a confused mixture.
“Rob’s living room was a hodgepodge of modern furniture and antiques”
Hard no
nothing can alter the “no”, no matter what happens and no matter what you say. Their decision is final
Be after
to be looking for someone or something or trying to find or get them or it:
The police are after him.
Pull me in
to attract people to come to a performance or to buy things:
More than happy to help
extremely (used before an adjective conveying a positive feeling or attitude).
“she is more than happy to oblige”
someone who gives others a lot of work to do and expects them to work hard:
Our new teacher is a tough taskmaster.
Left up to interpretation
there are two or more legitimate ways of interpreting the situation, words, or facts
an unroofed area that is completely or mostly enclosed by the walls of a large building.
Cannot trade
Cannot be replaced
Max out
to reach the limit of something, so that nothing more is possible: We maxed out all our credit cards
Gustatory world
relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste.
Season of wood
make (wood) suitable for use as timber by adjusting its moisture content to that of the environment in which it will be used.
“I collect and season most of my wood”
especially of sound, taste, and color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
“she was hypnotized by the mellow tone of his voice”
expressing disapproval or annoyance.
“you of all people, Goldie—tsk, tsk”
No offence
one does not want to cause a person or group to feel hurt, angry, or upset by what is about to be said. No offense, but I think you are mistaken
Shake out
empty something out by shaking a container.
“he shook out a handful of painkillers”
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