57 Flashcards
Bobby pin
a U-shaped metal pin that is tightly bent and slides into the hair in order to keep it back off the face or to keep part of the hair in position 普通の黒のヘアピン
Circle back
Circle back = 円を描いて戻ってくる
(a shop or restaurant that contains) a device for cooking meat, especially chicken, by turning it round slowly near a flame or cooker
the lower part of the leg of a chicken or similar bird eaten as food:
chicken drumsticks
a person with an obsessive desire to set fire to things.
“a ten-year-old pyromaniac”
If a liquid curdles, or you curdle it, it gets thicker and develops lumps.
practical and serious, and only interested in doing what is necessary or achieving what is intended, without silly ideas or methods: 質素{しっそ}な、飾{かざ}りのない
a no-nonsense manner/leader
Go through the roof
(of prices or figures) reach extreme or unexpected heights.
“rents have gone through the roof”
a situation from which large profits are made:
The rise in house prices meant that those who were selling enjoyed a bonanza.
April was a bonanza month for car sales.
get something out of the way
to finish something:
I like to get my homework out of the way on a Friday night so that I can enjoy the weekend.
Electrical grid
Hit or miss
as likely to be unsuccessful as successful.
“her work can be hit-or-miss”
the act or habit of belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessive modesty, often as a form of humor:自虐的な
There’s no need for self-deprecation—you’re doing fine and shouldn’t be worried about your shortcomings.
imaoは”in my arrogant opinion”の略語で、スラングでは「言わせてもらうなら」「ぶっちゃけ」といった意味です。 自分の気持ちを暴露する際など、日本でもよく「ぶっちゃけ~」といったふうに使われますね。
spare the rod and spoil the child
Discipline is necessary for good upbringing, rod 棒、さお、釣りざお、避雷針、(細いまっすぐな)枝、小枝、むち、むち打ち
・No effort should be spared. : いかなる努力も惜しむべきではない。
showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something.対立する
“an antagonistic group of bystanders”
Tend to the problem
to deal with the problems
Bunk the class
to truant, or not attend the class when you are expected to attend
On top of the world
extremely happy:
She was feeling on top of the world.
a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.ガイザー
what a treat
used to express that something is a pleasant surprise. For example: “I didn’t expect to get a cake for my birthday, what a treat!”.
Sobering (data)
making you feel serious or think about serious matters:
a sobering thought
Ring out
When a sound rings out, it is loud and clear:
A cry of warning rang out.
A shot rang out.
Printomatic camera
Budding (photographer)
: being in an early stage of development
budding novelists
Fire pit
a dug out area or open container outside in which a fire can be lit:
Each camping spot has an outdoor firepit with a supply of logs.
criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point:
satirical cartoons/magazines風刺
Streaming service
A streaming service is a service that allows you to play films and TV programmes on your TV, phone, or computer directly from the internet, without needing to download them
Weekend worriers
a person who engages in a hobby or activity only on weekends or in their leisure time and is not considered to be particularly skilled, prepared, etc.:
They sell exercise equipment for the casual user and weekend warrior.
a serious medical condition in which a person’s body temperature falls below the usual level as a result of being in severe cold for a long time:
In this current cold spell, many old people are dying needlessly of hypothermia.低体温症
In your element
in one’s element at the company
《be ~》その会社で本領を発揮して[では自分の得意分野を生かすことができて・で水を得た魚のように働いて]いる
in a situation you know well and enjoy:
Gerard stood up to sing in front of his classmates, and you could see he was in his element.
Pantry staple
a food that is considered a basic or important food so that most people have a supply of it in their kitchen:
Beans are definitely a pantry staple for me.
Sunset clause
part of a law or contract that states when it will end, or the conditions under which it will end:
A sunset clause in the bill called for the tax cuts to expire in 2010.
1 《法律》サンセット条項(◇行政機関などの存続の必要性が見直されなければ一定期間後に消滅することを定めた条項)
2 《経済》サンセット条項(◇定期的に買収防衛策などの是非を株主総会などで見直す条項)
not too long after
a time shortly after something else. For example: I had barely finished my presentation when he asked a question, not too long after.
No slack in the harness
tight; no loose in the harness
These tent ropes are too slack - they need tightening.しっかり締めて
Quite a stretch
something that requires a great amount of effort or imagination. For example, “Getting from one end of town to the other in ten minutes is quite a stretch, even without traffic.”.
breakout season in sports
time when an athlete or team unexpectedly rises to prominence or achieves great success. This could be due to a sudden increase in skill level, a string of lucky breaks, or simply being in the right place at the right time
cause to be or become; make.
“the rains rendered his escape impossible”