16-3 Flashcards
What is a Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor?
Aggressive epithelial-lined cyst in the jaw
posterior mandible
What is a Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor?
Aggressive epithelial-lined cyst in the jaw
posterior mandible
Who is commonly affected with Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumors?
Males 10-40
What is the most common oral cancer?
Squamous cell carcinoma
What is the most common oral cancer?
Squamous cell carcinoma
White patch that canNOT be scraped off and is not due to any other disease/reason
White patch that cannot be scraped off and is not due to any other disease/reason
Leukoplakia is ____
Red, velvety lesion equal to or slightly below surrounding mucosa
Red, velvety lesion equal to or slightly below surrounding mucosa
Erythroplakia is ____
MOST pre-cancerous
Leukoplakia and Erythroplakia are pre-cancerous. What patient population often has them?
Older males who use tobacco
The etiology of Squamous cell carcinoma is multifactorial. What are the top 2 reasons?
- HPV infection
2. Tobacco and alcohol use
The etiology of Squamous cell carcinoma is multifactorial. What are the top 2 reasons?
- HPV infection
2. Tobacco and alcohol use
Instead of tobacco and alcohol, what in india/asia can cause SCC?
Betel nuts and paan
What can cause cancers of the lower lip?
Actinic radiation and pipe smoking
Actinic radiation and pipe smoking cause?
Cancers of the lower lip
What strains of HPV are seen with oropharyngeal SCC?
16 and 18
Oropharyngeal SCC affects who?
White males who do NOT smoke age 35-55
Long term survival is better in patients with HPV (+) or (-) SCC?
HPV (+)!!
Long term survival is better in patients with HPV (+) or (-) SCC?
HPV (+)!!
What genes can be mutated with SCC?
What genetic alterations are present with SCC?
HPV (-) tumors harbor ____ somatic mutations
What proteins are present that disrupt the cell cycle with HPV (+) SCC?
E6 and E7
E6 does what?
(-) P53
E7 does what?
(-) RB
What genes can be mutated with SCC?
What genetic alterations are present with SCC?
Classic SCC affects what parts of the oral cavity?
Ventral tongue
Floor of the mouth
Lower lip
Classic SCC will be preceded by?
Leukoplakia or Erythroplakia
Classic SCC has protruding?
What causes Classic SCC?
Tobacco carcinogen induced
HPV+ SCC affects what parts of the oral cavity?
Tonsillar crypts in lingual tonsils
Base of tongue
HPV+ SCC will be preceded by?
HPV+ SCC will have?
Small tumors with cervical LAD
HPV+ SCC will have overexpression of what protein?
Proliferation of nests/lobules of basaloid and nonkeratinizing cells is seen with?
Sore throat, ear ache, odynophagia and weight loss could indicate?
Oropharyngeal SCC
What is the Theory of Field Cancerization?
Multiple independent primary tumors develop as a result of years of chronic exposure to carcinogens
Survival rate using the Theory of Field Cancerization?
5 year survival rate for 1st primary tumor is»_space; 2nd primary tumor
What is the Theory of Field Cancerization?
Multiple independent primary tumors develop as a result of years of chronic exposure to carcinogens
Overexpression of P16 is seen with?