Who is Rocky Balboa? Flashcards
adjective : pronounced in a way that shows you come from a particular area, country, or social group:

He spoke in heavily ——— English.
Her lightly ——– English is almost perfect.
He’s a Philadelphia native with a heavily ——- voice, and he’s not particularly intelligent.
- accented
adjective : SPOKEN : spoken and not written
a —— promise
Yet she’s a subject of ——- abuse by her brother Paulie, played by Burt Young.
WORDS : relating to words or the use of words
sözlü, sözcüklerle ve kullanımıyla ilgili
——- ability/skills
——–ly adverb : sözel olarak

- verbal
noun : WRONG USE [C, U] : the use of something for the wrong purpose in a way that is harmful or morally wrong
istismar etme, kötüye kullanma
drug/alcohol abuse —— of public money
Yet she’s a subject of verbal —— by her brother Paulie, played by Burt Young.
VIOLENCE [U] B2 violent, cruel treatment of someone
kaba ve çirkin davranma
child abuse sexual ——
LANGUAGE [U] rude and offensive words said to another person
başkasına kaba va aşağılayıcı söz söyleme, küfretme
Rival fans shouted —— at each other.

- abuse
adjective : showing that you like or love someone
birini beğendiğini, sevdiğini belli eden, gösteren
an ——– little girl
———ly adverb : sıcakkanlı bir şekilde
We also get a look into the life of the current Heavyweight Champion, Apollo Creed, ———ly styled on Muhammad Ali.

- affectionate
phrasal verb :
to get someone excited:
She —-ed – the crowd.
In an attempt to —– – his career, Creed offers the opportunity to Rocky as an unknown to fight him in the ring.
- amp up
verb : TRY : to try very hard to do something difficult
çaba sarfetmek, uğraşmak, mücadele etmek
Initially, Rocky ——–s with training under whiskey-voiced Mickey Goldmill, acted by Burgess Meredith.
[+ to do sth] He’s ——ing to pay off his debts.
FIGHT : to fight someone when they are holding you
çırpınmak, debelenmek
She ——-d but couldn’t break free.

- struggle
verb : formal ——— in/with sth to finish with a particular event, or reach a final result after gradual development and often a lot of effort
… ile son bulmak/sonuçlanmak; çabaları sonuç vermek; sonuca ulaşmak, doruğa ulaşmak
His career ——-d with the post of ambassador to NATO.
This is represented by a montage of scenes of him training, ——–ing in his run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, to the very inspiring main song of the movie score by Bill Conti.
[T] us to be the final thing in a series of events
bir çok eylemin en sonuncusu olmak; … ile sonuçlanmak
The discovery of a body ——-d two days of desperate searching.
——–ion noun : sonuç
This discovery is the ——-ion of years of research.

- culminate
noun : the fact of not being known by many people

kenarda kalmışlık; unutulmuşluk; fazla tanınmazlık
to fade into ——–
He rose from relative ——- to worldwide recognition.
But Rocky has clearly won in many respects, bringing himself up from ——- and crime, romancing Adrian, and showed he is a superior boxer.
- obscurity
verb : to say something suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, annoyed, excited, etc

haykırmak, bağırmak, hayretini ifade etmek, çığlık koparmak/atmak
“How terrible!” she —–ed.
Some movie critics take a deep sigh at this point and ——, “If only they’d left it!”
- exclaim
noun: a film, book, etc that continues the story from an earlier one

devam, arka
However, Rocky was made in a time of ——s, and the film spawned five sequels.
- sequel
adjective : feeling very pleased because you have won something or succeeded
muzaffer; zafer sarhoşu
These personal tragedies serve as match to flame and Rocky emerges ——– from his second battle with Creed and with Clubber.
the President’s ——- return to the White House
——–ly adverb : başarılı ve galip gelmiş bir şekilde

- triumphant
verb : literary to punish someone for doing something bad to you, your family, etc

öcünü almak, öç almak, acısını çıkarmak
He swore he would —— his brother’s death.
Rocky sets out to —– Creed by fighting Drago, even though he is now too old to box, and risks his life by doing so.
- avenge
verb : to earn a particular amount of money as a total before tax or other costs are taken from it

brüt para kazanmak/gelir elde etmek
The movie ——-ed $250 million.
The film, though it ——ed the most of all the films in the series at that point, was panned by critics and awarded several Razzies for poor acting.
- gross
adjective : not thanking or showing that you are pleased with someone who has done something for you

nankör, iyilik bilmez, değer bilmez
However, the young boxer, played by Tommy Morrison, is ——- for the veteran’s help.
- ungrateful
adjective :formal : shocking and difficult to accept

sarsıcı, kabul edilmesi güç, şok eden
an ——– fact
It’s an ——– film, and one that left many feeling like they’d seen enough of Rocky’s life.
- unpalatable
verb : IMPROVE to make something seem less bad
durumu kurtarmak, telâfi etmek; daha az kötü hâle getirmek
However, Stallone ——-s the character in the last film of the series, Rocky Balboa.
He tried to —— his reputation by working extra hard.
—– yourself : to do something that makes people have a better opinion of you after you have done something bad
kendini affettirmek, suçunu bağışlatmak
He was two hours late, but he ——ed himself by bringing presents.
GET SOMETHING to exchange something for something else
bir şeyi bir diğeri için değiştirmek
RELIGION to save someone from evil, especially according to the Christian religion
kötülüklerden korumak/kurtarmak

- redeem