Hieronymus Bosh Flashcards
verb : DESCRIBE : If a book or film portrays someone or something, it describes or shows them.
betimlemek, anlatmak/yazmak, resmetmek, tasvir etmek
Both novels —– the lives of professional athletes.
ACT : to act the part of a character in a film or play
canlandırmak; …rolünüde oynamak; karakteri yansıtmak
——-al noun : the way someone or something is ——ed
canlandırma; …rolünü yapma
He won several awards for his ——al of the dictator.

- portray
noun : RELIGION : something that is against the rules of a religion
He is famous for his portrayals of Hell and human —–.
MORALLY WRONG : something that you should not do because it is morally wrong
ahlaka aykırı şey, günah
You’ve only got one life and it’s a —– to waste it.

- sin

adjective : very strange and surprising
garip, tuhaf, acayip
His paintings are bi——, detailed, and widely considered a precursor of surrealism.
——-ly adverb : garip bir şekilde

- bizarre

verb : to interest or attract someone very much
etkilemek, büyülemek
She ——d film audiences with her beauty and charm.
The symbolism in his work has ——d and puzzled people for centuries.
——ing adjective : cezbedici
a ——ing performance

- captivate

noun : a story, poem, or painting that has a hidden meaning, especially a moral one
içinde ahlaki değerlere ait gizli anlam içeren hikaye, şiir ya da tablo, allegori
——-ical adjective : içinde gizli bir mesaj veya ders olan hikayeler

- allegory

noun : the quality of being physically or morally weak

fiziksel/ahlakî zayıflık, sünepelik; karakter zayıflığı, zaaf
They often focused on human ——-.
- frailty
noun : EXPLANATION : an explanation or opinion of what something means
yorum, tefsir
traditional ———s of the Bible
Art critics have never come to a consensus over the ——— of the center panel, which shows figures in a fantastic setting.
STORY/MUSIC : the way someone performs a particular play, piece of music, etc
(oyun, müzik vb.) yorumlama, yorum, icra
a beautiful ——– of Swan Lake

- interpretation

noun : behaviour that is silly and not serious

uçarılık, ciddiyetsizlik
- frivolity