How Big İs The Universe Flashcards
adjective : extremely big

çok geniş, çok büyük, uçsuz bucaksız, muazzam
a —– amount of money
Throughout history, humans have used a variety of techniques and methods to help them answer the questions ‘How far?’ and ‘How big?’ Generations of explorers have looked deeper and deeper into the —– expanse of the universe.
- vast
noun : an object in space that leaves a bright line behind it in the sky

kuyruklu yıldız
It was Edmund Halley, famous for predicting the return of the —– that bears his name, who three centuries ago found a way to measure the distance to the Sun and to the planet Venus
- comet
verb : ACCEPT : to accept someone or something unpleasant
tahammül etmek, kaldırmak, dayanmak, katlanmak
She couldn’t —– the thought of him suffering.
—– a resemblance/relation, etc to sb/sth : to be similar to someone or something
He —–s a striking resemblance to his father.
CARRY formal : to carry something
He came in, —–ing a tray of drinks.
It was Edmund Halley, famous for predicting the return of the comet that ——s his name, who three centuries ago found a way to measure the distance to the Sun and to the planet Venus.
to give birth to a child : doğurmak, dünyaya getirmek
She has been told that she will never —– children.

- bear
adjective : CLEAR : obvious or easy to notice

aşikâr, açık, görünen
It soon became ——- that she had lost interest in the project.
The ——- position of the planet, relative to the disk of the Sun behind it, is shifted depending on where you are on Earth.
- apparent
adjective : relating to the most important or main part of something

temel, asıl, esas, öz, ana
Training is ——- to success.
It was knowing this ——- distance from the Earth to the Sun that helped us find the true scale of the entire Solar system for the first time.
- fundamental