General Overview to Astrology Flashcards
noun : to the ——- : saying or showing the opposite
aksine, aksini
She claimed she hadn’t been involved, despite evidence to the ——-.
——– to the mainstream opinion, Astrology is not just about horoscopes. It has just recently gained its reputation as a new age
on the —— : used to show that the opposite of what has just been said is true
bilakis, tam tersi
“You’re a vegetarian, aren’t you?” “On the ——–, I love meat.”

- contrary
noun : a description of what someone is like and what might happen to them in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born

yıldız falı
Contrary to the mainstream opinion, Astrology is not just about ——–s.
- horoscope
noun : the whole universe
evren, kâinat
The field holds the assumption that there is a connection between the ——– and terrestrial matters that affects the lives of human beings on earth.

- cosmos
adjective : having many small or complicated parts and details
karışık, girift, içinden çıkılması zor
an ——- pattern
This calculation is made using ——– mathematical cycles.
——–ly adverb : karmaşık bir biçimde

- intricate
verb : FIND to find someone or something that was lost
izini bulmak, ortaya çıkarmak
Police have so far failed to —– the missing woman.
The origin of astrology is ——-d to the ancient Babylonians directly or indirectly and then it spreads to other civilizations which include Rome, Greece, and Egypt.
ORIGIN : to find the origin of something
kökenini/aslını bulmak
She’s ——d her family back to the sixteenth century.
COPY to copy a picture by putting transparent paper on top and following the outer line of the picture with a pen
kopyasını çıkarmak
——ing paper

- trace
adjective : having a lot of influence

etkili, nüfuzlu, hatırlı, forslu, söz sahibi
an ——– figure in modern jazz
For instance, two emperors of Rome were astrologers as well. Moreover, Greece had Ptolemy, who wrote ——– astronomical and astrological texts.
- influential
noun : the ability to read and write

okur yazarlık
The publication of various astrological texts started during the Renaissance, when ——- became widespread.
- literacy
adverb : EMPHASIS : used to add emphasis after ‘very’ followed by an adjective or adverb
gerçekten/Sahi mi?
For a four-year-old, her vocabulary is very good ——.
REACTION used when someone has said something that surprises, interests, or annoys you
aslına bakarsan, aslında, hakikaten
“She asked if you were married.” “Did she, ——?”
TRUE : used to emphasize that something is true or that you agree with it
cidden, hakikaten
“He sounds a very interesting man.” “He is ——-.”
MORE formal used when you say more to support or develop what has already been said
doğrusu, açıkcası, aslında
For such creatures speed is not important, —— it is counterproductive.
——-, Copernicus and Galileo, who are considered among the founders of the modern scientific movement, belonged to this era and were also renowned astrologers

- indeed
noun : a period of time in history that is special for a particular reason

çağ devir
new —- of peace
Indeed, Copernicus and Galileo, who are considered among the founders of the modern scientific movement, belonged to this —- and were also renowned astrologers
- era
adjective : famous

meşhur, ünlü, namlı, şöhretli, tanınmış
The island of Crete is ——- for its beauty.
Indeed, Copernicus and Galileo, who are considered among the founders of the modern scientific movement, belonged to this era and were also ——— astrologers
- renowned