Snowshoes Flashcards
noun: someone who is beginning to learn how to do something

acemi, yeni; çömez, deneyimsiz
I’ve never used a computer before - I’m a complete ——.
While it does require a little bit of practice to get used to having a pair of snowshoes on one’s feet, it takes only a few minutes before even a —– is maneuvering with ease.
- novice

noun : B1 the part of your leg that is just above your foot

ayak bileği
The proper pair of snowshoes must be able to support the snowshoers weight so as one is walking through the snow to prevent finding oneself —– deep in the white stuff.
- ankle

noun : a field of grass, often with flowers

çayır, otlak, mera
For instance, if one is snowshoeing in a —– or otherwise open space, one probably needs a long snow shoe.
- meadow

noun : LIQUID [U]
the act of —– on or in liquid
yüzme, su üstünde kalma; batmamak
One’s preferred activity should determine one’s snowshoe as different levels of “—–” are necessary.
COMPANY [C, U]: a sale of a company’s shares to the public for the first time
şirket hisselerinin ilk defa halka arzı/satışı

- flotation

adjective : If something is ——-, it is not certain if it is true or not.

tartışılabilir, tartışmalı
It’s —— whether a university degree will help you in this job.
Which type is better than the other is ———.
- debatable

noun : someone who believes in and follows very traditional rules or ideas in a subject

fikirleri ve geleneksel kuralları harfiyen uygulayan/takip eden kimse
——-s prefer the wooden snow shoe that hasn’t changed much over the past hundred years.
- purist

phrasal verb: to fasten something with laces
bağcıklarla bağlamak
—ing noun: bağlama
He —d up his boots.
In addition to the material of the shoe itself, one must consider the —-ing.

- lace sth up

ham deri
——- lacing is also a favorite of purists who like the rich look, while neoprene lacing doesn’t require much maintenance.
- Rawhide

noun : a type of synthetic rubber (= made by a chemical process rather than natural) that is strong and keeps its shape well:

sentetik kauçuk
He wore a tight-fitting —– wetsuit.
Rawhide lacing is also a favorite of purists who like the rich look, while —— lacing doesn’t require much maintenance.
- neoprene