Biometrics System? Flashcards
adjective : NOT THE SAME : different from everyone and everything else
biricik, tek, eşsiz
Everyone’s fingerprints are ——.
Biometrics is the technology that is used to ——-ly identify a specific human being.
SPECIAL : unusual and special
alışılmışın dışında, özgü, müstesna, nadir, emsalsiz
a —— opportunity
It’s a method of education that is —— to this school.

- unique
verb : to make problems or suffering less extreme
hafifletmek, etkisini azaltmak
She’s been given some tablets to —— the pain.
A strong biometrics system ——–s weaknesses found in most protective systems.
——-ion noun : iyileştirme

- alleviate
noun : someone who steals things

a car —–
——ves stole $500,000 worth of computer equipment.
The passwords can often be guessed, which can allow ——ves access to sensitive information or financial assets
- thief
verb : If a part of your body ——s, or if you —— it, it becomes wider or more open.
genişle(t)mek, büyü(t)mek
The drug causes your pupils to —–.
——ion noun : genişleme
The iris scan measures the set of muscles that control the ——ion of the pupils.

- dilate
noun : someone’s particular way of walking

yürüyüş tarzı
I recognized his —– from a distance.
Sound and pattern are both considered when voice and —— information is collected for a biometrics system.
- gait
verb : THINK [T] : to think carefully about a decision or something you might do
enine boyuna düşünmek, dikkatle değerlendirmek
Have you ——–ed surgery?
When looking at keystrokes, the rhythm, muscle tone, and timing are all ——–ed.
——- sb/sth (to be) sth; —— that : to have a particular opinion about someone or something
birisi/bir şey hakkında özel fikirleri olmak
[often reflexive] I don’t —— myself to be a great athlete.

- consider
preposition : if something does not happen
haricinde, dışında, hariç
We should arrive at about five o’clock, —— accidents.
For example, an adult’s hand should look basically the same over a five year period of time, —— an exceptional occurrence, such as an accident or surgery.

- barring
noun : something that happens

olay, vaka, hadise
a common/everyday ——-
For example, an adult’s hand should look basically the same over a five year period of time, barring an exceptional ——–, such as an accident or surgery.
- occurrence