What are Some Prominent Features of Mars? Flashcards
adverb : MOVE TO SIDE B2 in a direction to one side
yan tarafa, yanıbaşına, yanına
I gave her a plate of food but she pushed it ——.
Mars is likely the most beloved planet in the solar system —— from the Earth.
LATER : If you put or set something —–, you do not use it now, but keep it to use later.
bir kenara, bir tarafa koyma, saklama
We’ve put some money —– to pay for the children’s education.
aside from B2 except for
… den başka, haricinde, hariç, den gayri
- aside
noun : STORIES [U] B1 literature and stories about imaginary people or events
hayal mahsulü roman/edebiyat
What’s the best-selling children’s —— title?
It is featured in the most ——, and is the subject of the most colonization plans.
→ Opposite non——– NOT TRUE [U, no plural] something that is not true or real
gerçek olmayan, hayal mahsulü şey

- fiction
adjective : PAST [always before noun] B1 from a long time ago
eskiden olan, çok önceleri olan, eskiden beri
—— Greece/Rome
It was named after various gods of war and chaos in ——– times, because its red appearance is reminiscent of blood.
OLD humorous very old
eski, antika

- ancient
adjective : ——- of sb/sth making you think of someone or something that is similar

anımsatan, hatırlatan, çağrıştıran, …kanısını uyandıran
a smell —— of an old church
It was named after various gods of war and chaos in ancient times, because its red appearance is ——– of blood.
- reminiscent
adjective : A —— connection, idea, or situation is weak and possibly does not exist.
zayıf, güçsüz, uzun sürmez, yetersiz
The court is unlikely to accept such —– evidence.
Mars has an thin, ——- atmosphere, about 1/100th the density of Earth’s, composed primarily of carbon dioxide.
———ly adverb
narin bir biçimde

- tenuous
noun :[C] (PERSON) literary a person who spends their time travelling from place to place:
Their uncle was a ——-, never settling for long in any one place.
—— noun : [C] (VEHICLE) a small vehicle that can move over rough ground, often used on the surface of other planets, sometimes controlled from the earth:
the lunar —— that transported astronauts and their equipment
in no small part due to the three orbiters and two ———–s currently studying the planet

verb : informal ——- along/down/over, etc to go somewhere quickly
süratle gitmek, hızla ilerlemek/gitmek
Opportunity have been ——ing around the surface of the planet since January 2004,
verb : formal to move across something
geçmek, aşmak
In the first three years of operation the rovers have each ——-d a path about 10 km in length.
- traverse
noun : the distance around the edge of a circle or round object

daire çevresi, çember
the largest canyon, Valles Marineris, which runs across almost a quarter of its ——–.
The lake is 250km in ——-.
- circumference
verb : to briefly speak or write about something or someone
bahsetmek, söylemek, söz etmek, değinmek
I’ll —— your ideas to Caroline.
On 14 January 2004, George W. Bush announced a Vision for Space Exploration which ——-ed a goal of sending crewed missions to Mars around 2030.
B2 used to emphasize the importance of something that you are adding to a list
ayrıca, bir de, üstelik, …dan/den başka
The resort has great hotels and restaurants, not to —— some of the best skiing in the region.
- mention
noun: ALL POSSIBILITIES all the different ideas, opinions, possibilities, etc that exist
yelpaze, spektrum
He has support from across the whole political ——.
Mars has a richer ——– of elements than the Moon, as well as an atmosphere that would protect against cosmic rays somewhat.
COLOURS the set of colours into which light can be separated

- spectrum
noun : a force that pushes something forward

itici güç, itme kuvveti
jet ——-
We might need better ——— systems before building a Mars colony becomes practical.
- propulsion