Different Types of Swimming Sports Flashcards
verb : to include something as part of another thing
birleştirmek, katmak, dahil etmek
He began to —– dance and mime into his plays.
Most swimming sports —— the basics of swimming with some other aspect, requiring participants to follow different rules, or make certain movements while in the pool.
——ion noun

- incorporate

verb : mainly uk to put your foot on something or to press something down with your foot
basmak, basıp ezmek, çiğnemek
The kids were —ing cake crumbs into the carpet.
—- carefully/gently/lightly, etc : to be careful what you say so that you do not upset someone
dikkatli/nazik/hafifçe davranmak/söylemek/hareket etmek
—– water
to float vertically in the water by moving your arms and legs up and down
suda dikey olarak yüzmek/hareket etmek; suda dik durmak
This is one of the swimming sports that requires players to swim the majority of the time, even if just —ing water, as only goalkeepers can stand in the shallow area of the pool.

- tread
adjective :good or quick at noticing things
dikkatli, gözlemleyen
He’s very ——-.
Players should have good stamina, strong swimming skills, superior reflexes, and be ——-.

- observant
verb : to stick to a surface
—– to sth : to obey a rule or principle
bir kural veya ilkeye itaat etmek, bağlı olmak
We always —— strictly to the guidelines.
In competition, divers usually need to include a specific number of flips and twists, but other aspects of judgment include how well their body —-s to the move while in the air, and also how they enter the water.

- adhere
noun : a form of something, such as a word, that has developed from another form

türemiş, türetilen
Synchronized diving is a ——– of regular diving, and includes two people who dive at the same time.
- derivative
adjective : MOVEMENT/SHAPE
moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way, or having a smooth, attractive shape
zarif, hoş
Synchronized swimmers usually need to be ——, flexible, and strong enough to get through the typical routines.
POLITE : behaving in a polite and pleasant way
nazik, nezaketli, saygılı, hürmetli
—–ly adverb
nazik, hoş bir şekilde

- graceful