N-rays: Do They Exist? Flashcards
verb : SAY [T] : a statement that something is true, although you have not proved it
iddia etmek, ileri sürmek
[+ (that)] She —–ed that the dog attacked her.
René Prosper Blondlot (1849-1930) was a French physicist who —–ed to have discovered a new type of radiation, shortly after Roentgen had discovered X-rays.
—- credit/responsibility/success, etc : to say that you have done or achieved something
kredi/sorumluluk/başarı talebinde bulunmak, hakkı olduğunu söylemek
No one has ——ed responsibility for yesterday’s bomb attack.
→ Opposite dis——
DEMAND [I, T] : to ask for something because it belongs to you or you have the right to have it
talep etmek, sahiplenmek, hak iddia etmek
She ——ed $2,500 in travel expenses.
KILL [T] If an accident, war, etc —– lives, people are killed because of it.
can almak, cana malolmak
The floods ——ed over 200 lives.
- Claim
verb : to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups:
The debate is becoming ——–d and there seems to be no middle ground.
Blondlot was trying to ——- X-rays when he claimed to have discovered his new form of radiation.

- polarize
verb :When water or glass, etc. —–s light or sound, etc., it causes it to change direction or to separate when it travels through it:
The glass prism ———ed the white light into the colours of the rainbow.
- refract