What is the Difference Between Rugby and Football? Flashcards
in —– : B1 before a particular time
You need to book your ticket at least 14 days in —-.
PROGRESS [C, U] : B2 new discoveries and inventions
yeni keşifler ve icatlar
technological/scientific —–s
MONEY : a payment given to someone before work has been completed, or before the usual time
avans, önceden ödenen para, ödeme
FORWARD [C] : a movement forward, especially by an army
ordunun ileri hareketi
In both sports, two competing teams of players try to —- an inflated, oblong ball down the field and across the opposing team’s goal line or kick it through goalposts.

- advance
adjective : Inflated prices, costs, numbers, etc are higher than they should be.

şişirilmiş, aşırı, fahiş, yüksek, hava ile şişirmek
Evidence suggests that travellers have been put off by the —- prices.
In both sports, two competing teams of players try to advance an —–, oblong ball down the field and across the opposing team’s goal line or kick it through goalposts.
- inflated
1. dik dörtgen şeklinde olan, uzunca, boyu eninden fazla
2. (bot.) yaprakları yumurta biçiminde
3. dik dörtgen.

- oblong

verb: DEAL WITH: B2 to try to deal with a problem
hemen ilgilenmek, ele almak, çaresine bakmak
new ways to —- crime
SPEAK TO : to speak to someone about something bad that they have done
nazik bir konuyu/yapılan kötü bir şeyi biriyle paylaşmak/konuşmak
I decided to —– him about his absences.
BALL: to try to get the ball from someone in a game such as football
futbolda topu birinin ayağından almak/çalmak, topu kesmek/kapmak
The team that is not in possession of the ball tries to prevent the other team from scoring by —-ing the player who has the ball or taking the ball away.

- tackle
noun : JOBS [C] also uk trade union, also us labor union
an organization that represents people who do a particular job
a teachers’/firefighters’ —-
GROUP : B2 a situation in which two or more countries, groups, etc join together to make one country, group, etc
a move towards full economic — of EU countries

- union
noun : C1 the use of one person or thing instead of another:
It looks as though the coach is going to make a ——- (= change one player for another in the game).
1. başka bir şeyin yerine kullanma 2. bir başkasının yerine koyma, bir başkasının yerini alma.
—- for sb: to do someone’s job because they are not there
vekâlet etmek, yerine geçmek, yerini almak
I’m ——ing for her while she’s on holiday.

- substitution
verb : to be very good at something
bir şeyde çok iyi/mükemmel olmak, üstün/ilerde olmak
Paula always —-led in languages at school.
—- yourself: to do something better than you usually do
kendini aşmak, çok mükemmelleşmek
1. (led, ling) geçmek, üstün olmak 2. mümtaz olmak, ileride olmak.

- excel