Bulking & Cutting: How To Bulk Up And Cut For More Muscle, Less Fat Flashcards
adjective : WIDE B1 wide
—— shoulders
B1 a group that includes many different things or people
bir çok kişi veya şeyi kapsayan bir grup, geniş yelpaze
a —– range of subjects
a —– outline/picture, etc: a general description, without detail
fazla detaya girmeden genel bir tanımlama
This is just a —- outline of the proposal.
SPEECH: A —– accent (= way of speaking from a region) is very noticeable.
yaygın, kaba telaffuzin
BROAD DAYLIGHT: during the day when it is light and people can see
güpe gündüz, gün ortası
He was attacked in —– daylight.

- broad

noun : an amount of something that is more than you need
fazlalık, artık, fazla
Every year we produce a huge —- of meat.
—– adjective: artan, fazlalık
Calorie intake is increased so a caloric —– is present.

- surplus

noun : SPENDING: the total amount of money that a government or person spends
harcama, masraf
The government’s annual —– on arms has been reduced.
USING SOMETHING: the use of energy, time, or money
harcama, tüketim, kullanım
Calorie intake is decreased and/or calorie —- is increased so that a caloric deficit is present.

- expenditure

verb: to involve something

kapsamak, gerektirmek, zorunlu kılmak
What exactly does the job —-?
The final constant about the scenarios these words —- is that they are typically done in alternating cycles.
- entail

preposition : DISTANCE: B1 on the other side of something
üzerinde, ötede, yan tarafında,
Our house is just —– the bridge.
TIME: B1 continuing after a particular time or date
den sonra, akabinde
A lot of people now live —– the age of 80.
—– belief/repair/recognition, etc: B2 impossible to believe/repair/recognize, etc
inanması/tamiri/tanınması vb. imkansız
Steven had changed —- all recognition.
NOT UNDERSTAND informal: If something is beyond you, you cannot understand it.
birinin algılama/anlama düzeyinin ötesinde
It’s —— me why anyone would want to buy that house.
EXCEPT: except for
ayrıca, dışında, hariç
She said very little — the occasional ‘yes’ and ‘no’.
INVOLVING OTHERS: involving or affecting other things or people than the ones you have talked about
mevcut olanları/bahsedilenlerin dışında
You should try to develop interests — the family.

- beyond