British cities to become testbeds for driverless cars Flashcards
noun : be at/in the forefront of sth
to have an important position or job in an area of activity
ön sırada/önlerde olmak, önemli bir mevkide olmak
The company is at the —— of developing new technology.
British cities are set to become testbeds for driverless cars, in an attempt to ensure that the UK remains at the ——- of the rapidly evolving market for autonomous vehicles.

- forefront
verb : to cover a path or road with flat stones, bricks, concrete, etc

yola taş/tuğla/beton döşemek
The code also —–s the way for the world’s first driverless public transport networks, including autonomous ‘pods’ like the Lutz Pathfinder – which travels on pavements – and driverless buses.
- pave
verb: GET INFORMATION : to go to a particular person or book to get information or advice
danışmak, fikir sormak/araştırmak, başvurmak
For more information, ——- your travel agent.
The code of practice has been developed by the Department for Transport in ——ation with the government-backed UK Autodrive Consortium, which includes Ford, Jaguar, Tata and Innovate UK, as well as the Venturer and GATEway consortia.
DISCUSS : to discuss something with someone before you make a decision
istişare etmek, müzkerre etmek, görüş alışverişinde bulunmak
Why didn’t you —— me about this?

- consult
noun : a law or a set of laws

yasalar, mevzuat
Most people want tougher environmental ——- but large corporations continueto oppose it.
“We’re coordinating the trials technically and working with government to ensure that the ——- keeps pace with what the technologies need to do in order to facilitate this brave new world,” said Tim Armitage, project leader at the Autodrive Consortium.
- legislation
noun : SPEED [no plural] : the speed at which someone or something moves or does something
hız, sürat
We started to walk at a much faster —–.
the —- of life
STEP [C] : a step
Every few —-s I stopped to listen.
“We’re coordinating the trials technically and working with government to ensure that the legislation keeps —- with what the technologies need to do in order to facilitate this brave new world,” said Tim Armitage, project leader at the Autodrive Consortium.

- pace
noun : WORK : a difficult or important piece of work, especially one that takes a longtime
zor/önemli iş/görev/girişim/teşebbüs
[usually singular] Building your own house is a major ———.
“One of the things we will be doing is ——- some acceptance surveys globally and in the UK to gauge public opinion around driverless technologies, and we’ll monitor how that changes over the three years of our project.”
PROMISE : a legal or official promise to do something
yasal/resmî vaad/taahhüt/söz/antlaşma
[usually singular] The newspaper has given an ——- not to print the story.

- undertaking
noun: the act of accepting something
kabul, onama
his ——– of the award
“One of the things we will be doing is undertaking some ——– surveys globally and in the UK to gauge public opinion around driverless technologies, and we’ll monitor how that changes over the three years of our project.”

- acceptance
an examination of people’s opinions or behaviour made by askingpeople questions
anket, inceleme, tenkit
Holidays in the UK are becoming more popular, according to a recent —–.
an examination of an area of land in which its measurements and details are recorded, especially in order to make a map
yer ölçme, haritasını çıkarma
“One of the things we will be doing is undertaking some acceptance ——–s globally and in the UK to gauge public opinion around driverless technologies, and we’ll monitor how that changes over the three years of our project.”

- Survey
to make a judgment about a situation or about what someone thinksor feels
tartmak, ölçmek, kestirmek
[+ question word] It’s impossible to ____ what her reaction will be.
to measure a distance, size, or amount
ölçmek, hesaplamak
One of the things we will be doing is undertaking some acceptance surveys globally and in the UK to ____ public opinion around driverless technologies, and we’ll monitor how that changes over the three years of our project.

- gauge
legal responsibility for something
yükümlülük, sorumluluk
They have admitted ——– for the damage caused.
If there is an accident, in the case of the M1 vehicle the ——– lies with the driver, in the case of the driverless pods it lies with the remote controller of the vehicle.
TROUBLE [no plural]
someone or something that is likely to cause you a lot of trouble
baş belası, engel, sakınca, mahzur, ayak bağı, köstek
Wherever we go she upsets someone - she’s a real —–.

- liability
noun : BELIEF [C]
what you think or believe about someone or something
algılama, sezgi, görme
The public ——- of him as a hero is surprising.
Mr Armitage said there is a ——- that if a car is ‘driverless’, it doesn’t have a steering wheel and will be fully autonomous immediately, but the move towards driverless cars will be more evolutionary.
the ability to notice something
fark etme, farkına varma, tanıma, görme
Alcohol reduces your ——- of pain.

- perception
noun: the state of being full or blocked, especially with traffic
(trafik) tıkanıklık, sıkışıklık
traffic ——
“We know that autonomous vehicles will reduce incidents – that’s a given – but there’s no proof that autonomous vehicles will reduce ——– and thereby improve air quality, and that’s something that we’re going to find out in the three years that we’re operating.”

- congestion
verb : to interrupt something and stop it continuing as it should
bölmek, araya girmek, sekte vurmak, engellemek
He disturbs other children and ——s the class.
Transport is the next big thing in terms of large markets to be ——-ed, and it’s a market that fits very well with the UK

- disrupt
noun :someone or something that is competing with another person or thing
rakip, rakibe
business/political —–s
Britain has a three-year lead over —– Europeans nations in research into the sector because the UK never ratified the Vienna Convention on road traffic that requires vehicles to have a driver.

- rival
verb: to make an agreement official
onaylamak, tasdik etmek
Sixty-five nations need to —– the treaty.
Britain has a three-year lead over rival Europeans nations in research into the sector because the UK never ——-ed the Vienna Convention on road traffic that requires vehicles to have a driver.

- ratify
noun: a large tool used by farmers to turn over the soil before planting crops
kara saban, pulluk
yarıp geçmek, saban ile sürmek
In the Spring Budget, the UK government announced that £100m would be ——-ed into research and development of automated cars and the systems they require, such as telecoms, over the next five years.

- plough