James Jovce And His Works Flashcards
verb : PAIN : B2 to experience pain or unpleasant emotions
acı çekmek, ıstırap duymak, katlanmak, mustarip olmak
James Jovce was born into a well-off Catholic family in Dublin which ——-ed numerous setbacks and slid into poverty.
—— from sth : to have an illness or other health problem
sıkıntı çekmek, çekmek; …dan/den acı çekmek/çok çekmek
She —–s from severe depression.

- suffer

noun : a problem that makes something happen later or more slowly than it should

aksilik, terslik, engel
The project has suffered a series of —–s this year.
- setback

noun : the state of being very poor

yoksulluk, fakirlik, sefalet, yokluk
to live in —–
James Jovce was born into a well-off Catholic family in Dublin which suffered numerous setbacks and slid into ——.
- poverty

adjective : having a lot of money

zengin, varlıklı, hâli vakti yerinde
His parents are very —-__——.
James Jovce was born into a —–__—– Catholic family in Dublin which suffered numerous setbacks and slid into poverty.
- well-off

verb : to achieve something, especially after a lot of work
öğrenmek, elde etmek, kazanmak
She’s —–ed a high level of fitness.
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, largely autobiographical, shows the process of —–ing maturity and self-consciousness by a young gifted man.
—–able adjective : possible to achieve
elde edilebilir, kazanılabilir, başarılabilir
—–ment noun : the act of achieving something
başarı, kazanım, hüner, beceri, marifet

- attain

adjective : too aware of what other people are thinking about you and your appearance
utangaç, sıkılgan, çekingen
—–___—— adverb : kendi görüntüsünü çok düşünen
—-__——-ness noun : özbilinç

- self-conscious

adjective : strange, often in an unpleasant way
acayip, tuhaf, garip
The wine had a ——, musty smell.
——- to sb/sth : belonging to or relating to a particular person or thing
nev’i şahsına münhasır; birine/bir şeye özgü
Her accent is ——- to the region.

- peculiar