The Face Of Mars Flashcards
verb : HAPPY B2 to make someone smile or laugh
I took him an article that I thought might ——- him.
NOT BORED B2 to keep someone interested and help them to have an enjoyable time
ilgisini çekmek, eğlendirmek, iyi vakit geçirmelerini sağlamak
[often reflexive] I bought a magazine to —– myself while I was on the train.
When the Viking Orbiter radioed back an image from the Cydonia region of Mars in 1976, scientists were ——-d by a formation that strongly resembled a human or humanoid face staring straight up into the heavens.

- amuse
verb : to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes
dik dik bakmak, gözünü dikip bakmak, bakakalmak
Sean was ——ing at me.
When the Viking Orbiter radioed back an image from the Cydonia region of Mars in 1976, scientists were amused by a formation that strongly resembled a human or humanoid face —-ing straight up into the heavens.
—— noun: gözlerini dikerek bakma

- stare
verb : to want to know something or to try to understand the reason for something
merak etmek
[+ question word] I —— what he’s making for dinner.
I/we —— if/whether … : used to politely ask someone for something or to suggest something
I ——- if you could help me?
- wonder
noun : discussion or argument about a subject

tartışma, müzakere
a political ——
There has been a lot of public —— on the safety of food.
For almost 25 years, it has been the subject of wonder, ——- and wild speculation and the possibility of some unknown history or civilization continues to fascinate uS Most scientists think much it is a trick of light or shadow.
- debate
verb : to interest someone a lot

büyülemek, hayran bırakmak
Science has always ——–d me.
For almost 25 years, it has been the subject of wonder, debate and wild speculation and the possibility of some unknown history or civilization continues to —— uS Most scientists think much it is a trick of light or shadow.
- fascinate
adjective : NOT CLEAR also blurry, UK /ˈblɜːri/ US
not clear
bulanık, puslu, iyi görünmeyen, göremeyen
a ——- photograph
They knew that the resolution from the orbiter wasn’t especially sharp and that they really couldn’t tell from the ——-, grainy image exactly what this thing really looked like.
POOR SIGHT : If your sight is ——, you cannot see clearly.
bulanık gören, iyi seçemeyen
——- vision

- blurred
adjective : If photographs are ——, they are not clear because the many black and white or coloured dots that make up the image can be seen.

They knew that the resolution from the orbiter wasn’t especially sharp and that they really couldn’t tell from the blurry, ——- image exactly what this thing really looked like.
- grainy
adjective : IMMEDIATE : happening immediately
ani, anlık, hemen olan
The book was an —– success in the US.
When the image of the Face was released to the public, it became an ——- sensation.
FOOD —– food or drink is dried, usually in the form of a powder, and can be made quickly by adding hot water.
hazır, kulanıma hazır
—— coffee

noun : PHYSICAL [C, U] B2 a physical feeling, or the ability to physically feel things
his, duygu
Three months after the accident she still has no ——- in her right foot.
When the image of the Face was released to the public, it became an instant ——–.
FEELING [C] : a strange feeling or idea that you can not explain
acayip duygu/fikir, izlenim
I had the strangest —— that I had met him before.
EXCITEMENT [no plural] : a lot of excitement, surprise, or interest, or the person or event that causes these feelings
sansasyon, büyük heyecan/ilgi; garip duygu
Their affair caused a ——–.

- sensation
noun : PROMISE [C] a promise
vaat, söz, güvence, sigorta, garanti, teminat
[+ that] He gave us an ——– that it would not happen again.
Despite NASA’s downplay of the image and ———s that it was not “real,” the formation’s likeness to a human face was so uncanny that many people seriously wondered if there were a chance it could be real.
CONFIDENCE [U] confidence
güven, kendine güven, özgüven
She spoke with calm ———.

- assurance
noun : being similar in appearance

benzerlik, benzeyiş
There’s a definite family —— around the eyes.
Despite NASA’s downplay of the image and assurances that it was not “real,” the formation’s —— to a human face was so uncanny that many people seriously wondered if there were a chance it could be real.
adjective : strange and impossible to explain
tuhaf, acayip, anlaşılmaz, esrarengiz
an ——– resemblance
Despite NASA’s downplay of the image and assurances that it was not “real,” the formation’s likeness to a human face was so ——– that many people seriously wondered if there were a chance it could be real.
——–ily adverb
esrarengiz bir şekilde

- uncanny
adjective : very interesting

merak uyandıran, büyüleyen, cezbeden, ilgi çekici
an ——– story
Further digital enhancement produced ——– three-dimensional views of the Face that bolstered confidence in many believers that this was no trick of light or shadow.
- intriguing
verb : to make something stronger by supporting or encouraging it

desteklemek, geliştirmek, yüreklendirmek
Strong sales are ——ing the economy.
Further digital enhancement produced intriguing three-dimensional views of the Face that ——–ed confidence in many believers that this was no trick of light or shadow.
- bolster
noun : PIECE OF ART [C, U] B1 a piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay, etc
heykeltraşlık, heykelcilik
a wooden ——-
This soon gave birth to the claim that the face was a ——- of a human being located next to a city whose temples and fortifications could also be seen.
ACTIVITY [U] B1 the art of making objects from stone, wood, clay, etc
heykeltraşlık sanatı
She teaches ——– at an art school.

- sculpture
noun : BUILDING B1 a building where people in some religions go to pray or worship
mâbet, tapınak
a Buddhist ——
This soon gave birth to the claim that the face was a sculpture of a human being located next to a city whose ——-s and fortifications could also be seen.
PART OF THE BODY the area on each side of your head in front of the top of your ear

noun [plural] : strong walls, towers, etc that are built to protect a place

korunaklı yapı
This soon gave birth to the claim that the face was a sculpture of a human being located next to a city whose temples and ———s could also be seen.
- fortifications
noun [plural] : facts or events that make a situation the way it is
durumlar, koşullar, haller
I think they coped very well under the ——–.
Such a view seems most reasonable under the ——–.
under no ——— : used to say that something must never happen
ne olursa olsun; hiç bir şekilde/surette, asla
Under no ——– should you approach the man.
