Do Baseball Players Really Pee on Their Hands? Flashcards
noun : ADVANTAGE: B1 something that helps you or gives you an advantage
kâr, fayda, yarar, çıkar, kazanç
I’ve had the —- of a happy childhood.
GOVERNMENT: money that the government gives to people who are sick, poor, not working, etc
düşkünlere yapılan devlet yardımı
unemployment ——-
for sb’s —— : in order to help someone
birinin yararına/iyiliğine/çıkarına
We bought the piano for the children’s ——.

- benefit

verb : EXAMPLE: to mention something as an example or proof of something else
bahsetmek, değinmek, alıntı yapmak,
The doctor —d the case of a woman who had died after taking the drug.
The most common reasons —d are to toughen the skin, to soften the skin, and to prevent or treat blisters or calluses.
LAW: to order someone to go to court because they have done something wrong
mahkemeye çağırmak, mahkeme celbi göndermek
A local farmer was —d for breaking environmental standards.

- cite

verb : to become stronger, or to make something or someone stronger

katılaş(tır)mak; sertleş(tir)mek; dayanıklı hâle gelmek/getirmek
School tends to —– kids up.
The most common reasons cited are to —– the skin, to soften the skin, and to prevent or treat blisters or calluses.
- toughen

noun : an area of hard skin, especially on the feet or hands:

He had workman’s hands which were rough and covered with —–es.
The most common reasons cited are to toughen the skin, to soften the skin, and to prevent or treat blisters or —-es.
- callus

noun :a painful, raised area of skin with liquid inside, that you get if your skin has been rubbed or burned, or a similar area on a painted surface

vücudun su toplaması, kabarcık, kabarma
The most common reasons cited are to toughen the skin, to soften the skin, and to prevent or treat —–s or calluses.
- blister

noun : a substance that makes something less pure or makes it poisonous:

kirlenme, zehirlenme
Make sure that all equipment is clean and free of ——-s.
- contaminant

B2 If you soak something, or let it soak, you put it in a liquid for a period of time.
ıslanmak, ıslatmak
He left the pan in the sink to —-.
Some scientists believe that, to achieve the same results as using lotions, players would have to —- their hands in urine for about five minutes.
MAKE WET: If liquid —-s somewhere or —-s something, it makes something very wet.
ıslatmak, sırılsıklam etmek
The rain —-ed my clothes.

- soak

noun : FOOD :food that has been put into vinegar or salt water for a long time and has a sour taste
cold meat and —-s
During his playing career, Hall of Fame pitcher Nolan Ryan used another trick: he would soak his fingers in —- juice.
VEGETABLE : a small cucumber (= a green, cylindrical vegetable) that has been put in vinegar or in a liquid containing salt and spices
kornişon turşu, salatalık turşusu

- pickle