What is a Marathon? Flashcards
verb :to experience something, especially a change or medical treatment

maruz kalmak, geçirmek, başından geçmek, uğramak, katlanmak
He is ——ing surgery for a heart problem.
To perform well in a marathon, an athlete ——s a vigorous period of training to develop stamina and learn his or her physical limitations.
- undergo
adjective : ENERGETIC : showing or needing a lot of physical energy
canlı, dinç, enerjik
To perform well in a marathon, an athlete undergoes a —— period of training to develop stamina and learn his or her physical limitations.
FORCEFUL : showing strong, often negative, feelings about something
sert, şiddetli, güçlü
a —— debate
——ly adverb : gayretli bir şekilde
Bates ——–ly denies (= strongly denies) murdering his wife.

- vigorous
noun :the physical or mental energy that allows you to do something for a long time

dayanma gücü, dayanıklılık, tahammül
Marathon runners need a lot of ——-.
To perform well in a marathon, an athlete undergoes a —– period of training to develop stamina and learn his or her physical limitations.
- stamina
noun : B1 a piece of writing, especially one that has short lines and uses words that sound the same

Numerous authors included the story in —-s and songs, including Robert Browning in 1876.
- poem
noun : POPULAR [C, U]
a situation in which something becomes popular again
canlanma, tekrar rağbet bulma/beğenilme
Senior economists believe that market liberalism is leading to a —– of the economy.
PERFORMANCE [C] : a performance of a play, opera, etc that has not been performed for a long time
oyun, opera vb. gösteriyi tekrar sahneleme/oynama/sergileme
Browning’s poem inspired Michel Breal, who organized the —– of the Olympic games in 1896 and included a marathon.

- revival
verb: TELL : to send a message from one person to another
söylemek, nakletmek, iletmek
Cory had an idea which he —-ed to his friend immediately.
A runner was certainly sent from Marathon to Athens to —– the news, but it may not have been Pheidippides, and the journey was probably not completed without a single stop.
BROADCAST :to broadcast radio or television signals

- relay