The Must-Attend Event for Education Technology Investors Flashcards
verb : WATCH: to watch someone or something carefully
dikkatle gözlemek/incelemek/tetkik etmek
Children learn by ——-ing adults.
To ——– the major forces at play in the education technology sector, one needed only to stand near the marble fountain in the Phoenician Resort lobby this week.
SAY formal : to make a remark about something you have noticed
işaret etmek, demek, söylemek, yorumda bulunmak
“It’s still raining,” he ——-d.
OBEY : to obey a law, rule, or religious custom
(kanuni kural, dinî gelenek vs.) uymak, itina göstermek, saygılı olmak, riayet etmek
to ——- the law
- observe
noun : a structure that forces water up into the air as a decoration

To observe the major forces at play in the education technology sector, one needed only to stand near the marble ——- in the Phoenician Resort lobby this week.
- fountain
noun : a new activity that may not be successful
riskli/tehlikeli/ne olacağı belli olmayan iş/girişim
a business —–
That’s where hundreds of ——– capitalists and executives attending an annual ed tech industry conference arranged — in full view of their rivals — to meet one another privately.

- venture
adjective [always before noun] : OF MANAGEMENT
relating to making decisions and managing businesses
yönetim, icra, karar vermeye ilişkin/dair
an ——- director
From coveted perches at cafe tables and couches in the plush hotel lobby, for instance, investors watched as Aaron Skonnard, chief —— of Pluralsight, an online skills training company for technology professionals,
FOR MANAGERS : suitable for people who have important jobs in business
pahalı ve şık; üst düzey iş adamları için uygun
Peter always stays in the —– suite.

- executive
verb : to breathe out slowly and noisily, often because you are annoyedor unhappy

iç çekmek
He —-ed deeply and sat down.
Then Mr. Staton —–ed.
- sigh
noun : MEMBER [C] a member of an organization for young people which teaches them practical skills and encourages them to be good members of society
izci, yetenek avcısı
keşfetmek, keşfe çıkmak
The conference has since become the central event for investors and companies ——ing for the next big thing in education technology

- scout
noun : a round container, usually used for storing things or cooking
çömlek, tencere, kap
a flower —-
a melting —– for executives from McGraw-
- pot
noun : someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves risks

müteşebbis, girişimci
- entrepreneur
verb: BE : to be equal to something
anlamına gelmek, …ile eşit olmak; örneğini oluşturmak, göstermek
In practice the figure ——–s a 10% pay cut.
SPEAK FOR : to officially speak or do something for someone else because they have asked you to
temsil etmek; …ın/in adına hareket etmek
The union ——s over 200 employees.
This year about 270 companies are presenting, all ——- by either their chief executives or founders.

- represent
verb: ___ the benefits/profits/rewards
to get something good by working hard for it
yararını/kârını/ödülünü görmek; istenilen sonucu elde etmek
Sometimes, this approach can —- tremendous rewards.
With more than 2,000 attendees this year, the conference is an indication of the high political STAKES involved in education and of the big money businesses hope to —- in the sector.
[I, T] to cut and collect a crop of grain
hasat etmek; mahsül kaldırmak/toplamak

- reap
verb : NECESSARY PART : If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part of it.
gerektirmek, icap ettirmek
The trips often —— a lot of walking.
There are a lot of risks ——d.
AFFECT/INCLUDE : to affect or include someone or something in an activity
etkisi altına almak, sarmak
an event ——ing hundreds of people
TAKE PART : to make someone be part of an activity or process
karışmak, bulaşmak, yer almak, bulaştırmak
I prefer teaching methods that actively —— students in learning.
With more than 2,000 attendees this year, the conference is an indication of the high political stakes —–d in education and of the big money businesses hope to reap in the sector.

- involve
noun : IN PUBLIC [C] : an occasion when someone appears in public
toplumda görünen
a television/public ——-
He made two ——-s during his brief visit.
WAY YOU LOOK [no plural] : the way a person or thing looks
görüntü, görünüm
She’s very concerned with her ——–.
On Tuesday, for instance, Arne Duncan, the United States secretary of education, made an ——- here.
ARRIVAL [no plural] : an occasion when you arrive somewhere or can be seen somewhere
gözükme, görünen
Her ——– at the party was a surprise.
B2 the time when something starts to exist or becomes available
ortaya çıkma, gözükmeye başlama
The ——- of new products on the market has increased competition.

- appearance
verb : formal : to say publicly that you support a person or action
onaylamak, desteklemek, arka çıkmak
[often passive] The idea was ——d by a majority of members.
He heartily ——-d data-driven technologies known as “personalized learning,” websites and apps that display different math problems or reading assignments to individual students, based on an analysis of their particular abilities.
——-ment noun [C, U]

- endorse
noun : formal : the fact that there is too little of something:

There is a —— of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics
In an effort intended to address the —— of ed tech outcomes data, two groups here, including Kaplan, discussed their coming efforts to study education technologies.
- paucity
noun : careful examination of something

inceleme, araştırma, tetkik
Every aspect of her life came under public ——.
Rachelle reads the ingredient list on every food label with ——- because she only eats natural, organic food.
- scrutiny
noun: the opinion that people have about someone or something basedon their behaviour or character in the past

ün, şöhret, nam
Both hotels have a good ——-.
In its short history, the ASU+GSV conference has also acquired a ——- as the meet
- reputation