Uber Releases Mobile Video Game to Recruit Drivers Flashcards
verb : to try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an organization
çalışmaya/katılmaya ikna etmek; yazmak, kaydetmek, almak, katmak
For years, Uber has used rallies, ad campaigns and word of mouth to ——- tens of thousands of drivers to work for the company.
——–ment noun [U] the job or activity of recruiting people
yeniden üye alma/kaydetme; askere alma/kaydetme
graduate ——-ment

- recruit
adverb : MORE THAN AVERAGE B1 more than average, but less than very
oldukça; normalden biraz fazla çoktan az
a —– big family
The app is —— simple; players are asked to cart passengers from one destination to the next on a real map of San Francisco, while earning in-game cash and unlocking additional features.
FAIR B2 done in a fair way
adilce, hakkaniyetle, adil
treating people ——

- fairly
verb : to persuade someone to go somewhere or do something by offering them something exciting

ikna etmek, cezbetmek, çekmek
It seems that he was ——d into a trap.
They had been —–d to the big city by the promise of high wages.
If successful, the app could —– people who had not previously thought of driving for Uber.
- lure
verb : BE REAL : to be real or present
var olmak, mevcut/gerçek olmak, bulunmak
Poverty still —–s in this country.
It could also serve as a way to educate Uber’s —-ing driver base, many of whom have never been professional drivers
LIVE to live in difficult conditions
zor şartlarda yaşamını sürdürmek
You can’t —– without water for more than a week.

- exist
noun :something that encourages you to act in a particular way

teşvik, özendirme
[+ to do sth] People had little —— to save.
The government should provide ——-s for young people to stay in school.
Mr. Truong’s background in educational games has informed the design and feel of the game, with goals and ——-s to keep people playing and learning as they go.
- incentive
verb : —- down/into/onto, etc to fall or sit somewhere suddenly in a heavy or relaxed way
pat diye/lök gibi düşmek/oturmak
He —-ped down on the sofa.
HANG : to hang loosely
gevşek şekilde asmak, sallandırmak
Her hair kept —–ping in her eyes.
NOT SUCCESSFUL informal If a film, product, plan, etc —-s, it is not successful.
(film, ürün, plan vb.) başarısızlığa uğramak, düşmek, fiyaskoyla sonuçlanmak
If it’s a —–, it’s no big deal for Uber; the game was developed as a side project by Mr. Truong and his team, who primarily work on rider and driver projects related to the so-called core experience of using the Uber platform.

- flop