The 9 Best Foods for Athletes Flashcards
verb : WATER: B1 If a place floods or is flooded, it becomes covered in water.
sel basmak, sular altında kalmak
[often passive] The town was —ed when the river burst its banks.
FILL:to fill or enter a place in large numbers or amounts
dolmak, doldurmak, taşmak; tıka basa doldurmak
Light —–ed the room.
The market is —-ed with foods and supplements marketed toward fitness fanatics
—–ing noun: sel
There is widespread —-ing in the South.

- flood
adjective :be —– of/that: B2 to know that something is present or that something is happening
farkında/bilincinde olmak
I’m very — that a lot of people disagree with me.
a —– decision/choice/effort, etc: a decision/choice/effort, etc that you make intentionally
bilinçli karar/seçim/çaba vb.
Did you make a — decision to lose weight?
→ Opposite sub—- adjective
awake and able to think and notice things
bilinçli, şuurlu, müdrik
He’s still —– but he’s very badly injured.
adjective: → Opposite un——-
——-ly adverb : farkında olarak

- conscious
verb: If a plant ——-s, or if it ——-s something, it begins to produce leaves, flowers, etc.

çimlenmek, tomurcuklanmak, filiz vermek, filizlenmek
The seeds I planted are just beginning to —-.
Although it’s really a —-ed seed, quinoa is usually considered a whole grain—and a super one, at that.
- sprout

adjective : PERSON: having many different skills
elinden her iş gelen, becerikli; on parmağında on marifet olan
a —- player/performer
THING: useful for doing a lot of different things
çok amaçlı, çok yönlü; birden çok faydası/kullanımı olan
a —- tool
Quinoa’s also a great source of fiber and carbohydrates, says Barbara Lewin, R.D., a sports nutritionist in Fort Meyers, Florida, and it’s extremely ——.
—-ity noun: beceriklilik

- versatile

noun : a shop that sells food and products used in the home

Wild salmon generally contains fewer cancer-causing chemical contaminants than the farmed variety, but it can be expensive or hard to find at your —– store.
- grocery

adjective :B2 —— food is sold in metal containers.

konserve, konservelenmiş
if that’s the case, consider using —- wild salmon in chowders, salmon burgers, salads, or pastas.
- canned

noun : WOMAN [C]: B1 one of the two soft, round parts on a woman’s chest
göğüs, meme
BIRD: the front part of a bird’s body, or the meat from this area
kuşların göğüs kısmı
a cup of black beans has about 114 calories and 7 grams of protein, versus 168 calories and 33 grams of protein for 4 ounces of skinless chicken —–.

- breast

noun : someone or something that has the same job or position as someone or something in a different place or organization

meslektaşı, karşıtı, muadili, suret, kopya
They have more fiber and, usually, less added sugar than their refined white —–s.
- counterpart

noun : UPSET: the feeling of being extremely upset or worried
elem, acı, ıstırap, keder, üzüntü, sıkıntı
The newspaper reports caused her a great deal of —.
“Fiber takes a while to get through your system and it can contribute to gastrointestinal —–, so reducing it before a big athletic event can help things run more smoothly,” says Pluhar.
DANGER: a situation in which someone is in danger and needs help
tehlikeli durum, yardım gerektiren acil durum, tehlikede olma
an aircraft in ——.

- distress

verb : to fill something or make it complete again
yeniden doldurmak, tamamlamak
to —– supplies
Because you sweat out potassium during physical activity, it’s important to —— as soon as possible afterward.
——ment noun [U] formal
the act of filling something or making it complete again
yeniden doldurma, tamamlama

- replenish

adjective : A staple food, product, etc is basic and very important.

ana, temel, asıl, esas (zımba)
a — diet of rice and fish
Because they’re a natural combination of protein and healthy fats, nuts (and nut products) are a —– in many athletes’ diets.
- staple