The Challenger Disaster Flashcards
noun :the importance or meaning of something

önem, kıymet, anlam
I still don’t understand the ——- of his remark.
On Jan. 28, 1986, a mission with special ——– for the space shuttle Challenger ended in disaster.
- significance
noun : an understanding of something that is wrong

yanlış kanı/anlama/yorumlama
[+ that] It’s a common ——- that older workers cannot learn to use new technology.
A ——– about the Challenger disaster is that the space exploded.
- misconception
verb : to tear quickly and suddenly, or to tear something quickly and suddenly
yırtmak, yırtılmak, paramparça etmek
He —ped open the parcel.
Aerodynamic forces —-ped it to shreds.
—- sth out/off/from, etc : to remove something by pulling it away quickly
yırtarak çekip çıkarmak; parçalayarak çıkarmak
Hedges had been —-ped out to make larger fields.
[T] to copy information from a CD onto an MP3 player (= a piece of electronic equipment or a computer program for storing music)
CD’den MP3’e kopyalamak/aktarmak

- rip
noun : a very small piece that has been torn from something
parça, lime, dilim
Aerodynamic forces ripped it to —–s.
[usually plural] She tore the letter to shreds. not a shred of sth not the smallest amount of something
en ufak parça/kırıntı/zerre değil
There is not a —– of evidence to support his story.

- shred
verb : to do something to show you remember an important person or event in the past with respect
anmak, anma töreni yapmak, anısına yapılmış olmak
A ceremony will be held to ——– the battle.
The 25th anniversary of the Challenger disaster is being ———–d one day after the Apollo 1 disaster 44 years ago on Jan. 27, 1967.
———-ion noun :
a march in ———ion of the war of independence

- commemorate
noun : one of the flat, square pieces that are used for covering roofs, floors, or walls
kiremit, fayans, çini
When coming back into orbit, the heat resistant —-s failed, and it headed for Texas in disintegration.
—– verb [T]
fayans döşemek
a —–d kitchen

- tile
verb : BREAK to break into a lot of small pieces
parçalanıp dağılmak, paramparça olmak
GET WORSE : to become much worse
dağılmak, parçalanmak
The situation is ——-ing into total chaos.
———-ion noun :parçalara ayırma
When coming back into orbit, the heat resistant tiles failed, and it headed for Texas in ———ion.

- disintegrate