What is Energy Technology? Flashcards
adjective : WORRIED : worried
tedirgin, ürkek,
[+ that] I am very ———- that class sizes seem to be growing.
Energy technology is ——– with developing systems capable of producing, transporting and delivering energy in a way that is safe, economical and, increasingly, environmentally-friendly
→ Opposite un——–
AFFECTED [never before noun] involved in something or affected by it
endişeli, tasalı, kaygılı
A letter will be sent out to everyone ——–.
as far as sb is ——– : used to show what someone thinks about something
ilgilendiği/bildiği/anladığı/düşündüğü kadarıyla
As far as our customers are ——, price is the main consideration.
as far as sth is ——– : used to tell someone what you are talking about
dikkate alındığında, üzerinde durulduğunda, göz önüne alındığında
As far as college is ——-, everything is fine.

- concerned
noun : the gas that water produces when you heat it
buhar, istim
Using this heat to boil water will create ——-.
- steam

noun :a hard, black substance that is dugfrom under the ground and burnt as fuel
taş kömürü/maden kömürü
a lump of —–
These steam ships used —— as fuel.

- coal
verb :TRY : If you ——- a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time.
elde etmeye çalışmak, kovalamak
She decided to —— a career in television.
Energy technology is being ——–d to develop clean, efficient and renewable sources of energy for both electricity and transportation applications.
FOLLOW : to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch them
kovalamak, peşinden koşmak, takip etmek
The car was ——-d by helicopters.
——– a matter to try to discover information about something
incelemek, araştırmak, bilgi toplamaya çalışmak
We will not be ——-ing this matter any further.

- pursue