noun : AMOUNT
the amount of something that someone uses, eats, or drinks
tüketim, tüketilen miktar
China’s total energy ——–
Many individuals, businesses, and organizations are now using alternate forms of energy to help protect the environment and reduce energy —— costs.
USING: the act of using, eating, or drinking something
tüketim, sarf, harcama, yeme, içme, kullanma
products sold for personal ——-

- consumption
TRY : If you pursue a plan, activity, or situation, you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time.
elde etmeye çalışmak, kovalamak
She decided to —— a career in television.
FOLLOW to follow someone or something, usually to try to catch them
kovalamak, peşinden koşmak, takip etmek
The car was ——-d by helicopters.
—— a matter : to try to discover informationabout something
incelemek, araştırmak, bilgi toplamaya çalışmak
We will not be ——-ing this matter any further.
Just as scientists, researchers and industries are —–ing better ways to produce energy, individuals and businesses are also coming up with new ideas and implementing better ways to satisfy their individual energy needs The Earth has experienced many manmade environmental disasters in recent history.

- pursue
adjective : SHOCKING : making someone very shocked and upset
şaşkına çeviren, şok edici, yıkıcı, perişan eden
Despite the ——- news, no one is giving up hope.
DESTROYING : causing a lot of damage or destruction
yıkıcı, mahvedici, yok edici
The fire has had a —— effect on the localwildlife.
The recent British Petroleum (BP) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has many individuals concerned about the ——– effects the oil is having on the environment.

- devastating
adjective : relating to birds, fish, or animals that migrate

göçmen, göç eden (kuşlar, balıklar, hayvanlar)
The damage this disaster has caused is already affecting the wildlife in the area, ——– animals that visit the affected areas, and the economy and health of those who live and work in the Gulf coast region.
- migratory
verb : to become less, or to make something become less

azal(t)mak, eksil(t)mek
Your pain should —– gradually after taking these tablets.
Underdeveloped countries are only beginning to benefit from oil and gas products, continuing to increase demand for energy as these natural nonrenewable resources are —–ing.
- diminish
noun : COLLECTING [C, U] : the time when crops are cut and collected from fields
hasat, harman, ürün kaldırma
CROPS [C] : the quality or amount of crops that are collected
hasat kalitesi/miktarı
The experts can only estimate what damages are currently occurring as we continue to —– the oil and gas reserves that are being taken or what problems will be present if the supply is exhausted.

- harvest