Levi Strauss Flashcards
noun : someone who comes to live in a different country
göçmen, muhacir
Levi Strauss was a German-Jewish ——- to the United States who founded the first company to manufacture blue jeans.

- immigrant

noun : a piece of clothing

giysi, elbise
While Strauss was not the “inventor” of the —– known worldwide today as “Levi’s,” he was surely responsible for its success
- garment

noun [C] : TREE : one of the many parts of a tree that grows out from its trunk (= main, vertical part)
dal ,kol, ağaç dalı
BUSINESS : one of several shops, offices, etc that are part of a company or organization
şube, branş
a bank with ——es all over the country
SUBJECT : a part of a subject
bir konunun bölümü
Neurology is a —— of medicine.
He subsequently joined his two older brothers and his sister Fanny in San Francisco to establish a —– of the business there.

- branch

past of bring

getirmek’ fiilinin geçmiş zaman hali
- brought

adjective [always before noun]
happening after something else
sonraki, müteakip, takip eden, sonra gelen
He ——- joined his two older brothers and his sister Fanny in San Francisco to establish a branchof the business there.

- subsequent

adjective : extremely interesting or exciting

son derece ilginç, müthiş, heyecan verici
I found the film absolutely ——-.
Davis could not afford the $81 needed to apply for a patent for his —— process, so he asked Strauss if he would pay the fee and share the patent
- riveting

verb : to watch work as it is done in order to make certain that it is done correctly

nezaret etmek, denetlemek, gözetmek
A committee has been set up to ——- the project.
Strauss brought Davis to San Francisco to —– the pant manufacturing.
- oversee

adjective : used after the name of companies that have been organized in a particular legal way

anonim şirket
They formed their own company, Broadcast Music ——.
In 1890, Strauss ——- the business with his sister’s four sons and placed them in charge of day-to-day operations.
- Incorporated

noun : someone who is related to someone who lived a long time ago

soyundan gelen kimse
She is a —— of Queen Victoria.
The firm remains a family business owned and managed by Strauss ——–.
- descendant