What are the Different Types of Aikido Weapons? Flashcards
– —— —– sth: suitable or right for a situation, style, or tradition

uyumlu, uygun olma
The antique desk was – —– —- the rest of the furniture in the room.
– —– — its emphasis on defense over offense, aikido weapons training does not focus on teaching practitioners how to attack with weapons, but on how to defend themselves in the event of being attacked.
- in keeping with sth

noun : IMPORTANCE: B2 particular importance or attention that you give to something
önem, ehemmiyet
Schools are starting to place/put greater —- on passing exams.
WORD: the extra force that you give to a word or part of a word when you are saying it
vurgu, vurgulama
The —– is on the final syllable.
In keeping with its —— on defense over offense, aikido weapons training does not focus on teaching practitioners how to attack with weapons, but on how to defend themselves in the event of being attacked.

- emphasis

adverb, preposition : B1 under something

Florian was wearing a jacket with a red shirt —-.
Deborah pushed her shoes —– the bed.
- underneath

noun : the part of your body under your arm, where your arm meets your shoulder

The jo is a short staff. The length of the jo depends on the height of the practitioner; standing vertically, it should come up to just underneath the —–.
- armpit

adjective: B1 having patience
sabırlı, tahammüllü
You need to be —- with children.
—–ly adverb: sabırlı bir şekilde

- patient

adjective :B2 relating to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs

manevî, dinsel
a —– leader
With its slow and patient form, aikido is also well-suited for —– meditation, and is often practiced for that purpose.
- spiritual