Fallout 4 Trailer Lets Waiting Fans Exhale Flashcards
phrasal verb : CRITICIZE : to tell someone that they have done something wrong and that you are angry about it
azarlamak, paylamak, haşlamak
I got —-ed — for not going to the meeting.
ANNOY : to annoy someone
rahatsız etmek; canını sıkmak
The last second has since —-ed —– the countdown timer on the teaser site, and Fallout 4’s official website has gone live.
- tick sb off
noun : WORDS : something that someone says or writes officially
ifade, beyan, söz
The prime minister is expected to make a —— later today.
MONEY also bank statement : a piece of paper that shows how much money you have put into yourbank account and how much you have taken out
hesap cüzdanı, hesap özeti
It was a ——-, not a question.
- statement
verb : AGREE : to agree with a decision, especially a legal one, and say it was correct
uygun bulmak, onaylamak, kabul etmek
The court —— (V2) the ruling.
SUPPORT : to support a decision, principle, or law
arka çıkmak, desteklemek
Police officers are expected to —– the law.
The government needs to reduce its budget while continuing to —– educational standards in this country.
- uphold
adjective : not important in a particular situation
ilgisiz, konu dışı, yersiz, gereksiz
The car had faults but these were —— to the crash.
The strict rules of their noble births seemed —— now.
- irrelevant
adjective : very beautiful
çok güzel, fevkalâde, şahane, mükemmel
——– views over the city
She’s ——.
——-ly adverb : göz alıcı bir şekilde
a ——ly beautiful woman
“While many of those games are ——-ly beautiful, it is always nice to have an alternative.”
- stunning
adjective : ___-__ feelings are feelings that you have not expressed for a longtime.
(duygular) bastırılmış, uzun süre baskılanmış/gizlenmiş/dışa vurulmamış
__-__ anger
There’s __-__ demand for new entry in the Fallout series, and – as is the case with any major title – the content will have to be there to meet the hype, remarked IHS’ Arrington.
- pent-up
noun : IDEA : the idea or principle that something is based on
temel, esas, asıl
Jefferson’s document formed the —– of a new nation.
STARTING : the process of establishing an organization, state, or country
kurma, kuruluş, tesis
the ——- of a new state
ORGANIZATION : an organization that gives money for a particular purpose
the Mental Health ——–
foundations [plural] mainly uk us foundation [C]
the part of a building, road, bridge, etc that is under the groundand supports it
concrete ———s
MAKE-UP : make-up that is worn all over the face to give it a smooth appearance
makyaj, fondöten
be without ——-; have no ——
If something is without ——-, there is no proof that it is true.
hiç bir temele/esasa dayanmayan, temelsiz, asılsız, kanıtı olmayan
The allegations are completely without ——-.
- foundation
verb : formal to change something from one position to another, or to exchange the positions of two things:
yerini değiştirmek, aktarmak
In their latest production they have reworked “King Lear”, ——–ing it to pre-colonial Africa.
specialized music to play or write a piece of music in a different key (= set of musical notes based on a particular note) from the one used originally:
The pianist ——-d the song into C.
Fallout 3 ——-d the series’ role-playing game elements, shifting from the top-down, isometric viewpoint of the first two games into a first-person shooter.
- transpose
noun [plural] : money or other advantages that you may get or lose in a competition or situation
bahis/yarışmada elde edilen/kaybedilen para ve çıkarlar
People get very competitive because the —– are so high.
“The —– are fairly high,” said Arrington.
- stakes
phrasal verb : NO MONEY : to give something to someone without asking for any money
(ücretsiz) elden çıkarmak, vermek
They’re —-ing —– a CD with this magazine.
SECRET : to let someone know a secret, often without intending to
bir sırrı açıklamak, ifşa etmek, açığa vurmak
The party was meant to be a surprise, but Caroline —- it —-.
Landmarks such as Paul Revere’s statue and the USS Constitution point to that locale, but nothing has been sussed out, thus far, to —– —– the game’s period.
- give sth away
Landmarks such as Paul Revere’s statue and the USS Constitution point to that locale, but nothing has been —— —-, thus far, to give away the game’s period.
- sussed out
noun : a hard substance that is used in building and is made by mixingsand, water, small stones, and cement (= grey powder that is mixedwith water and becomes hard when it dries)
——– blocks
The company has promised to divulge —— details about Fallout 4 at E3, just weeks away.
- concrete
phrasal verb : ACTIVITY : to start doing a particular job or activity
…a/e başlamak; iş yapmaya başlamak; bir şeye koyulmak/kalkışmak
I thought I might —– – cycling.
TIME/SPACE : to use an amount of time or space
kaldığı yerden devam etmek; bıraktığı yerden başlamak
This desk —-s — too much space.
The company has promised to ——- concrete details about Fallout 4 at E3, just weeks away.
- divulge
verb : to use a law, rule, etc to support what you are saying or doing
destek almak, yalvarmak, yardım istemek
The President may —— federal law to stop the strike.
Fallout 4’s confirmation on Wednesday may have ——d more feelings of relief than surprise.
- invoke
verb : to obey an order, rule, or request
itaat etmek, razı olmak, muvafakat etmek
The pilot ——ied with instructions to descend.
He was jailed for refusing to —— with the court order.
- comply