Facebook Messenger chats its way to 700 million users Flashcards
adjective : IMPORTANT : important or famous
önemli, ünlü, meşhur, herkesçe bilinen, topluma malolmuş
a ——– figure
NOTICEABLE : very easy to see or notice
göze çarpan, çok kolay görülebilen
a ——— feature
———-ly adverb : önemli ve ünlü olarak
Last February, Facebook took a big step toward playing a ——— role in messaging when it acquired WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging application, for approximately $22 billion.

- prominent
verb : ENCOURAGE INTEREST : to make people come to a place or do a particular thing by being interesting, enjoyable, etc
çekmek, cezbetmek
Between his two messaging platforms, Zuckerberg has now —– 1.5 billion monthly users. He didn’t say how many of those people overlap.
MOVE : If something ——s a substance or object, it causes it to move towards it.
çekmek, harekete geçirmek
Magnets —– metal.

- attract
preposition : used to say that something happened or is true, although something else makes this seem not probable
… e/a rağmen/karşın
I’m still pleased with the house —- all the problems we’ve had.
——– the massive numbers, Facebook’s apps, while leading, are not the only healthy players in the field. China-based WeChat, for example, announced in March that it has 500 million monthly active users. Another messaging app, Kik, has 200 million users.
—– yourself : If you do something —- yourself, you do it although you did not intend to.
arzu etmemesine rağmen

- despite
noun : —– on sb/sth : the fact of depending on someone or something
birine/bir şeye bağlılık/güven/itimat/emniyet
our increasing —– on computers
The —— on traditional texting has therefore declined and people are communicating with friends on apps they install on their mobile devices.

- reliance

verb : REFUSE [I, T] formal : If you —- something, you refuse it politely.
geri çevirmek, reddetmek
She ——d his offer of a lift.
The reliance on traditional texting has therefore ——d and people are communicating with friends on apps they install on their mobile devices.
BECOME LESS : to become less in amount, importance, quality, or strength
(miktar, önem, kalite, güç vb.) düşmek, azalmak
Sales of records have ——d steadily.

- decline