Kitesurfing Flashcards
noun :activities that you do for enjoyment when you are not working
eğlence, dinlenme, hoşça vakit geçirme için yapılan aktiviteler
Shopping seems to be her only form of ——-.
———al adjective
eğlence için yapılan
Kitesurfing as a ———al sport began in the 1980s, but didn’t gain popularity until the turn of the millennium.

verb : SIZE [I] also swell up to increase in size
şişmek, kabarmak
One side of his face had ——en up where he’d been stung.
AMOUNT [I, T] to increase in amount because more things are added
çoğalmak, miktarı artmak
The population of the region was —–en by refugees from across the border.
In 2005 that number had ——ed to nearly 100,000.

- swell
noun :formal an idea that you use to support another theory

başka bir kuramı desteklemek için kullanılan fikir/düşünce; varsayım, faraziye, hipotez
The ——– of kitesurfing is simple: by using a large, powerful kite for propulsion, and standing or sitting on some form of transportation, the kitesurfer is able to reach high speeds and perform amazing and exhilarating stunts.
- premise
noun : DANGER something dangerous that needs great skill, usually done by someone in a film
tehlikeli film sahnesi/numarası
He always does his own —–s.
ATTENTION something that is done to get people’s attention
hüner, gösteri, ustalık, numara
Their marriage was just a cheap publicity —–.
The premise of kitesurfing is simple: by using a large, powerful kite for propulsion, and standing or sitting on some form of transportation, the kitesurfer is able to reach high speeds and perform amazing and exhilarating —–s.

- stunts
noun : CHAIR uk us stroller a chair on wheels that is used to move small children
bebek arabası, puset
Small ——-s are also used by some kitesurfers, though the lack of mobility makes this less enticing for many kitesurfers searching for tricks.
VEHICLE a vehicle with two wheels that is pulled by a horse, especially in the past
iki tekerlekli at arabası

- buggy
verb: to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant
ayartmak, baştan çıkarmak, kandırmak, kanına girmek
[+ to do sth] Supermarkets use all sorts of tricks to —– you to buy things.
——ing adjective : attracting you by offering you something pleasant
baştan çıkaran, kandıran, ayartan, kanına giren
Small buggies are also used by some kitesurfers, though the lack of mobility makes this less —-ing for many kitesurfers searching for tricks.

- entice
noun :
(WHEEL/TYRE) the ability of a wheel or tyre to hold the ground without sliding:
Çekiş gücü, çekiş, taşıma.
In deep snow, people should use snow tyres on their vehicles to give them better —–.
These are skateboards with large wheels for added ——-, which allow very high speeds and tricks such as jumps and turns.

- traction
adverb : FINALLY finally, after a series of things have happened
sonunda, nihayetinde, eninde sonunda
The disease ——- killed him.
MOST IMPORTANT used to emphasize the most important fact in a situation
temelde, aslında, esasında
———, he’ll have to decide.
———, anything which can move outdoors and needs propulsion can be teamed up with a large kite to generate the necessary power
- Ultimately
phrasal verb : to join someone and work together with them to do something

ekip oluşturmak, grup kurmak, bir araya gelmek
I ——ed — with Brendan for the doubles tournament.
Ultimately, anything which can move outdoors and needs propulsion can be —–ed — with a large kite to generate the necessary power
- team up