John Lewis Clarke Flashcards
verb : to move around a place without any purpose

gezinmek, avare avare dolaşmak
Gangs of youths —– the streets at night
In Glacier National Park, there once —–ed a little deaf Indian boy.
- roam
adjective : unable to hear
Many —- people learn to lip read.
In Glacier National Park, there once roamed a little —- Indian boy.
be —– to sth : to refuse to listen to something dinlememek,
kulaklarını tıkamak, söylenenlere itibar etmemek
—–ness noun [U] : sağırlık

- deaf
verb : WALK [I, T] : to walk slowly about a place without any purpose
gezinip durmak, boş boş dolaşmak, amaçsızca gezinmek
He loved to —– in the forest, and make friends with the animals that lived there.
LEAVE PLACE [I] also wander off
to walk away from the place where you should be
yürüyerek uzaklaşmak, ayrılmak, terketmek
He was here a moment ago - he must have —-ed off.
sb’s attention/mind/thoughts, etc —- : If someone’s attention/mind, etc —-s, they start thinking about one subject when they should be thinking about a different subject.
dağılmak, başka alemlere dalmak, asıl konudan uzaklaşmak, dalıp gitmek
I was bored and my thoughts started to —–.

- wander
adjective : be —– on sth/doing sth : to be determined to do or achieve something
azimli olmak, kararlı/kendini kaptırmış olmak
She seems —- on winning this year’s tennis tournament.
giving a lot of attention to something
ilgili, dikkatli
She had an —— look on her face.
—–ly adverb : amaçlı
Since he loved animals, he would observe them ——-ly and learn their habits.
—— : noun : what someone wants and plans to do
niyet, amaç, maksat, kasıt
It had not been his —- to hurt anyone.
—–ion : noun : something that you want and plan to do
niyet, maksat, kasıt, amaç, tasarı
She announced her —-ion to resign.
I have no —-ion of seeing him again.

- intent
noun : a bright red colour
parlak kırmızı, al
—– adjective
parlak kırmızı

- scarlet
noun : a type of heavy soil that becomes hard when dry, used for making things such as bricks and containers

a — pot
He made fiqures of them out of —- from the river banks.
- clay
verb : SHAPE
to make an object, a shape, or a pattern by cutting wood, stone, etc
oymak, kazımak, yontmak
Later when he was older, he learned to —- things out of wood.

- carve
noun : TREE : the thick stem of a tree that the branches grow from
gövde, ağaç gövdesi
With an axe and a pocket knife, he carved a life-sized image of a bear from a tree ——.
CONTAINER : a large box with a lid that you store things in
BODY : the main part of your body, not your head, legs, or arms
gövde, insan gövdesi
CAR us uk boot : a closed space at the back of a car for storing things in
NOSE : the long nose of an elephant (= large, grey animal)
fil hortumu

- trunk
verb : If a dog or similar animal —-s, it makes a deep, angry noise in its throat.
The bear looked so real, the only thing missing was its —–.
—– noun [C]

- growl
verb : to become or make someone become an official member of a course, college, or group
(kurs, okul, grup vb.) kaydetmek, kaydolmak; yazılmak, yazmak
I’ve uk —–ed on/ us enrolled in a creative writing course.
When he was older, he —–ed at St. Francis Academy in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he studied wood carving.
—–ment noun

- enrol