Cryrptozoology Flashcards
verb : to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but not prove it

iddia etmek, öne sürmek, kanıtsız suçlamak
The teacher is ——d to have hit a student.
Cyrptozoology relies on legends and folklores and the stories and ——d sightings of mysterious beast bu indigeneus people, explorers and travelers.
- allege
noun : an occasion when you see something that is rare or unusual

görme, görülme, görünme, rastlama
UFO ——-s
Cyrptozoology relies on legends and folklores and the stories and alleged ——-s of mysterious beast bu indigeneus people, explorers and travelers.
- sighting
noun : ANIMAL : an animal, especially a large or wild one
büyük ve vahşi bir hayvan
lions, tigers and other wild ——-s
Cyrptozoology relies on legends and folklores and the stories and alleged sightings of mysterious —– but indigeneus people, explorers and travelers.
PERSON old-fashioned : an annoying or cruel person
kaba ve iğrenç adam, hınzır
Her ex-husband was an absolute ——.

- beast
adjective : having always lived or existed in a place

——– peoples
The kangaroo is ——- to Australia.
Cyrptozoology relies on legends and folklores and the stories and alleged sightings of mysterious beast bu —— people, explorers and travelers.
- indigenous
noun : EXISTING : the state of existing
varlık, var oluş, mevcudiyet
She never doubted the —— of God.
Since cyrpto-zoologists try to establish the —— of creatures, rather than axamining actual animals, they are more like researcher than zoologist.
LIFE [C] : a particular way of life
hayat, yaşam, varlık
We could have a much more peaceful ——- in the countryside.

- existence
adjective : not working or existing now

işlevini yitirmiş, geçerli olmayan, çalışmayan, atıl
This focus on evaluating the evidance for “cryptids” was continued by the İnternational Society for Cryptozoology which is now ——-.
- defunct